Warplanes of Italy: Regia Aeronautica, Macchi fighters and bombers
Italian Regia Aeronautica Warplanes of the Second World War: Macchi fighters and bombers

Macchi M.C.94, transport. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.100, transport. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta (Crossbow Bolt), fighter. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Aldo Bidini Photo)

(Alan Wilson Photo)
Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, MM5311, 1-369, (MM8307), on display in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, 357, captured in Italy by USAAF. (USAAF Photo)

(NMUSAF Photos)

(Valder137 Photos)
Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, MM5311, 1-369, (MM8307), on display in the National Museum of the USAF, Dayton, Ohio.

Macchi M.C.201, fighter. (Regia Aeronautica Photo)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, captured and coded AN of RCAF No. 417 Squadron at Castel Benito, Italy, repainted in RAF colours. (RAF Photos)

(Zerosei Photos)

(Alan Wilson Photo)
Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter. on display in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), captured by US forces and named "Whacky Macchi". (USAAF Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), USA FE-489. This aircraft is now in the NASM. (USAAF Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), USA FE-489, on display in the NASM, Washington, D.C. (Cliff Photos)

Macchi M.C.205N Orione (Orion), fighter. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.205V, fighter. (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Anidaat Photo)
Macchi M.C.205V, fighter.