Armour in Canada: Daimler Armoured Car
Daimler Armoured Car
The Daimler Armoured Car was a British vehicle designed for armed reconnaissance and liaison purposes.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 4233426)
General H.D.G. Crerar, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief First Canadian Army, in a Daimler Armoured Car with Lt. Clifford Smith of the Royal Montreal Regiment, North-West Europe, 1945.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3227968)
General H.D.G. Crerar, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief First Canadian Army, with personnel of The Royal Montreal Regiment, in front of a Daimler armoured car, Grave, Netherlands, 11 April 1945.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 4233182)
Belgians and Canadians in a Daimler Armoured Car at Sallenelles, France, August 1944.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3524312)
Belgium Brigade Major conferring with two lieutenants at their armoured car, Sallenelles, France, 16 August 1944.

Daimler Mk. 1 Armoured Car.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3623194)
German soldiers marching back to Germany, under the watchful eyes of a 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York's Royal Canadian Hussars), CAC, CASF, in a Daimler armoured car, 28 May 1945. Detachments of the regiment landed in Normandy as part of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division on 6 June 1944, followed by the remainder of the regiment in the course of June and July 1944. The unit fought in North West until the end of the war. The regiment was disbanded on 15 January 1946. 2nd 7th Reconnaissance Regiment, CAC, CAOF' was mobilized for service with the Canadian Army Occupation Force on 1 June 1945. his regiment was disbanded on 24 May 1946.

(DND Photo via Reitze Bierma)
Daimler armoured car, 7th Reconnaissance Regiment (17th Duke of York’s Royal Canadian Hussars), the reconnaissance regiment of the Third Canadian Division.