Canadian Warplanes 6: British Aerospace (HS) CT-155 Hawk
British Aerospace (HS) CT-155 Hawk

(DND Photo)
British Aerospace CT-155 Hawk (Serial No. 155255).
The BAE Systems Hawk is a British single-engine, jet-powered advanced trainer, first flown in 1974 as the Hawker Siddeley Hawk, and subsequently produced by its successor companies, British Aerospace and BAE Systems, respectively. It has been used in a training capacity and as a low-cost combat aircraft.
Operators of the Hawk include the Royal Air Force (notably the Red Arrows display team) and a considerable number of foreign military operators. The Hawk is still in production in the UK and under licence in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), with over 900 Hawks sold to 18 operators around the world.
The CT-155 Hawk is used to train pilots for front-line fighter aircraft. With its superior technology, this jet can perform a wide range of high-performance training missions. The Hawk’s cockpit features a heads-up display, hands-on throttle and stick controls as well as integrated navigation and targeting systems. (RCAF)
British Aerospace (HS) CT-155 Hawk (22), (Serial Nos. 155201-155222). 2 Canadian Forces Flyng Training School, 15 Wing, CFB Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
BAE CT-115 Hawk (Serial No. 155209) is on display in the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, Mount Hope, Ontario.

British Aerospace CT-155 Hawk. (RCAF Photo)

(RCAF Photo)
British Aerospace CT-155 Hawk (Serial No. CT-155220).

(Balon Greyjoy Photo)
British Aerospace CT-155 Hawk (Serial No. CT-155210).

(CF Photo via Mike Kaehler).
British Aerospace CT-155 Hawk (Serial No. CT-155222), 4 Wing Cold Lake, 30 May 2006 during Maple Flag 39.

(CF Photo via Mike Kaehler).
British Aerospace (HS) CT-155 Hawk (Serial No. 155213), in formation with a North American B-25 Mitchell, CWHM, 2006.

(DND via Rob Pionteck)
BAE CT-115 Hawk (Serial No. 155217), coded W-VR, No. 419 NFTC (NATO Flying Training in CANADA) Sqn, in the tribute colours of its wartime aircraft, the Wellington, flown by its first CO, wing Commander John "Moose" Fulton, painted with 75th Anniversary paint scheme, Kamloops, BC.