Military Soft Skinned Vehicles (SSV) preserved at 4 Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa, Ontario
Military Soft Skinned Vehicles (SSV) at 4 Canadian Division Support Base Petawawa, Ontario
The data found on this page has been compiled by the author. Photos are by the author unless otherwise credited. Any additions, corrections or amendments to this list of Soft Skinned Vehicles in Canada would be most welcome.
If you have information and photographs of military vehicles missing from this list that you are willing to share, updates would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at
Artillery, Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles at 4 CDSB are listed on separate pages on this website.

4 Canadian Division Support Base (4 CDSB) Petawawa was founded in 1905 as Camp Petawawa. The base provides support services to meet or exceed the requirements of the Units that exist on Garrison Petawawa. The Garrison is home to 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (2 CMBG), the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, 1st Canadian Field Hospital, 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron , 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron and a multitude of other Units.

Diagram 1 of 2, showing the locations of Military kit on display at 4 CDSB Petawawa.

Diagram 2 of 2, showing the locations of Military kit on display at 4 CDSB Petawawa.
2 Service Battalion

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
Heavy Logistics Vehicle Wheeled (HLVW) UTDC 24M32 (Steyr 1491 Percheron truck).
The HLVW or Heavy Logistics Vehicle Wheeled and its variants in service with the Canadian Forces was produced by Canadian Urban Transportation Development Corporation company as the UTDC 24M32. It a license-produced Austrian Steyr 1491 Percheron, however it has a number of Canadian modifications. The HLVW entered service in 1990 after a protracted selection process. Over 1 200 of these military trucks were built. During their service life these trucks made their name for durability. This vehicle is used to support a wide variety of missions. It has a payload capacity of 10 to 16 tonnes, depending on the variant. It can also tow trailer with a maximum load of 15 t. The HLVW can tow 35 mm anti-aircraft guns, both carrying crew and ammunition. This truck can be fitted with extensive add-on armor protection. A number of these vehicles were used during peacekeeping missions. The HLVW truck is powered by a Steyr turbocharged diesel engine, developing 310 hp. Vehicle can operate in 6x6 and 6x4 drive, making it more suitable for both highway and field use. It is fitted with cold weather starting equipment, which allows starting at -40°C. Variants of the HLVW include cargo carriers, wrecker, tractors, bridge transporter, mobile repair shop, refuelers and water tanker, palletized load system, drone launcher and recovery vehicle.

M54 5-ton 6X6 gas-powered cargo truck, built in the 1950s. Canada also used the M813 5-ton cargo truck. (Andy Hill)
4 CDSG Signal Squadron

Chevrolet 5/4-ton light truck, CRTTZ.
EME Maintenance

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
M543 5-ton Wrecker, CFR 63-02904.
Garrison Petawawa Museum and the Canadian Airborne Forces Museum

M220 CDN Shop Van, 2-1/2-ton 6X6. 33Z.

M62 gas-powered wrecker. The easiest way to tell the difference between the M62 and the M543 is that the spare tire mounts on the boom (missing here though the mount bolts are pretty clear) whereas the M543 has the hydraulic tank mounted there. Canada used the M62, M543 and the diesel M816 types. (Andy Hill)

M113 CDN Kitchen Truck, 2-1/2-ton 6X6.

M217 CDN Fuel Bowser, 2-1/2-ton 6X6.

GMC M216 2-1/2-ton Dump Truck. The M216 is equipped with a single set of rear wheels and the M215 has dual rear wheels. (Andy Hill).

(Author Photos)
Ford Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor (CMP FAT), (4x4, 101.25-inch wheelbase). Currently being restored by the Ontario Regiment Museum, Oshawa, Ontario.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3394796)
CGT CMP FAT, military funeral, Quebec, 7 June 1949.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3581658)
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor (CMP FAT), RCAF Station Rockcliffe, Ontario, ca 1940.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3195690)
Ford FGT Field Artillery Tractor (FAT), (4x4, 101.25-inch wheelbase), March 1941.

