Armour in Canada (14) Master List (no photos)
Armoured Fighting Vehicles and Tanks preserved in Canada, Master List (no photos)
The data and photos found on this page has been compiled by the author, unless otherwise credited. Any additions, corrections or amendments to the lists of Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Canada found on these pages would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at
British Columbia
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69301), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129780, “Caroline”. This tank is still in running order. It belongs to the 39th Combat Engineers Regiment and is currently on display at the Armoury (Old Area Support Unit facility) on Keith Wilson Road.
M113 Tow Under Armour, on display at the Armoury (Old Area Support Unit facility) on Keith Wilson Road.
M113 Engineer Vehicle, on display at the Armoury (Old Area Support Unit facility) on Keith Wilson Road.
Universal Carrier, Memorial, off Nancy Green Lake-Rossland Mead (3B).
Universal Carrier, Recce 41, No. 3, Rocky Mountain Rangers Museum.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, in front of the J.R. Vicars Armoury.
M113 C & R Lynx, in front of the J.R. Vicars Armoury.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69132), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129611, No. 53, Brigadier Angle Armoury, 720 Lawrence Ave.
M113 C & R Lynx, Brigadier Angle Armoury, 720 Lawrence Ave.
North Vancouver
M113A2 EVSEV in front of the LCol J.P. Fell Armoury (home of the 6th Fd Sqn), 1513 Forbes Ave.
M38 A1 CAN 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep with ¼-ton trailer, painted in white with UN markings. 12 (Vancouver) Service Battalion Armoury.
IHC M62 5 Ton 6X6 Wrecker, 12 (Vancouver) Service Battalion Armoury.
GMC M135 CDN – 2½ Ton 6 X 6 Truck, 12 (Vancouver) Service Battalion Armoury.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69087), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129566, “Cheetah”, Army, Navy & Air Force (ANAF) Hall, Unit No. 302, 9831 4th St.
Ram II Cruiser Tank, (Shop No. 154), A13, (Serial No. WD CT39934), Beatty Street Drill Hall, 620 Beatty St.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69192), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129671, No. 53, “Boss”, Beatty Street Drill Hall, 620 Beatty Street.
AVGP Cougar (Serial No. unknown), Vernon Army Cadet Camp.
M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown), No. 1 of 2, cam, Vernon Army Cadet Camp.
M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown), No. 1 of 2, UN markings, Vernon Army Cadet Camp, Armoury Park, 2901 18th Ave.
Ferret Scout Car Mk II. LGen E.C. Ashton Armoury Museum, 724 Vanalman.
LAV III Monument, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 288.
Fox Armoured Car “Kicking Horse”, Lance Skinner.
Calgary, The Military Museums of Calgary, 4520 Crowchild Trail SW.
Universal Carrier, painted (Serial No. WD CT268282).
Churchill Mk VII Crocodile, (Serial No. WD T31923R), “Regiment”, Museum of the Regiments, Calgary Alberta. Brought to Canada from Pounds Shipyards in England by the British Army at Suffield and given to the Museum of the Regiments. It has been converted from a gun tank to a Crocodile flame-throwing tank.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69343), built by Fisher, Reg. No. unknown, “Calgary II”, No. 51.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69342), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129821, inside the Museum.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, with 20-pounder main gun, CFR 52-81097. On loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
Soviet T-72M Main Battle Tank, 125-mm Gun.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1.
M113 APC.
M113 TUA (Tube Launched Wireless Anti-Tank Guided Missile Under Armour).
M113 C & R Lynx, 63C.
AVGP Cougar.
Universal Carrier, Calgary Highlanders Monument, Mewata Armoury, Calgary, Alberta.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, King’s Own Calgary Regiment, Mewata Armoury, Calgary, Alberta.
M113 C & R Lynx, former Currie Barracks, Lamone Ave SW.
M113 C & R Lynx, UN markings, former Currie Barracks, 41 Canadian Brigade Group, Lamone Ave SW.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Southbend Storage, 4205 116th Ave SE.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier behind the cenotaph at 5036 50th Street.
CMP 15 cwt Truck, behind the cenotaph at 5036 50th Street.
Drayton Valley
M113 APC, No. 1. Flanking the cenotaph.
M113 APC No. 2. Flanking the cenotaph.
M109 155-mm Self-propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. TBC), Royal Canadian Legion branch No. 175, 14339 50th St NW.
Edmonton, CFB Edmonton
Universal Carrier, awaiting restoration. This AFV belongs to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment.
Universal Carrier, Memorial Park near the front gate.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 64882), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122861, “Catherine”, Harvey Bldg, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians), Edmonton Garrison.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65011), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122990, painted as 361, 350201, “Beowulf”, Harvey Bldg, CFB Edmonton, Alberta. This tank was owned by Mr Jim Rice, it has been sold to a private collector.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69059), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129538, “Spartan”, Harvey Bldg, Edmonton Garrison.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank Mk II, (Serial No. 19669), built by Chrysler, R/N 3019975, painted as T212123, "Alberta". This tank is being converted into an M4A4 by the LdSH for a museum exhibit. The hull has been stripped out and a new 75-mm turret has been acquired to make it into a Sherman V.
Skink 20 mm Quad Anti-Aircraft Tank Turret, Steele Barracks, Lord Strathcona’s Horse, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
White M3 (s) Command Halftrack (CL4237226), South Alberta Light Horse (B Sqn), CFB Edmonton, Alberta. “Old Reliable” landed in Normandy with the SALH, survived the war and was brought home. It was used by the unit until the 1960s and restored to running condition in 2003.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5/2 with L7 105-mm main gun, “Strathcona”, Harvey Bldg, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians), CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, with 20-pounder main gun, mounted on a Bailey Bridge, RCE Bldg.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, North Gate (closed), CFR No. 52-01107, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun. LdSH secure compound.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder Gun. At the end of the runway.
Centurion ARV, along Hwy 28A near Township Rd 544.
Leopard C-1 Main Battle Tank, “Screwball”, Harvey Bldg, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians), Edmonton, Alberta.
Russian T-34/85M Medium tank, at the end of the runway.
