Germany: Luftwaffe Warplanes, 1939-1945: Heinkel He 111

Germany: Luftwaffe Warplanes, 1939-1945: Heinkel He 111

Deutsche Kampfflugzeuge der Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Heinkel He 111

German Warplanes flown by the Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Heinkel He 111

During and after the end of the Second War a number of German Warplanes were captured and evaluated by the Allied forces.  Most of these aircraft were later scrapped and therefore only a handful have survived.  This is a partial list of He 111 aircraft that were known to have been flown by the Luftwaffe.

Während und nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden eine Reihe deutscher Kampfflugzeuge von den Alliierten erbeutet und ausgewertet.  Die meisten dieser Flugzeuge wurden später verschrottet und daher haben nur eine Handvoll überlebt. Dies ist eine unvollständige Liste von He 111 Flugzeugen, von denen bekannt war, dass sie von der Luftwaffe geflogen wurden.

Heinkel He 111.  (Luftwaffe Photos)

Heinkel He 111H, (Wk. Nr. unknown), previously` 5J + CR' of III / KG4, captured in Libya in 1942.  Designated HS-? by the RAF, it was named "Delta Lily" and flown by No. 260 Squadron.  It was reported as being on a scrap dump at Fanara in the Suez Canal Zone, Egypt in April 1947. (RAF Photos)

Heinkel He 111H-20, (Wk. Nr. 701152), coded NT+SL.  This aircraft was built in 1944 and modified to drop Fallschirmjäger (paratroops).  It is on display in the RAF Museum, Hendon, England.  (Dapi89 Photo)

Heinkel He 111 P-2 (5J+CN), (Wk. Nr. 1526) 5.Staffel/Kampfgeschwader 54 (KG 54 - Bomber Wing 54), on display at the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNAF) Museum at Gardermoen, part of the Norwegian Armed Forces Aircraft Collection.  The 5J Geschwaderkennung code on the aircraft is usually documented as being that of either I. Gruppe/KG 4 or KG 100, with B3 being KG 54's equivalent code throughout the war.   (Clemens Vasters Photo)

Heinkel He 111 E-3.  (Luftwaffe Photo)

Heinkel He 111 E-3 (25+82), (Wk. Nr. 2940). with the "conventional" cockpit is on display at the Museo del Aire, Madrid, Spain, having served in the Condor Legion.  (Hugh Lleweln Photo)

Heinkel He 111H-16, (Wk. Nr. 8433), 2B+DC, "Red 4", surrendered in Italy by a defecting Hungarian pilot in Dec 1944.  This aircraft was shipped to the the USA where it was designated USA FE-1600, later T2-1600.  It was probably scrapped at Freeman Field, Indiana in 1946.  (USAAF Photos)

CASA-2.111B, Auto & Technic museum Sinsheim.  (AlfvanBeem Photo)

(Dirk1981 Photo)

(C1d2wiki Photo)

CASA-2.111B (Serial No. Bl-2117), flown by the Spanish Air Force until 1972, was renumbered as Luftwaffe G1+AD and flown to Gatow slung under a Sikorsky CH-53 helicopter in 1995.  This aircraft was restored and is now on display in the Luftwaffenmuseum Berlin-Gatow in Germany.

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