(IWM Photo, 20971)
Morris-Commercial C8 'Quad' artillery tractor and 25-pounder field gun crossing a pontoon bridge at Slaght Bridge in Antrim, Northern Ireland, 26 June 1942.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3230150)
Chevrolet C60 truck, 15-cwt swb, late model with the round hatch, alongside a Canadian Army GPA amphibious jeep, P.5219935, Germany, ca 1944-45. The “P” prefix for the British War Department Census Number is for Amphibious Vehicles.
The official caption states these are personnel of the 2nd 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars) transfering from a "Seep" (amphibious jeep) to a Chevrolet C60S truck serving as the unit bus at Weener, Germany on 13 Feb 1946.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3392827)
Personnel repairing a bomb-damaged Chevrolet C60L telegraph truck of the 1st Canadian Railway Telegraph Company, Royal Canadian Engineers (RCE), Louvain, Belgium, 6 January 1945.
Conspicuous vehicle markings include the formation sign of the 3rd Canadian Division, CAOF on each vehicle (the French-Grey marking of the 3rd Division was retained by the CAOF), War Department numbers, a speed limit marking on the windshield (35mph) of the 60-cwt, faded white blackout markings on the bumper, lift rings, and rear view mirror of the truck, and unit signs. The Arm of Service flash (green over blue) of a reconnaissance unit is evident on the truck; the jeep appears to have a blue/yellow/red AoS flash indicating a RCEME unit. Just visible in the photo are unit and formation signs on the upper bonnet of the truck, and what appears to be a tactical sign on the door of the truck. The "BUS" sign is an unofficial addition by the unit.

(Author Photo)
Chevrolet, General Motors C8A Heavy Utility Wireless (HUW) Truck (4x4, 101-inch wheelbase, 8 cwt), 4 CDSB Petawawa Military Museum, Ontario.

(Author Photo)
Chevrolet, General Motors C8A Heavy Utility Wireless (HUW) Truck (4x4, 101-inch wheelbase, 8 cwt), 4 CDSB Petawawa Military Museum, Ontario.

(NBMHM Photo)
Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) truck, overseas, Command Post (CP), ca 1944.
(NBMHM Photo)
Chevrolet C30 (4x4, 134-inch wheelbase, 30 cwt) with Type 12 cab, Bigmouth Creek, British Columba, ca 1944.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3356798)
FWD SU-COE artillery tractor towing a crated 3.7-inch HAA gun, 1944.

(Author Photo, 2 Sep 2011)

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
Dodge 3-ton Cargo Truck, ca 1950, 4 CDSB Petawawa, Military Museum, Ontario.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 5394877)
A patrol from the 1st Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, races across the road to take up a position in a small village in the Hannover area of Northern Germany, 15 Oct 1963.

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
Dodge M37 3/4-ton 4X4 truck.

(Author Photo, 2 Sep 2011)
M43 Dodge 3/4-ton ambulance, 1st Canadian Field Hospital, CFB Petawawa, Ontario.
(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
M43 Dodge 3/4-ton ambulance, CFB Petawawa Military Museum, Ontario.
M38A1 1/4-ton Jeep.

(Author Photo)
M38A1 1/4-ton Jeep with 106-mm Recoilless Rifle mounted, CFB Petawawa, Ontario, May 1974.

(Author Photos, 2 Sep 2019)

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
Studebaker M29 Weasel, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.

(US Army Signal Corps Photo)
'Weasels,' with their wide tracks, make easier going for medics transporting wounded men back from front lines over snow-covered and rough terrain as Airborne troops move to take Herresbach, Belgium. 325th CLDR Regiment, 29 January 1945.

(Author Photos)
CFIO Snowmobile, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.

Snowmobile, SSF, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck, Museum Park, No. 1 of 2.

(Author Photo, 2 Sep 2011)

(Author Photo, 11 Oct 2019)
Iltis ¼- ton Truck, Museum Park, No. 2 of 2.
2 MP Platoon

(Author Photo, 2 Sep 2011)

(Author Photos, 11 Oct 2019)
M38A1 1/4-ton Jeep & Trailer, 2 MP Platoon, CFB Petawawa, Ontario.

(Author Photos, 2 Sep 2011)

(Author Photo, 11 Oct 2019
Willys 4X4 Jeep rigged for para drop, CFB Petawawa Military Museum, Ontario.