M113 APC, Field Ambulance, Medical Center, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
M113A3. This one is a runner.
M577A3 Command Post, awaiting restoration.
M113 C & R Lynx, two (one is a runner). LdSH secure compound, Historical Vehicle Troop.
M113 C & R Lynx, awaiting restoration, South Alberta Light Horse (B Sqn), CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
M113 C & R Lynx. 7 CFSD.
Ferret Scout Cars colour party. The Historic Vehicle Troop has six Ferrets, all runners. LdSH secure compound.,
Lynx Scout Car, W/T CF70702, LdSH Historic Vehicle Troop.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 2, "Defiant", Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians). in front of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison.
Ferret Scout Car, ex-BATUS, used for spare parts, end of the runway.
AVGP Cougar, one of two, (one is a runner). LdSH secure compound.
AVGP Cougar, second of two, one is a runner. South Alberta Light Horse (B Sqn). LdSH secure compound.
AVGP Grizzly, PPCLI HQ, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor (CMP FAT) four with Limber. LdSH secure compound, Historical vehicle Troop.
Canadian Military Pattern Ford 15 cwt, awaiting restoration. South Alberta Light Horse (B Sqn).
Truck, M51 Dodge troop carrier.
Truck, 5-ton Wrecker, Edmonton Garrison.
Willys 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Signals Jeep, 1 CMBG Headquarters.
CJ-7 Jeep, awaiting restoration. South Alberta Light Horse (B Sqn), CFB Edmonton.
Caterpillar D7 Bulldozer mounted on a section of Bailey Bridge, RCE Bldg.
M109 155-mm SP Howitzer, Churchill Park South of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison.
M113 C & R Lynx, Off Hwy 16A.
Fort MacLeod
Universal Carrier, (Serial No. CT 43099), in front of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 46. Highway 3 eastbound or 23rd Street between John Cowdry and Hualtain Avenues.
Fort McMurray
British Chieftain Main Battle Tank, 120-mm Gun, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 165, 9317 Huggard Street.
Jack Cross Collection, Fort McMurray
British Chieftain Main Battle Tank, 120-mm Gun, (04EB20) "Alberta Crude".
British FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier.
British FV433 Abbot 105-mm SP Gun, (075B07).
British FV603 Saracen Armoured Personnel Carrier.
British FV 620 Stalwart Amphibious Truck.
CFB Wainwright
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 78-851), “Catherine”.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder Gun.
Centurion ARV.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1.
M113 C & R Lynx.
Canadair Flextrack Ltd CL-91 Dynatrack Mk II high mobility tracked vehicle.
British FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Serial No. 310 22.
American Cadillac Gage V-100 Commando, experimental version with 76-mm gun.
Italian Fiat-Ansaldo M14/41 Light Tank.
Moose Jaw, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69258), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129737, DND No. 78-696, 33, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
Universal Carrier Mk I, Serial No. 44-1-300, Prairie Command, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
Ferret Scout Car, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. 67-35915), 41C, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
M113 C & R Lynx, UN markings, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury.
AVGP Cougar, Currie VC Armoury.
Swift Current
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, CFR, 78-947, (Serial No. S64990), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122969. This tank is dedicated to the 14th Hussars, Recreational Centre Memorial, 6th Ave & Sidney St East, Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
Universal Carrier Mk. I, CT43099, 51, Recreational Centre Memorial, 6th Ave & Sidney St East, Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
Brandon, Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum (CATPM)
AVGP Grizzly, CFR 78-37144.
Canadian M4A2 (76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65019), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 3022998. Brought to the town in 1970 from CFB Shilo, 12th Manitoba Dragoons.
Shilo, CFB Shilo, Royal Canadian Artillery Museum
Inside Museum display
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor “Quad” 4x4 (CMP FAT).
M7B2 Priest 105-mm SP Gun, “Zulu Warrior”.
M109A4 155-mm SP Howitzer.
Outside Museum display
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor “Quad” 4x4 (CMP FAT) with Limber and QF 25-pounder Gun.
Skink 20-mm Quad SP AA Gun Turret.
Lynx Scout Car Mk II, (Serial No. CF161179).
Otter Light Reconnaissance Car, (Serial No. CM4647096).
Fox Armoured Car Mk 1, (Serial No. CF160417).
T17E1 Staghound Armoured Car Mk III, (Serial No. CF225539).
GMC C15TA Armoured Truck.
M38 A1 CAN 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck.
M113 C & R Lynx, 62G, South Gate (Main Entrance).
British FV433 Abbot 105-mm SP Gun.
German Leopard 1 Main Battle Tank prototype, 105-mm Gun, Canoe River Memorial.
M101 Museum Workshop
Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun, (Serial No. CS172740), part of the Dr. William Gregg Collection donated to the RCA Museum.
M5A1 Stuart Light Tank “Simitar;” (Serial No. WD CT271540), 5232, part of the Dr. William Gregg Collection donated to the RCA Museum.
M4A1 Grizzly Cruiser Tank, 47, 33, Shop No. 51, part of the Dr. William Gregg Collection donated to the RCA Museum.
M109A4 155-mm SP Howitzer.
Honest John Rocket mounted on launch truck.
Czech RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher.
Russian/Czech 2P25 SA-6 Gainful Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL).
German Jagdpanzer Kanone 90-mm Tank Destroyer, outside the Range Control Building.
2 PPCLI, CFB Shilo
Universal Carrier Mk. II (Serial No. WD CT200441).
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69287), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129766. This tank is in running condition and belongs to a private collector.
Ferret Scout Car.
British FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier, (Serial No. 06EA 50).
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69041), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129520, DND 78-864, dedicated to the Fort Garry Horse, McGregor Armoury, 551 Machray Ave.
M113 C & R Lynx, McGregor Armoury, 551 Machray Ave.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69139), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129618, DND 78-863, Royal Canadian Legion, Charleswood Branch No. 100, 6003 Roblin Ave.
M113 C & R Lynx in UN markings, Peacekeeper Park North of CFB Borden main gate.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65034), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123013, Barrie Armoury, 37 Parkside Drive.
