Canadian Expeditionary Force (10) Canadian Army Postal Corps
Canadian Army Postal Corps
(Fredericton Museum Collection, Author Photo)
Canadian Army Postal Corps
The Canadian Postal Corps was raised on 3 May 1911 with 8 detachments representing most of the Military Areas in Canada. On 11 September 1914 No. 4 Postal Detachment, Canadian Postal Corps from Montreal was ordered to Camp Valcartier to take up postal duties at Camp Valcartier. In addition one officer and 16 OR’s were selected from the NPAM to join the CEF. Of these one Officer and 8 OR’s sailed with the first contingent in October 1914.

(Fredericton Museum Collection, Author Photo)
Canadian Postal Corps Overseas.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3383463)
A Canadian General Post Office (GPO) in the field in France. Hundreds of thousands of letters from Canada pass through this link, cheering the soldiers in the field, August 1917.