Video, Television, and Radio Interviews with the Author
Video, Television, and Radio Interviews with the Author

The York Sunbury Society put together an exhibit to honour the Carleton and York Regiment in the Italian campaign at our Fredericton Region Museum. The surprize is that the presentation is being aired in Italy!
Remembrance Week 2024: dal New Brunswick ai campi di battaglia italiani 1943-45

Join the Memory Project for an online panel discussion featuring three Memory Project speakers, moderated by Lisa LaFlamme, O.C., O.Ont. This panel was recorded live on 7 November 2022.
Maj (Ret’d) Bob Crane served in the Canadian Army as a Peacekeeper. He is a veteran of the UN missions in Israel and Syria (UNDOF) and Iran and Iraq (UNIIMOG), and a veteran of the Gulf War. He served in the United States on exchange duty, and in the Arctic. When he was part of the Forces, he was the most senior Indigenous serving member. As a civilian, he also served in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Afghanistan, and Kosovo.
Sgt Shirley Jew has served in both the Reserve and Regular Forces, first as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op), and then as part of military intelligence. She was deployed domestically and internationally, taking part in the UN mission in the Golan Heights (UNDOF) in 1992-93 and on a tour in Afghanistan in 2011. When she returned from Afghanistan she rescued a dog, Snoopy, who is now a trained Service K9. Sgt Jew is currently a Certified Master Dog Trainer under MSAR Service Dogs, and the head tester for Courageous Companions, MSAR Service Dogs, and the Canadian Association of Service Dog Trainers.
Major (Ret’d) Harold (Hal) Skaarup was an Army Intelligence Officer for most of his 40 years of service in the Canadian Forces, from 1971 to 2011. He served with the Canadian Forces Parachute Team, the Sky Hawks (1977-80), and was the Regimental Intelligence Officer for the Canadian Airborne Regiment (1986-89). He served overseas in Cyprus with the United Nations in 1986, in Bosnia-Herzegovina with the Peace Stabilization Force (SFOR) in 1997, and with NORAD in Colorado (1999-2003). He served as the G2 in Halifax, and was the Deputy G2 and Chief of Intelligence Assessments on the staff of the Kabul Multinational Brigade (KMNB) as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2004.

Give this CBC interview a listen for more about cannon preserved in Newfoundland:

(German Federal Archives/Cygni_18; CC BY-SA Photo)aunch of a V-2 rocket from Test Stand VII at Peenemünde, Germany, to its first successful flight. The rocket reached an altitude of 84.5 kilometres, 3 October 1942.
CBC interview, Farley Mowat smuggled a V-2 rocket into Canada in 1945 - here's how it happened:

(DND Photo)
Avro Lancasters at RCAF Air Station Scoudouc, New Brunswick. The photo was taken after VE Day (8 May 1945), but before VJ Day (15 Aug 1945). There are at least 70 Lancasters in this photo, all likely part of "Tiger Force" preparing to deploy to Japan. No. 4 Repair Depot, established in September 1941 was located here.
Wings of Honour: A Century of the RCAF. I am one of the participants in the research and presentation for this video:

Stanton Friedman UFO Exhibit.
Fredericton native Stanton Friedman was a noted nuclear physicist and well-known ufologist. He was a leading authority on unidentified flying objects, alien abductions and the Roswell incident, considered by many to be the definitive UFO event. Stanton said his belief in extraterrestrials was based on his research into data about UFO events he found buried in U.S. government documents.Stanton grew up in Linden, New Jersey, and worked for 14 years as a nuclear physicist with General Electric, Westinghouse, and McDonnell-Douglas. He had dual American and Canadian citizenship. He was married to his second wife Marilyn and came to Fredericton in 1980. His daughter Melissa Friedman grew up here.Stanton first became interested in UFOs in 1958. He began lecturing on the topic in 1967, but he never actually saw one himself. Stanton carried out detailed research and on-site investigations into the subject of UFOs and alien life forms, physically visiting archives and meeting with contactees. He was known for being highly intelligent and had a great sense of humour. He was interviewed for numerous documentaries on radio and television and gave presentations on UFOs for hundreds of colleges and professional groups around the world. He was inducted into the UFO Hall of Fame in Roswell, New Mexico, and his work was celebrated by City of Fredericton when it declared 27 Aug 2007, Stanton Friedman Day, in his honour.Stanton examined the documentary evidence for the existence of a clandestine government group called "Majestic-12" supposedly formed in 1947 to deal with the remains of a crashed flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico. The Majestic-12 documents refer to a top-secret research operation created by President Truman to coordinate the study of debris and alien bodies recovered from the crash site. The U.S. government has consistently denied there ever was such an incident or group. Friedman attempted to authenticate these documents. He also refuted arguments by debunkers.Stanton investigated the 1961 UFO abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, including the star map Betty Hill saw inside the craft and later recreated. The Hill story emphasised the character of the aliens, including their curiosity, their democratic discussions, and their desire to avoid inflicting pain. When you visit the Fredericton Region Museum, you will encounter an exhibit we have assembled to honour Stanton – elements of his personal collection of awards, artifacts and letters are on display. Artwork and UFO-related illustrations have been assembled and placed inside the imagined interior of a UFO, which you are invited to step into. At the entrance, a diagram of the Betty Hill star map is presented as the backdrop to a full-scale illustration of one reported type of alien being. Visitors are invited to have their “selfie” taken with along with additional 3D alien representations inside the exhibit area.Stanton had an excellent sense of humour, but we wish to emphasize, this exhibit is to honour him.
York Sunbury Historical Society video presentation, Major (Retired) Hal Skaarup, on Stanton Friedman UFO Expert
A recording of a presentation on Stanton Friedman, a leading expert on UFOs, alien abductions and the 1947 Roswell incident, by Harold Skaarup. Hosted by the Saint John Public Library on 28 Oct 2023, sponsored by the New Brunswick Historical Society. Introduced and recorded by Troy Middleton of the NB Historical Society.
On Thursday, 15 July 2021, at 7 pm, prominent UFO researcher and author Kathleen Marden spoke on her work with Stanton Friedman in the field of UFology. Marden is the niece of Betty & Barney Hill, an American couple who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1961 while on their way back to New Hampshire from Montreal. Marden and Stanton Friedman co-authored several books together, including the best selling Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience.
2020 Canadian Ufology Summit, Montreal, organized by GARPAN, 15 Nov 2020. Harold Skaarup, one of 21 UFO topic presenters.
2021 Canadian Ufology Summit, Montreal, organized by GARPAN, , 29 Jan 2021, edited presentation by Hal Skaarup concerning Stanton Friedman.
(Author Photo)
Nieuport 11 replica, NBAM.
Larry Ricker donated his replica Nieuport 11 to the NBAM after having flown across Canada in his replica First World War biplanes to commemorate the 100thanniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge (9-12 April 1917).
Merry Christmas from Retired Major Hal Skaarup, board member of the New Brunswick Aviation Museum.

Corporal Harold Jorgen Skaarup, School video tribute

(Boevaya mashina Photo)
SUU-5003 bomblet dispenser for training purposes with six CRV7 rockets.
22 Jul 2021. More than 83,000 CRV7 rockets, which were designed during the Cold War, remain in storage at a Canadian Forces detachment in Saskatchewan. Work is now beginning that will see them disposed of over six years.
The Pipes are Comming - Fredericton Highland Games, 2024
...always, we stand for Canada!