Universal Carrier in restored and running condition, Belleville Armouries. This carrier was retrieved from a scrap yard in Newtonville and brought it to CFB Trenton, where the Land Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (LEME) mechanics at Base Maintenance Land (BML) restored it. The vehicle was named "Katie" after a carrier depicted in a picture of The Regiment at Assoro, Italy, in 1943.
106-mm M40A1 Recoilless Rifle mounted on an M38A1 CDN3 Jeep, inside the Armoury at 200 Pinnacle Street.
The H&PER also holds a Canadian SMP truck.
CFB Borden, Base Borden Military Museum
Whippet Medium Tank Mk A tank, (Serial No. A371), “Judith”, Museum Hangar.
M1917 Light Tank, Museum Hangar.
Vickers Mk VIb Light Tank, Museum Hangar.
Matilda Infantry Tank Mk II, Museum Hangar.
Valentine Infantry Tank Mk. III, Museum Hangar.
M5A1 Stuart Light Tank, (Serial No. 3894), MGen Worthington Memorial Park, No. 1 beside the memorial marker.
M5A1 Stuart Light Tank, (Serial No. 5193), MGen Worthington Memorial Park, No. 2 beside the memorial marker.
Churchill Infantry Tank Mk 1, (Serial No. T31108), MGen Worthington Memorial Park, CFB Borden Military Museum, Ontario. This tank was used for cold weather testing at Kapuskasing, Ontario from 2 March to 2 April 1942
Ram II tank with auxiliary turret, Shop No. 167, (Serial No. WD CT39947), MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Ram II tank with auxiliary turret removed (Serial No. 1399), TKC, (Serial No. WD CT159854), Museum Hangar.
Grizzly tank (75-mm gun), Shop No. 13, North Gate, CFB Borden Military Museum, Ontario.
Grizzly tank (75-mm gun), Shop No. 98, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Grizzly tank with 17-pounder Firefly turret, (Serial No. 65), one of a kind prototype, Museum Hangar.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 64985), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122964, full side skirts, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Sherman IIIAY tank, No. 8, (Shop No. 217), 75-mm gun, fitted with “Canadian Indestructible Roller Device” landmine exploder (CIRD) fittings, Waterloo Officer’s Mess, CFB Borden Military Museum, Ontario. Diesel variant.
M4A4(75) Sherman Crab Mk. II mine flail tank with 75mm gun, built by Chrysler (Serial No. 5072) Reg. No. 3056882, DV. MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, in front of the Museum Hangar.
Centurion ARV Mk. 2, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
German Leopard 1A4 Main Battle Tank, "Milner", MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
T17E1 Staghound Armoured Car, Museum Hangar.
155-mm M109 SP Howitzer, Rod & Gun Club.
German Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
German Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Light Tank Destroyer, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Italian Fiat-Ansaldo M13/40 Light Tank, Museum Hangar.
M24 Chaffee Light Tank, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
American M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tank, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Russian T-34/85M Medium Tank, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Russian T-55 Main Battle Tank cutaway, Museum Hangar.
Russian T-55 Main Battle Tank, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Russian T-72 Main Battle Tank, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
M74 Tank Recovery Vehicle, RCEME Barracks.
Universal Carrier, Museum Hangar.
Bobcat Armoured Personnel Carrier prototype, CFR 57-80001, Museum Hangar.
M3 Half-track, (Serial No. CZ4289153), with .50 cal HMG mounted, Museum Hangar.
Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun Mk II, (Serial No. CA172355), Museum Hangar.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier Ambulance, No. 30, Base Hospital.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, 88E.
M113 C & R Lynx, inside the North Gate on along the main route through, the base.
AVGP Cougar, in front of the Museum Hangar.
AVGP Cougar, Southwest of the North Gate.
AVGP Grizzly, in storage compound.
Bison MRT, storage compound.
Caterpillar D7 Bulldozer, Engineer Lines.
Centurion ARV, Engineer lines.
British FV432 AEV, M14C, Engineer Lines.
M578 Light Recovery Vehicle.
Other Museum Vehicles on display
Truck, ca 1950 Heavy Duty Wrecker, inside the museum.
Truck, 5-ton M62 Wrecker (one of two).
Truck, 5-ton M62 Wrecker (second of two).
US M-151 Truck, Utility, 1/4-ton, 4 X 4 Jeep (G838), inside the museum.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck, (one of two). Military Police School grounds.
Mercedes 608D flatbed truck with an Iltis ¼- ton Truck, (second of two) on board, in front of the museum.
Utility truck, in front of the museum.
Bandvagen BV-206s, RCE lines, CFB Borden.
Airfield Fire Truck display, CFB Borden.
A pair of Military Motorcycles are preserved inside the museum, including two from the Second World War era, with one on display and a second is preserved in its original packing crate.
LAV III Memorial, Clarington Fields.
LAV III Memorial, Col. J.A. McIntosh, DSO, ED Armoury 1 Valour Place.
Universal Carrier Mk II, Memorial Military Museum, 226 Albert Street,
M38 A1 CAN 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep, Memorial Military Museum.
Dodge M-43 Truck, Memorial Military Museum.
Universal Carrier. Algonquin Regiment.
Universal Carrier hulk.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69406), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129885, “Bun-Ben”, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 63.
M113 C & R Lynx, Cornwall Armoury, 505 4th St, Cornwall, Ontario.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65017), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122996, Huron County Museum, 110 North St. The tank is painted representing the command tank of Major David Currie V.C., South Alberta Regiment.
LAV III Monument, Huron County Museum, 110 North St.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69162), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129641, “Haliburton”, painted 45-7887. This tank stands in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 129, 719 Mountain Street.
CMP Truck, Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
LAV III Monument, The North Wall Riders Association - Steel City. The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, 9280 Airport Rd, Mount Hope.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 64969), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122948, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 130, 493 8th Ave.
M113A2 APC.
105-mm C1A1 Howitzer.
155-mm M109 SP Howitzer.
M113, Memorial Park, 700 Front Street.
Iroquois FallsM113, Anson Drive and Devonshire Street.
Kars, Swords and Ploughshares Museum, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), K0A2E0. Curator: Major Mike T.A. Calnan.
