Canadian Warplanes 6: Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C)
Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C)

(DND Photo via Mike Kaehler)
Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), Serial No. 13702),
The Boeing CC-137 was a transport and tanker aircraft which served with the Canadian Forces from 1970 to 1997. The Boeing 707-347C aircraft provided long range passenger transport for the military, VIP transport for government and air-to-air refueling for fighters such as the CF-116 Freedom Fighter and CF-18 Hornet. It was replaced by the Airbus CC-150 Polaris in the transport role and much later in the tanker role.
Canada purchased five Boeing 707s in 1970–71 to replace the RCAF's CC-106 Yukons in the long range transport role and the CC-109 Cosmopolitan as an executive or short-range transport. To fulfil Canada's requirements for aerial refueling, two aircraft were fitted with Beechcraft made probe and drogue refueling pods in 1972. The two sets of refuelling equipment were moved from aircraft to aircraft to keep fleet utilization even between the airframes.
The CC-137 fleet had a combined total of 191,154 hours, remaining in service in the transport role until 1995, with two aircraft continuing in use as tankers until 1997. (Wikipedia)
Boeing CC-137 (5), (Serial Nos. 13701-13705). (B-707-347C, B-707)
(Rob Schlieffert Photo)
Boeing CC-137, CAF (Serial No. 13703), Baden-Söllingen, 21 January 1993. 13703 was sold to the USAF and converted to E-8C (Serial No. 97-0200).

(CF Photo)
Five Boeing CC-137s on the runway at CFB Trenton, Ontario.

(CAF Photo via Mike Kaehler)
Boeing 707 CC-137-702 in its early livery in 1970. This might be at Renton.

(Alain Rioux Photo)
Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), (Serial No. 13702), CFB Trenton, Ontario, 28 Feb 1993.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 5050954)
Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), Guatemalan airlift.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 5039402)
Two Flight Stewardesses boarding a Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), Lahr, Germany, 1976.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 5039404)
Flight Stewardess on board a Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), Lahr, Germany, 1976.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 5039405)
Flight Stewardess on board a Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), Lahr, Germany, 23 Feb 1976.

(DND Photo via James Craik)
Boeing CC-137 Husky, CAF (Serial No. 13704), refueling Canadair CF-116 Freedom Fighters.

(DND Photo via James Craik)
Boeing CC-137, CAF (Serial No. 13704), refueling Canadair CF-116 Freedom Fighters.

(DND Photo via James Craik)
Boeing CC-137, CAF (Serial No. 13704), refueling a Canadair CF-116 Freedom Fighter.

(DND Photo via James Craik)
Boeing CC-137, CAF (Serial No. 13703), refueling a pair of McDonald Douglas CF-118 Hornet Fighters.

(RCAF Photo)
Boeing CC-137 (Boeing 707-320C), transport, VIP and refueling aircraft. On retirement from service, most went to the USA, none are preserved in CF markings.

(Steve Fitzgerald Photo)
Boeing CC-137, CAF (Serial No. 13702).