Warplanes of the USA: West Virginia, Charleston to Weirton
Warplanes preserved in West Virginia
Charleston, West Virginia Air National Guard, 25311-5000.
(USAF Photo)
The last North American Aviation P-51 Mustangs in squadron service with the United States Air Force were retired from the 167th Fighter Squadron, West Virginia Air National Guard, 27 January 1957. This Mustang, F-51D-25-NA (Serial No. 44-72948), is on display at the WV ANG headquarters, Yeager Regional Airport, Charleston, WV.
(Mark Hrutkay Photo)
North American F-51D-25-NA Mustang (Serial No. 44-72948), “Wham Bam”, West Virginia Air National Guard 948, gate guard. This aircraft was the last Mustang to fly on active duty in the USA.
(Daniel Penfield Photo)
North American P-51D-30NT Mustang (Serial No. ), “Quicksilver”, Reg. No. N51HY. Rancho Linda Vista LLC.
Martinsburg, West Virginia Air National Guard, 167th AG, Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport, 25401.
(Murphy's Law Photo)
North American F-86H Sabre (Serial No. 52-2058), C/N 187-84.
Milton, War Memorial Park.
(Tony Hoggard Photos)
North American F-86L Sabre Dog (Serial No. 51-6078), C/N 173-222., mounted on a concrete pylon.
Weirton, Brooke-Hancock County Veterans Memorial Bridge & Park, 26062.
(Bruce S Photo)
Bell AH-1F Cobra Helicopter (Serial No. 66-15307), C/N 20063.
(Bruce S Photo)
LTV A-7D Corsair II (Serial No. 69-6241), PT, C/N D-071.