Canadian Ram II tank, Shop No. 521, (Serial No. WD CT39987), used as a bulldozer, turret without gun, tracks off.
LVT1 Water Buffalo, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), Kars, Ontario.
British FV432 Trojan APC, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), Kars, Ontario.
M7B2 Priest 105-mm SP Gun replica built by students of Gananoque High School in 1994 to honour two of the students grandparents who had landed on D-Day with the 14th Field Regiment, RCA which was equipped with the Priest.
M3 Armoured Halftrack.
M5 Armoured Halftrack.
M20 Armoured Utility Car (based on the M8 Greyhound).
Universal Carrier Mk I. Built by Ford of Canada in June of 1944, painted with the markings of a gun tractor in the 1st Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, ca. 1943.
Universal Carrier Mk II.
T-16 Carrier.
Canadian Windsor Carrier.
FV401 Cambridge Carrier (chassis from the last of the Universal Carrier series).
Canadian CT15-TA 15-cwt Armoured truck.
British Ferret Scout Car with turret.
Universal Carrier. Kenora Armoury.
Keswick, Georgina Military Museum, 26061 Woodbine Avenue.
1952 M135 2-1/2-ton Truck.
Leopard C1 Main Battle Tank (Serial No. 78-85067), with a mock tank turret.
M113A2 APC.
C1A1 105-mm Howitzer (Serial No. 13561), 1955.
Willys Jeep.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck with trailer.
CFB Kingston
Canadian M4A2 (76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65171), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129650, 78-932, “Lad”, McNaughton Barracks gate, Hwy 2.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFR No. 53-81288, "Aspen", in front of the Fisher Building, Givenchy Road.
Leopard Tank, CFR No. 78-85146, Givenchy Rd close to the intersection with Craftsman Blvd., in front of the 1 Canadian Division HQ (Fisher Bldg).
Universal Carrier, (Serial No. WD CT43650), Fisher Building, Givenchy St.
Russian BRDM-2 Combat Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle, Canadian Forces School of Military Intelligence (CFSMI), Gloucester Building, Blue Bell Lane.
M577 Command Post APC, Communications and Electronics Museum.
AVGP Cougar. Mounted in front of Fort Henry Heights at the corner of Niagara Park Drive and Remourquage Drive.
AVGP Grizzly, Communications and Electronics Museum.
Kingston, Royal Military College
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65021), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123000, “Athene”, mounted on a Bailey Bridge, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFR No. 52-81053, Royal Military College.
Leopard C2 Main Battle Tank, Royal Military College.
155-mm M109A4 Medium Self-Propelled Howitzer, 1985, (Serial No. 77225), AC: AX, ECC: 119205 HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE29685, VMO Date: 09 Dec 2002. Training Aid, RMC.
Russian T-54 Main Battle Tank, K-W Surplus, Victoria St N.
Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun, Perry Kitson Collection. This Sexton is the 2115th of 2150 produced. It came off the assembly line at Montreal Locomotive Works in Jan/Feb 1945. It was used by Canada until the mid fifties when it was sent to Portugal under the MDAP. When Portugal sold them as surplus in 1979, 40 were brought to the US by SECO in Augusta, Georgia. Perry Kitson purchased this one in 2003 and repatriated it to Canada.
M4A2(75) Sherman III Medium Tank, (Serial No. 7606), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 3062855, WD No. CT-152655, No. 51, “Holy Roller”, 1st Hussar Memorial, Victoria Park, Central Ave. This tank saw combat in NW Europe from D-Day, 6 June 1944 to VE-Day, 8 May 1945. It has early direct vision ports for the driver and co-driver, but also has appliqué armour on the hull sides and trailing return rollers found on the VVSS version. It also has an M34 mantlet and a late one piece final drive, possibly upgraded post-war. “Holy Roller” is one of four surviving original Shermans that fought in Europe and returned to Canada in 1945. "Bomb", in Sherbrooke, Quebec, "Cathy" at Trois-Rivières, Quebec, and "Forceful III" in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario are the other survivors.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier.
London, Royal Canadian Regiment Museum
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69199), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129678, “Angel” markings of the 6th Armoured Regiment, 1st Hussars.
Universal Carrier.
M113 C & R Lynx.
AVGP Cougar.
AVGP Grizzly.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, No. 1 of 2, in front of the cemetery on Madawaska Road (Highway 523).
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, No. 2 of 2, in front of the cemetery on Madawaska Road (Highway 523).
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65008, built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122987, Main Gate, Central Area Training Centre.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, Serial No. 2548, 20-pounder main gun, Main Gate, CATC.
M113 C & R Lynx, Main Gate, CATC.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65248, built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123227, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 32, Legion Road, Meaford Park.
Mount Forest
M109A4 155-mm SP Howitzer turret on heavy duty mounting in the War Memorial Park on Hwy 6.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65223), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123202, “Conqueror”. This tank stands in front of the Oshawa Armoury, 535 Simcoe St N, Oshawa, Ontario.
M113 C & R Lynx, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43, 471 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario.
Oshawa, The Ontario Regiment Museum, The Ontario Regiment Museum, 1000 Stevenson Rd N.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65240), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123219, "Beowulf". This tank is now inside the Museum hangar.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 64993), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122972, “Bart”, DND 78-904.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder Gun.
M24 Chaffee Light Tank.
American M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tank (Serial No. 2918A). Storage compound.
American M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tank (2938A). Storage compound.
American M551A1 Sheridan Light Tank (Serial No. 76).
American M551A1 Sheridan Light Tank (Serial No. 1068).
FV433 Abbot 105-mm SP Gun, (Serial No. 06EB80. Storage building.
Universal Carrier Mk II, (Serial No. CT201439). Inside the Museum hangar.
Universal Carrier (Serial No. CT40133), towing a Ordnance QF 6-pounder Anti-Tank Gun. Inside the Museum hangar.
M8 Greyhound Armoured Car, (Serial No. F268708). Inside the Museum hangar.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, UN colours. Storage building.
M113A2 EVSEV (with dozer blade), and M113 TUA (TOW under armour).
