Armour in Canada: Sherman Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV)
Sherman Armoured Recovery Vehicles (ARV)
A Sherman ARV is a vehicle used to recover battle damaged or broken down vehicles during combat in order to complete more extensive repairs behind the frontlines.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3607881)
Sherman ARV, Normandy, France, July 1944.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, PA116535)
Sherman V Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV) Mk. I, Authie, Normandy, France July 1944.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 4233174)
Sherman III ARV I - British Armoured Recovery Vehicle conversion of Sherman III (M4A2), REME, 79th Armoured Division, Summer 1944. Note large winch pulley on front glacis plate and specialized storage on hull sides.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3524183)
Sherman, Ram Kangaroo, Sherman ARV, Universal carrier, then another Sherman ARV, halt on the road to Rijssen, in front of the remains of a burnt out German truck, Rijssen, Netherlands, 9 April 1945.

(IWM Photo, BU 2080)
A Sherman ARV and other specialised armour moving up to cross the Rhine, 24 March 1945.

(US Army Photo)
British ARV on a Sherman M4 chassis passing a German Sturmtiger, abandoned after a breakdown and captured by US troops, 28 February 1945.

(IWM Photo, B 8910)
A Sherman Recovery tank towing a crippled Sherman through the ruined town of Bourguébus, five miles south of Caen on the road to Falaise, after it was cleared of the enemy by British infantry and tanks, 1944.

(IWM Photo, B 7762)
A Sherman ARV towing a German PzKpfw IV tank captured near Cagny, 19 July 1944.

(Free3D diagram)
M4 Sherman ARV diagram.