Armour in Canada: Fox Armoured Car
Fox Armoured Car

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3206255)
Troopers of the 4th Princess Louise Dragoon Guards in a General Motors Canada Fox Armoured Car, Matrice, Italy, 27 October 1943. Based on the Humber design but Canadian made, with Canadian designed chassis and mechanicals. Usually had a 4 man crew ; a driver, crew commander who searched with binoculars as shown here, a gunner, a loader, radio operator. Operated in platoon squadrons of 4- 5 cars. The casualty rate was about 25%, with 10% KIA. (Ken Smith)

(Author Photo)
Fox Armoured Car Mk. I, 13th Reconnaissance Regiment, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 4232403)
Fox Armoured Car Mk I, MGen Worthington, in front of the parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario, ca 1945.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3207635)
Troopers of The Royal Canadian Dragoons patrolling in a General Motors Fox Mk.1 armoured car during a training exercise, England, ca. 1-3 April 1943.
Built by General Motors, Canada, based on a construction of the British Humber Armoured Car Mk. III, adapted to a Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) truck chassis.
The turret was manually traversed and fitted with 0.30 and 0.50-nch Browning machine gunse four man crew consisted of the vehicle commander, the driver, a gunner and a wireless operator. 1,506 vehicles were manufactured. (Wikipedia)

(Ontario Regiment Museum Photos)
This 1943 GM FOX Armoured Car came to Oshawa in 2023, from Italy in where it had been deployed 80 years ago.

(Ontario Regiment Museum Photos)
1943 GM FOX Armoured Car, Ontario Regiment Museum.