M113A2 (C1844MAA).
US M113A2 APC (MSJ18431MAA).
US M113A2 APCs(MSJ21144MAA).
US M113A2 APCs (MSJ18218MAA).
M548 Cargo. Storage building.
M577 CP.
M113 C & R Lynx, UN colours.
AVGP Cougar, (Serial No. F268708). Inside the Museum hangar.
AVGP Grizzly, (Serial No. 78-37263). Storage building.
AVGP Husky, (Serial No. 78-37562). Storage building.
Truck, CMP, radio version. Inside Museum hangar.
Truck, CMP, Cargo. Inside Museum hangar.
Truck, CMP, Cargo. Inside Museum hangar.
Truck, GMC 2-½ ton CCKW, MLVW, M35CDN (three). Storage compound.
Truck, 2-1/2 ton, Cargo. Storage building.
M38 A1 CAN 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep. Inside the Museum Hangar.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck. Storage building.
M114 155-mm Howitzer, 1955, (Serial No. CDN 23).
German Second World War Panzerwerfer 42.
German Second World War Marder III.
German Second World War 88-mm Flak Gun.
AVGP Cougar, 1220 Keith Ross Dr and Taunton Rd W.
Universal Carrier Mk I, (Serial No. CT201593), Cartier Square Drill Hall, 2 Queen Elizabeth Dr. Renovated by the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa Foundation.
M24 Chaffee Light Tank (Serial No. TBC), Hylands Golf Club on Alert Road.
Ottawa, National Military Cemetery, Beechwood Cemetery, 280 Beechwood Ave.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69257), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129736, “Hussar”, painted DND 78-749.
Ottawa, Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place.
Armour held in the CWM is also listed in separate pages on this web site.
Canadian Autocar Machinegun Carrier, France, April 1918.
M1917 Light Tank.
Ram II tank, (Shop No. 171), (Serial No. WD CT39951).
Kangaroo Armoured Personnel Carrier "Marion II".
Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun Mk II, (Serial No. 613).
Valentine Infantry Tank Mk. VII, (Serial No. WD T1445), recovered from the Ukraine.
Churchill Infantry Tank Mk. III (Serial No. 838), with deep wading attachments to the air intakes. Modified with Mk VII suspension units, (Serial No. 1792653), gift from Russia.
Churchill Infantry Tank Mk IV RE, (Serial No. BW9229), Great Eastern Armoured Ramp (Serial No. WD No T172796/D).
M3 Stuart Light Tank.
M3 Lee Medium Tank (Serial No. 3714).
M4A1 Grizzly Cruiser Tank, (Shop No. 178).
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65251), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123230.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank minus the turret, (Serial No. 645001), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122980, cutaway training aid.
M4A4(75) Sherman V Medium Tank with 75-mm gun, (Serial No. 21424), built by Chrysler, R/N 3021730, (WD No. CT-228619), 51, 30, (Serial No. 21424), “Forceful III”.
M4A4 Sherman V Medium Tank built by Chrysler, (Serial No. 5457), Reg. No. 3057267, fitted with “Canadian Indestructible Roller Device” (CIRD) landmine exploder fittings, no gun.
White M3 Half-track.
M24 Chaffee Light Tank (Serial No. RN 45-7890), Ontario Regiment.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 11, L7 105-mm main gun, CFR No. 52-81046, Royal Canadian Dragoons.
British FV4201 Chieftain Main Battle Tank Mk 2, (Serial No. VRN 01EB92).
Leopard 1A4 Main Battle Tank.
Leopard C2 Main Battle Tank, (Serial No. RN 78-85049).
Italian Fiat-Ansaldo CV-33 Light Tank, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario. This "tankette" is on permanent loan to the Australian War Museum as of August 2015.
Lynx Scout Car Mk. II (Serial No. CF52389).
Otter Light Reconnaissance Car Mk. I.
Fox Armoured Car Mk. I, 13th Reconnaissance Regiment.
T17E1 Staghound Armoured Car.
Universal Carrier Mk. I with 2-pounder Anti-Tank Gun.
Universal Carrier Mk. I Ronson (Serial No.18170), (Serial No. WD CT163137).
Universal Carrier Mk. II (Serial No. 92-416), 61.
Universal Carrier Mk. IIC Wasp flamethrower (Serial No. WD CT267065), 5, 60, previously painted as (Serial No. CT43578).
Ferret Scout Car Mk. I, (Serial No. 54-82537), ex-8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s).
Ferret Scout Car Mk. II.
British FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier, ex-British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS).
British 105-mm F433 Abbot SP Gun.
General Motors of Canada (GMC) C15TA Armoured Truck (Serial No. CZ4400208-S), "Lazrus".
GMC C15TAA Armoured Ambulance, (Serial No. Z5822762).
Soft-skinned vehicles (SSV):
Military Ambulance (Serial No. T23929S).
Canadian Military Pattern Ford Signals Truck, (Serial No. CZ4205159).
Canadian Military Pattern 15-cwt Cargo Truck, General Service.
Canadian Military Pattern Cargo Truck, General Service, CZ4002671.
Diamond T Breakdown Truck.
Diamond T Field Shop Truck, 43-01276.
General H.D.G. Crerar's Command Post caravan.
Bombardier Penguin Mk III Armoured Snowmobile, 1943.
Dodge M37 3/4-ton truck (CUCV), Cargo/Passenger.
Ford Canada C11 ADF Staff Car, Field Marshal H.R.L.G. Alexander.
Willys 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep, Second World War diorama.
Willys 2¼ -ton 4 X 4 Jeep, UN colours.
106-mm M40A1 Recoilless Anti-Tank Gun on M38A1 CDN3 Jeep.
M151A2 Truck, Utility, 1/4-ton, 4 X 4 Jeep (G838).
Bombardier Iltis.
RG-31 Nyala.
M29C Amphibious Weasel.
TJ-1 Tracked Jeep.
TJ-2 Tracked Jeep, ex-Le Régiment de Maisonneuve.
Other Armour:
155-mm M109A4 SP Howitzer, (Serial No. 85-77249).
M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carrier, UN, 35000.
M113A2 Armoured Personnel Carrier, (Serial No. RN 64-35000). This was the first Canadian M113.
M113A2 ARVL.
M113A2 Engineer, (Serial No. RN 92-10688); GM Canada Engineer Pack.
M113A2 Fitter, (Serial No. RN 66-35697).
M113 C & R Lynx, (Serial No. 04320), CFR RN 67-35850.
M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown).
M548 Cargo Carrier, (Serial No. C034HAB), call sign 7E, ex-1R22eR.
M577 Command Post, Call Sign 1A.
AVGP Cougar, Peace Stabilization Force (SFOR), markings.
AVGP Grizzly.
AVGP Husky.
LVT-1 Amphibious Vehicle.
M14 GMC, (Serial No. RN 40450517).
M20 Greyhound Armoured Utility Car.
Russian BRM-1K Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle (BMP M1976/2), Call signs 7731 & 11185.
Russian T-34/85 medium Tank, Call sign 102.
Russian T-72 Main Battle Tank, Call Sign 10287.
Captured German kit:
German Panzerkampfwagen II (PzKpfw II), Call Sign 112, 19, G.
German Panzerkampfwagen V (PzKpfw V) Panther Ausf A Main Battle Tank.
German Jagdpanzer IV/70 Assault Gun.
German Sturmgeschütz 40 Ausf G Assault Gun.
German Goliath Tracked Mine.
German VW Type 166 Schwimmwagen.
German Mercedes-Benz 770 (W150), Staff Car.
Owen Sound
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69393), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129872. This tank stands in front of the Owen Sound Armoury, 10th St E & 8th Ave E.
CFB Petawawa, Military Museums
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 651241), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123220, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Russian ASU-57 SP Airborne Assault Gun, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, RCD lines.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, CFB Petawawa Military Museum, No. 1 of 3.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, RCD lines, No. 2 of 3.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, RCD lines, No. 3 of 3.
AVGP Cougar.
Leopard 1A3 Main Battle Tank, RCD lines.
Leopard C2 Main Battle Tank, RCD Lines.
M113 MRT, E46D, 2 CMBG HQ.
M113 C & R Lynx, 41C, No. 1 of 3, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
M113 C & R Lynx, 41E, No. 2 of 3.
M113 C & R Lynx, "Deeming", No. 3 of 3, RCD Lines.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69135), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129614, outside the North Gate.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 64966), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122945, “Worthy”, Main Gate.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69241), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129720, Worthington Barracks, Royal Canadian Dragoons.
T17E1 Staghound, Worthington Barracks, Royal Canadian Dragoons, CFB Petawawa.
Universal Carrier, CT200441, RCD lines.
155-mm M109 SP Gun, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Studebaker Weasel, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Snowmobile, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Canadian Military Pattern (CMP), Field Artillery Tractor.
General Motors Truck, Heavy Utility, Personnel, CFB Petawawa Military Museum.
Cargo Truck, ca 1950.
3/4-ton Ambulance.
5-ton Heavy Duty Dump Truck.
M5151A 2 ½ ton Cargo Truck, CFB Petawawa Military Museum Park.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck, Museum Park, No. 1 of 2.
Iltis ¼- ton Truck, Museum Park, No. 2 of 2.
Jeep & Trailer, MP Platoon.
Jeep rigged for a parachute drop.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65042), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123021, “Calamity”, 1st Hussars, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 62.
LAV III Monument, Sarnia-Lambton Afghanistan Monument.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, privately owned, Scarborough, Ontario.
Shirley’s Bay, Connaught Ranges and Primary Training Centre
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, privately owned. The concrete pad for this tank is in place, but the tank itself is currently missing, possibly returned to a private owner.
Universal Carrier.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier.
M113 C & R Lynx.
St Catherines
M5A1 Stuart VI Light Tank (without turret), (Serial No. 10778), combat survivor, served with the Lincoln & Welland Regiment, Serial No. WD CT271427, Lake Street Armoury, 81 Lake Street.
St Thomas
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65032), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123011, and a few sections of Engineer bridging, St. Thomas Armoury, Wilson Ave & Chester St.
M113 APC, (one of two), St. Thomas Armoury, Elgin Military Museum.
M113 APC, (second of two), St. Thomas Armoury, Elgin Military Museum.
M113 C & R Lynx, St. Thomas Armoury, Elgin Military Museum.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65076), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123055, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 76, 1553 Weller Street.
Thunder Bay
Universal Carrier, Hillcrest Park, High St between Red River Rd and Oliver Rd, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Two M113 APCs reported to be located at a Royal Canadian Legion in Thunder Bay.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69036), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129515, “Athene”. This tank is one of two standing in front of the LCol George Taylor Denison Armoury, 1 Yukon Lane.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69209), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129688, “Ares”, LCol George Taylor Denison Armoury, 1 Yukon Lane.
M113 C & R Lynx, Canadian Forces College, Toronto.
Leopard C2 tank (Serial No. 78-85066), Canadian Forces College, Toronto.
LAV III Monument, Bain Park, 327 Dundas St. East.
LAV III Monument, Waterloo Cenotaph, 100 Regina Street South.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69215), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129694, “Chateauguay”, Régiment de Hull, de Salaberry Armoury, 188 Alexandre Taché Boulevard.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69224), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129703, “Kiska”, Régiment de Hull, de Salaberry Armoury.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFR 52-81061, formerly at St-Hubert, FMC HQ.
M113 C & R Lynx, "Wrightville", Régiment de Hull, de Salaberry Armoury.
La Tuque
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, at the cenotaph, Rue Saint Joseph and Rue Saint Eugene.
M113 C & R Lynx, Laval Armoury, 2100 Boulevard le Carrefour.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Levis Armoury, 10 Arsenal Street.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 187, 136 Rue du Souvenir.
Montréal, Côte-des-Neiges Armoury
M113 C & R Lynx, Côte-des-Neiges Armoury, 4185 De la Côte-des-Neiges Ch.
AVGP Cougar, Côte-des-Neiges Armoury, 4185 De la Côte-des-Neiges Ch.
Montréal, CFB Montréal, Longue Point Garrison, Royal Canadian Ordnance Museum, 6560 Hochelaga Street.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69229), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129708.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun.
Russian T-72M Main Battle Tank. This T-72 was acquired by 4 Intelligence Company on 2 February 1996 for full-scale identification training. The tank was originally used for testing and evaluation at CFB Valcartier before it was delivered to the military tank park and museum at Long Point, Montreal.
M548 Cargo Carrier.
M578 ARV.
M113 ARV.
M113 C & R Lynx.
North Hatley
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 242, 95 Rue Jackson Heights.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Royal Canadian Legion, Montgomery St and Hwy 133.
Québec City, La Citadelle
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, la Citadelle, The Royal 22e Museum.
Universal Carrier, la Citadelle, The Royal 22e Museum.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, in a park at Clarendon St and Ferry St.
M113 C & R Lynx, at Armand-Theriault Blvd and Frontenac St.
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR)
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, facing the parade square from the NW side.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5 with 20-pounder main gun, facing the parade square from the NW side.
Leopard A2 Main Battle Tank with 105-mm Gun, NW corner of the College.
155-mm M109 155-mm SP Howitzer, CFR 85-77232 painted as CFR 85-34825, located at CMR St Jean. It is located in the north West corner of the college (visible from the road).
M113 APC facing the parade square from the river side.
AVGP Grizzly, facing the parade square from the river side.
Le Musée du Fort Saint-Jean, 15, rue Jacques-Cartier Nord.
M4A2 (75) Sherman III tank, (Serial No. 8007), built by Fisher, R/N 3063256, Build No. 898, WD No. T-152656, “Bomb”, Sherbrooke Hussars Regiment, 315 Rue William. This tank is one of four surviving original Shermans that fought in Europe, returned to Canada in 1945. "Holy Roller", in London, Ontario, "Cathy" at Trois-Rivières, Quebec, and "Forceful II" in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario are the other survivors.
M113 C & R Lynx, Les Fusiliers de Sherbrooke Regimental Museum, 64 Belvédère Street South.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 117, 117 Rue de Souvenir.
M4A2 (76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65029), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123008.
M4A2 (76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65029), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123008.
Trois-Rivières, Jean Victor Allard Armoury, 574 St Francis Xavier.
Sherman Vc Firefly tank with 17-pounder gun, (Serial No. WD CT150503), “Cathy”.
M113 C & R Lynx.
AVGP Cougar.
Valcartier, CFB Valcartier
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, 12e RBC Barracks.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, Main Gate.
Leopard C-1 Main Battle Tank.
M113 C & R Lynx, 12e RBC Barracks.
Ferret Scout Car, 12e RBC Barracks.
AVGP Cougar, 12e RBC Barracks.
AVGP Grizzly, 12e RBC Barracks.
155-mm M109 155-mm SP Howitzer.
DRDC Valcartier
M113 C & R Lynx, UN markings, Henry IV Highway.
New Brunswick
Universal Carrier, The North Shore Regiment, CT96069, 62, No. 1 of 2.
Universal Carrier, The North Shore Regiment, CT96069, (both Universal Carriers have been painted with the same Reg. No.), "Caraquet Flyer", No. 2 of 2.
LAV III Monument, J.K. Irving Centre, 30 Evangeline Street. The LAV III Monument is located in a new park on a hilltop adjacent to the New Town Hall and the J.K. Irving Centre development which overlooks Bouctouche Bay.
155-mm M109 SP Howitzer, 8577237, No. 1 of 2, Memorial Park.
155-mm M109 SP Howitzer, 63-348, No. 2 of 2, Memorial Park.
Grand Anse
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR 67-35967, town cenotaph.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, “Coriano", Centennial Park, St George Blvd.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 11, L7 105-mm main gun, “Rimini”, Moncton Armoury.
Leopard Main Battle Tank, "Hussar". Superior Propane Centre, 55 Russ Howard Drive.
Ferret Scout Car, Moncton Armoury.
British Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, privately owned by Mike Baxter.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, "Ironsides", Centennial Park, Wassis Road.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR TBC, 41, Oromocto Tourist Centre.
LAV III Monument, the first of 250 allocated to communities across Canada. It is located close to the Oromocto War Memorial.
Willys Jeep, 1956, private collector.
Willys Jeep, Jason Meade.
Oromocto, 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
New Brunswick Military History Museum
Universal Carrier, New Brunswick Military History Museum. This vehicle undergoing restoration.
White M3 Half-track (Serial No. CZ 4036146), donated by the Royal New Brunswick Regiment. Museum Vehicle Park.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun. Museum vehicle park.
Centurion AVBL, CFR 67-10173, New Brunswick Military History Museum. This vehicle is on display on Champlain Ave., East of the Base Medical Centre.
Centurion Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV), CFR 54-81334. Museum Vehicle Park.
M113A2 Armoured Personnel Carrier, CFR 66-35387, painted as 52. Museum Vehicle Park. This APC is a runner.
US M113A2 Armoured Personnel Carrier APC, US Army Serial No. MSJ 18316MA, version, UN markings. Museum Vehicle Park.
US M113A2 Armoured Personnel Carrier APC, US Army Serial No. MSJ 20156, A-85, 31, painted as 65-35001, 42A. Museum Vehicle Park.
M548A1 Carrier, Cargo, Full Tracked with winch, CFR 35479, 49E. Museum Vehicle Park.
M577 Command Post, CFR 66-35530, painted as 93A. Museum Vehicle Park.
M578 Light Recovery Vehicle, New Brunswick Military History Museum, EFCC storage compound.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR 67-35885, CR2-76, painted as 41E. Museum Vehicle Park.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR 67-35916, E11A, New Brunswick Military History Museum. This vehicle stands on a Bailey Bridge Section outside the North Gate.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, CFR 54-82525, 25, previously painted all white, (Serial N. UNEF 1598), K17 Armour School training compound South of Bldg J-7, 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, CFR 54-82592, standing on a section of Bailey Bridge, Champlain Ave., West of the Carleton Barracks Officer’s Mess.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, CFR 54-82608. Museum Vehicle Park.
