Canadian Warplanes 5: Beechcraft CT-145 Super King Air, C-90 King Air and Raytheon B200 King Air
Beechcraft CT-145 Super King Air, C-90 King Air, King Air 350ER, and Raytheon B200 King Air, RCAF

(Ahunt Photo)
Beechcraft C-90 King Air, C-FMFY (Serial No. LJ-1749), belonging to Allied Wings and assigned to 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
The Beechcraft King Air is a twin-turboprop utility aircraft developed in the 1960s. The Canadian Forces (CF) took delivery of two second-hand early-production Model 200 Super King Airs leased from Awood Air in 1990. These were given the designation CT-145 under the CF's identification system and were used as multi-engine trainers. One was subsequently returned to the lessor and a third Model 200 placed into service in order that the two aircraft used would have the same cockpit layout. The two aircraft were replaced by eight civilian-operated 90 Model King Airs in 1995.
On 3 Oct 2018 highly modified King Air 350ER surveillance aircraft were approved for sale by the US Government to the Government of Canada for an estimated cost of US$300 million. These RCAF aircraft will fly in the manned airborne ISR (MAISR) role, and will be equipped with unique modifications for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations. The RCAF will use these aircraft to improve the ability of its Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM), to meet current and future threats, strengthen its homeland defense and the combined defense of North America and support coalition partners overseas.
These aircraft are typically flown with a crew of three including two pilots and a systems operator with a wide variety of modern technology under his or her control. The aircraft will be equipped with three WESCAM MX-15D electro-optical and infrared imaging sensors; three AN/AAR-47B(V)2 missile and laser warning systems; three AN/ALE-47 countermeasure dispenser systems; three VORTEX Dual RF Ku LOS transceivers; three COMSEC modules (KGV-135A); two APM-424(V)5 transponder test sets; five KIV-77 Mode 4/5 crypto applique computers for identification friend or foe (IFF); three AN/APX-119 IFF digital civil and military transponders; six ARC-210 multimode voice and data transceivers; and three KG-250X National Security Agency-certified type 1 inline network encryptors. (Wikipedia)

(CambridgeBayWeather Photo)
Beechcraft Model 90 King Air, C-FMFS (Serial No.).
Beechcraft CT-145 Super King Air (3). (Serial Nos. 145201-two different aircraft, 145202), Model 90 King Air (8) C-FMFQ (Serial No. LJ-1740), C-FMFR (Serial No. LJ-1744), C-FMFS (Serial No. LJ-1745), C-FMFD (Serial No. LJ-1746), C-FMFX (Serial No. LJ-1747), C-FMFY (Serial No. LJ-1749), C-FMFZ (Serial No. LJ-1750), for a total of 11 aircraft.

(Peter Bakema Photo)
Raytheon B200 King Air, C-GDVF contracted to CAF 8 Wing, Trenton.

(Alain Rioux Photo)
Raytheon B200 King Air, C-GDVF contracted to CAF 8 Wing, Trenton.

(Corporal Rod Doucet, RCAF Photo, TN05-2016-0802-00)
Raytheon King Air 350, C-GPDC, which operates out of 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario. It is the first RCAF aircraft to receive the new paint scheme.

(Mike Kehler Photo)
Raytheon King Air 350, C-GSYC, from CFB Trenton, Ontario.

(DND Photo)
Raytheon King Air 350, CFMS.