RCAF Aviation History: Air Marshal Wilfred Austin Curtis, OC, CB, CBE, DSC & Bar, ED, CD
Air Marshal Wilfred Austin Curtis, OC, CB, CBE, DSC & Bar, ED, CD

(RCAF Archives Photo)
A/M W.A. Curtis (21 August 1893 – 14 August 1977) was a Canadian airman and Chief of the Air Staff of the RCAF from 1947 until 1953. He was born in Havelock, Ontario, having received his early education in Toronto. He then joined the infantry of the CEF in 1915. After he graduated on 11 Aug 1916, he joinedthe RNAS as a fighter pilot. In1917 Curtis was promoted to captain and awarded the DSC (DSC) for his skill and courage. The award citation read:
Flt. Sub-Lieut. (act. Flt. Lieut.) Wilfred Austin Curtis, RNAS. Forconspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has on many occasions destroyedand driven out of control enemy machines. On 21 October 1917, in a combinedattack with two other pilots, he sent down an enemy machine in flames, andtwenty minutes later he followed another enemy scout from 10,000 to 2,000 feet,and sent it down in a vertical dive, which ended in a crash.
In 1918, Curtis was awarded a Bar to the DSC. He was a highly successful fighter pilot,shooting down 13 enemy aircraft confirmed. In April 1918, he was transferred to the RAF.
On his return to Canada, he maintained his interest in military as well as civil aviation. During the late1920s and early 1930s, he served as an officer in the Toronto Scottish Regiment Reserve. In 1933, he became involved in the formation of No. 10 (ArmyCo-operation) Squadron. Curtis became theOfficer Commanding in 1935 and initiated experimental air operations in mid-northern Ontario.
W/C Curtis was called to active duty in the RCAF on 1 Sep1939 and became deputy air officer commanding, RCAF Overseas Headquarters inLondon in 1941. He became a member of the Air Council in 1944. In 1947 he was appointed Chief of theAir Staff. In this position he guidedthe RCAF through the difficult stages of reorganization which followed the warand through the expansion of Canada's participation in the Korean War and NATO. He received French, American and Italiandecorations in recognition of his contributions. He remained Chief of the AirStaff until his retirement in January 1953.
On his retirement from the RCAF he acceptedthe position of Vice-Chairman of Hawker Siddeley Canada, where hecontinued to have a substantial impact on the development of aviation in Canada. He always devoted time to other aviationconcerns. He was the President of theRCAF Association for two years until he was appointed Grand President of thatorganization, founded and organized the Canadian National Air Show in 1939 andserved as chairman of its scholarship fund and was appointed the Honorary WingCommander of the No. 400 (City of Toronto) Squadron.
Other interests included the chairmanship ofthe committee that formed York University, of which he was electedChancellor in 1960. Heserved as Chairman of the Canadian Opera Company and President of the CanadianInter American Association.
A/M Curtis had a great interest in thedevelopment of the Canadian aircraft industry. During his term of office, he continually andsuccessfully directed his efforts to secure money for experimental work on andproduction of a jet trainer and twin engine fighters, the Avro CF-100Canuck and the Avro CF-105 Arrow suitable for interception operationsin the northern Canadian climate. Earlyin the Cold War, he convinced the cabinet that the RCAF should make a majorcontribution to NATO. This resulted inan Air division of twelve Canadair CL-13 Sabrefighter squadrons beingdispatched to Europe. This majorcontribution of 300 front line aircraft was the principal air defense force onthat continent during the 1950s. (Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame)