Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre, Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario
Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre, 35 Shirley Blvd, Ottawa, Ontario
Aircraft, Helicopters, Armoured Fighting Vehicles and Naval Weapons on display.


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Canadair CF-116D Freedom Fighter (Serial No. 116834). Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre, Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario.

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Canadair CT-133 Silver Star (Serial No. 133606). Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre, Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario.

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Bell CH-136 Kiowa, (Serial No. 136203), Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre, Shirley's Bay, Ottawa, Ontario.

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AVGP Cougar.

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Universal Carrier.

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M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carrier.

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M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. CR2-92).

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Fv432 Armoured Personnel Carrier (UK), Serial No. 07F.A18.

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Iltis Ambulance.

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155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher, CDN No. 26, 1955.

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155-mm M109 SP Gun, standing at the front entrance to the ranges.

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3″/50 caliber gun breechloading Naval gun, No. 1 of 2. The 3″/50 caliber gun (spoken "three-inch fifty-caliber") in naval gun terminology indicates the gun fired a projectile 3 inches (76-mm) in diameter, and the barrel was 50 calibers long (barrel length is 3 in × 50 = 150 in or 3.8 m). Different guns (identified by Mark numbers) of this caliber were used by the RCN on a number of different warship classes. These included the St. Laurent-class destroyers (built originally with 2 Mark 33 twin mounts, later they had one mount removed); Restigouche-class destroyers (built with one Mark 33 twin mount aft, although those refitted to the Improved Restigouche configuration had them removed); mackenzie-class destroyers (built with one Mark 33 twin mount aft except HMCS Qu'Appelle, which received two Mark 33 twin mounts [one forward, one aft]); Annapolis-class destroyers (built with one Mark 33 twin mount forward); and HMCS Bonaventure (CVL 22) (built with 4 twin mounts, reduced to 2 during a refit in 1967).

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3″/50 caliber gun breechloading Naval gun, No. 2 of 2.

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40-mm Bofors AA Gun.

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RUR-5 ASROC (Anti-Submarine ROCket) all-weather, all sea-conditions anti-submarine missile system.

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AN/SPS 12 Long range air/surface search radar system with a range of 322 km (200 miles). In service on RCN St. Laurent, Restigouche, Mackenzie and Annapolis class warships from the 1950s to 1990s.

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12.75-inch (324-mm) Mark 32 Surface Vessel Torpedo Tubes (Mk. 32 SVTT).

(United States Navy Photo, Mass Communication Specialist John L. Beeman)
Mk. 46 torpedo launch from a Mk. 32 SVTT.