Warplanes of the USA: Republic XF-84 H Thunderscreach
Republic XF-84 H Thunderscreach

(USAF Photo)
Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech (Serial No. 51-17059). The turboprop-driven XF-84H was a joint Air Force/Navy project designed to combine the speed of jet aircraft with the long range, low fuel consumption, and low landing speed of propeller-driven aircraft. The XF-84H’s modified F-84F airframe included a T-tail and a triangular fin behind the cockpit to reduce the effect of torque from the propellers. Between July 1955 and October 1956, two XF-84Hs made 12 test flights. 11 of these flights ended with emergency landings. Although the XF-84H was one of the fastest single-engine, propeller-driven aircraft ever built, it never approached supersonic speed. Due to poor performance and high maintenance requirements, the XF-84H never became operational. The aircraft on display in the NMUSAF was the first of the two prototypes produced by Republic, and it flew 8 of the 12 test flights. (Wikipedia)

(USAF Photo)
Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech (Serial No. 51-17060).

(NMUSAF Photos)
Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech (Serial No. 51-17060), on display in the NMUSAF, Dayton, Ohio.