Warplanes of Germany: Luftwaffe Dornier Do 24
Dornier Do 24

(Luftwaffe Photo)
The Dornier Do 24 is a 1930s German three-engine flying boat designed by the Dornier Flugzeugwerke for maritime patrol and search and rescue. A total of 279 were built among several factories from 1937 to 1945. The Dornier Do 24 was a Luftwaffe air-sea rescue and transport flying boat powered by three BMW-Bramo 323R-2 Fafnir nine-cylinder radial engines. With 1,000 hp each for takeoff. It had a maximum speed of 206-mph, a service ceiling of 24,605’, and a range of 2,920 miles. It weighed 20,723 lbs empty and could be loaded to 40,565 lbs. Its wingspan is 88’7”, its length is 72’4” and its height is 18’10”. It was armed with one 7.9-mm MG 15 machinegun in the bow and in the stern turrets and one 20-mm Hispano Suiza 404 cannon in a dorsal turret. (Wikipedia)

(Luftwaffe Photo)
Dornier Do 24, reconnaissance bomber flying boat in Luftwaffe service.

(Luftwaffe Photo)
Dornier Do 24T-3 seaplane on the water.

(Stahlkocher Photo)
A fuselage of a Dornier Do 24T-3 at the “Technik Museum Speyer”, Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It was salvaged from Lake Müritz, Germany, in 1991.

(Stahlkocher Photo)
Dornier Do 24T-3, (Wk. Nr. No. 5342), coded X-24, formerly EC-DAF, is on loan to the Militaire Luchtvaart Museum in the Netherlands from the RAF Museum, Hendon, UK.

(Soviet Air Force Photo)
Dornier Do 24 (Wk. Nr. unknown) in Soviet Air Force markings.