Warplanes of Japan: Kawasaki Ki-96
Kawasaki Ki-96

(IJAAF Photo)
Kawaskai Ki-96 Experimental Twin-engine single-seat fighter.
The Kawasaki Ki-96 was a Japanese singleseat, twin-engine heavy fighter of the Second World War. It was intended toreplace the Kawasaki Ki-45s of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service. However,it was not adopted and only three prototypes were built.
The success of the Kawasaki Ki-45 led Kawasaki to start development of anevolved version, on Kawasaki's own authority, in August 1942. Like the Ki-45,the proposed design was a two-seat, twin-engine fighter, but larger and usingmore powerful engines. In December 1942 the Koku Hombu (Imperial Japanese ArmyAviation Bureau) showed interest, but asked Kawasaki to complete the aircraftas single-seat fighters. The first prototype, which was converted while beingproduced and which retained the larger cockpit canopy intended for thetwo-seater, flew in September 1943. The two remaining prototypes were builtfrom the start as single-seaters and were fitted with a smaller canopy.
Despite demonstrating performance exceeding estimates and excellent handling,the Army's requirements had changed back to a two-seat fighter, so furtherdevelopment of the Ki-96 was stopped. The wings and tail unit of the Ki-96would however form part of the structure of the Ki-102 two-seat fighter. (Wikipedia)

(IJAAF Photos)
Kawaskai Ki-96 Experimental twin-engine single-seat fighter.