Canadian Expeditionary Force (9) Canadian Army Pay Corps
Canadian Army Pay Corps

Department of the Auditor General
Prior to the First World War there was only a need for a very small Pay Corps Staff by the end of the First World War a staff of 1000 other ranks was working in England as well as a small staff on the Continent. The function of the Canadian Army Pay Corps was the administration of matters relating to Pay and allowances of All Ranks. Payment of all debts incurred by the Canadian Government with its contractors, with the British, and with other Governments and making of all payments to the troops of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada and to their dependants. In France there was a Field Cashier for each Division and one for Corps Troops each with a Paymasters and OR’s for clerical work. In England where the bulk of the record keeping was kept, the Canadian Army Pay Corps Ledgers were posted during the day and these were checked by staff from the Auditor General’s Staff each night. The Department of the Auditor General was established by Order in Council 1614 in 1917.

Canadian Army Pay Corps
The Corps was formed as the Canadian Army Pay Corps (CAPC) under General Order 168 of 1906 with effect from 1January 1907. The establishment was set at 11 Officers and 22 other ranks. Prior to the formation of the CAPC district paymasters belonging to the Militia Staffs formed part of the Volunteer and Service Militia Corps. By the outbreak of the First World War in August 1914 the establishment of the C.A.P.C. had been increased to 16 Officers and 44 Other ranks. A Chief Paymaster, five officers with 14 other ranks sailed for England with the 1st Contingent in October 1914. Each CEF Battalion had a Paymaster and Pay Sergeant who were members of the unit in which they served but did not belong to the C.A.P.C. In 1917 all Paymasters and Pay Sergeants were transferred to the Canadian Army Pay Corps. By the war’s end almost 2000 personnel, both military and civilian, were serving overseas with the C.A.P.C. Under General Order 2 of 2 January 1919 the establishment of the Canadian Army Pay Corps C.E.F. in Canada was set at 245 Officers and 615 other ranks. Under General Order 90 of November 3rd 1919 the establishment of the Permanent Canadian Army Pay Corps was set at 40 officers and 100 other ranks however only 20 officers and 70 other ranks were appointed. Under General Order 190 of 1 November 1920 King George V granted the Canadian Permanent Army Pay Corps the designation ‘Royal’ for their services in the First World War. (Chris Brooker)