AVGP Grizzly, CFR 78-37252, painted as 13B, New Brunswick Military History Museum, Museum vehicle park.
AVGP Cougar, CFR 78-37368, painted as 21C. Museum Vehicle Park.
AVGP Husky, CFR 78-37557, painted as 88C. Museum Vehicle Park.
AVLB Beaver in front of the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering.
Russian T-72 Main Battle Tank. Museum Vehicle Park.
Russian ASU-57 SP Airborne Assault Gun, Gun Serial No. 52-∏-270, N?556. Museum Vehicle Park.
Russian AT-S/T Artillery Tractor. Museum Vehicle Park.
Russian BTR-152 Armoured Personnel Carrier. Museum Vehicle Park.
Russian BRDM-2 Combat Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle. Museum Vehicle Park.
155-mm M109A4 SP Howitzer, CFR 85-7724785, painted as 45B. Museum Vehicle Park.
Combat Training Centre, 5 CDSG Base Gagetown, Armour School
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, CFR 78-980, (Serial No. 1080E), 76-mm Gun, “Addy”, West of Bldg J-7.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, CFR 65038, built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30123017, “Fox”, painted as CFR 78-980, New Brunswick Military History Museum, Main Gate.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, CFR 52-31201, 20-pounder main gun, on display on Tilley Ave., Southeast of the Base Medical Centre.
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5/2, CFR 53-81201, L7 105-mm Gun, “Worthy”, West of Bldg J-7.
Leopard C1 Main Battle Tank, 105-mm Gun, “Nixon”, West of Bldg J-7.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR unknown, CR2-147, “Radley-Walters”, West of Bldg J-7.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR 67-35953, CR2-5, under a tarp in the K17 Armour School training compound South of Bldg J-7.
AVGP Cougar, L-137-F-J79, in the K17 Armour School training compound South of Bldg J-7.
Combat Training Centre, 5 CDSB Gagetown, Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 77240), 1985, AC: NX, ECC: 119205 HUI C: 1760, SAUI C: 1760, VMO No. DLE21801, VMO. Display Monument, in front of the School.
Combat Training Centre, 5 CDSB Gagetown, Infantry School
AVGP Grizzly, west side of the Infantry School.
M113A1 APC, 12, west side of the Infantry School.
Centurion Mk. 5/2 Main Battle Tank with L7 105-mm main gun, 8th Canadian Hussars, Casley Park, Bradford Road, behind the Municipal Building.
Ferret Scout Car, Memorial Park.
M113 APC, Ambulance, beside the war memorial in front of the town library.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, “Balaclava”, BGen Milton Gregg VC Armoury, Leonard Drive.
AVGP Cougar, No. 1 of 2, in front of the HQ, BGen Milton Gregg VC Armoury, Leonard Drive.
AVGP Cougar, No. 2 of 2, in the storage compound of the BGen Milton Gregg VC Armoury.
M113 C & R Lynx, in the storage compound of the BGen Milton Gregg VC Armoury.
Ferret Scout Car, (Serial No, 82583), built in 1954, BGen Milton Gregg VC Armoury, Leonard Drive, undergoing restoration.
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, Queen Charlotte Armoury
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65040), built by Fisher, with full skirts, Reg. No. 30123019, standing in front of the armoury.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, in front of the armoury.
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, restored to running condition.
M113 C & R Lynx.
Royal Canadian Signal Corps Compound
Dodge M37 (G-741) ¾-ton 4 X 4 Truck.
Prince Edward Island Regiment Building, Summerside
M113 C & R Lynx, in front of the Supply Building on the site of the former CFB Summerside.
LAV III Monument, Legion Branch 17, 97 Sunset Drive, Wellington.
Nova Scotia
Universal Carrier (a runner), Major (Ret’d) Bob Estabrooks, North Nova Scotia Historical Museum.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, located at the Royal Canadian Legion, 78 Churchill St.
The Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, 31A, built in 1952, previously on display at the Cornwallis Military Museum, has been moved to the Western Museum of the Armed Forces, Aldergrove, British Columbia.
Glace Bay
M577 Command Post (Queen Mary), in front of the Marconi Armouries in Cape Breton.
Canadian M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (CFR No. 78-778), “Hellfire”. This tank was on display on the West side of the Halifax Armoury. It is currently stored at CFB Shearwater.
Kentville, Camp Aldershot
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, Lanzy Road, Camp Aldershot.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, previously located at Cornwallis, it is now with a private owner.
Universal Carrier Mk II, Tom Jeddry.
New Victoria
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Fort Petrie NHS.
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Cenotaph Park.
Ferret Scout Car, Truro Armoury, 126 Willow St, Truro.
Truro, Brad Mills Collection
Universal Carrier (a runner).
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1 (undergoing restoration).
British Ferret Scout Car Mk 2/3 (a runner).
M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 126.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Corner Brook
M113 C & R Lynx, Gallipoli Armoury.
Happy Valley, Labrador
Universal Carrier, in storage with the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 51.
St. John’s, Pleasantville
Universal Carrier, (Serial No. TL12870D), top enclosed, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 56.
Northwest Territories
M113 C & R Lynx, all-white, UN markings, military park with propeller and anchor mounted in front of the Department of National Defence joint military office.
No AFVs documented.
Yukon Territory
No AFVs documented.

Major Hal Skaarup has woven together an informative and detailed synopsis of the carefully preserved and restored armoured fighting vehicles on display in Canada. He highlights the importance of these upon key turning points in history when these AFVs were in use as tools of war at home and overseas. We often associate the evolution of military prowess with the advancement of sophisticated technology. Major Skaarup's descriptions of Canadian armour as it evolved to the level it has today reveals that military planners have had to be continuously creative in adapting to the changes in modern combat. They had to devise many intricate techniques, tactics and procedures to overcome the insurgents and opposition forces faced in Afghanistan and future overseas missions where Canadian armour will be brought into play. This guide book will show the interested reader where to find examples of the historical armour preserved in Canada, and perhaps serve as a window on how Canada's military contribution to safety and security in the world has evolved.
Lieutenant-General Steven S. Bowes
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