Artillery in Canada: German Second World War Trophies
German Second World War Trophies preserved in Canada, CFB Edmonton, Alberta

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 10.5-cm LeFH 18/40 Howitzer, Barrel (Serial Nr. R351) Fl 905, dxk, Breech Block (Serial Nr. Fl 539) mrf, SB dxk, Trail (Serial Nor Fl 697) bwl, Memorial Park South of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison.
German Second World War Artillery in the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
German Second World War 3.7-mm Czech Škoda (PaK 36 t) AT Gun. The gun is marked 1937, AKC SPOL, 93 kg, d?. Škodovy Závody v Plzni, tov ?ís. 21532, E1 37, 3.7 cm k vz.37, ?ís. 7, VL0217!

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 Light Infantry Gun (7.5-cm leIG 18) (Serial Nr. R191).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R4024), shipped to Canada from the UK on 24 Oct 1944.

(Tighe McManus Photo)
5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R5709), on loan to the Antler River Museum.

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R807).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. R341).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 18/40 (10.5-cm leFH 18/40) Howitzer (Serial Nr. R158). (Captain F.M. Mowat).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 18/40 (10.5-cm leFH 18/40) Howitzer (Serial Nr. R284).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18) (Serial Nr. R856). (Captain F.M. Mowat).

(wing and a prayer Photo)

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
17-cm Kanone 18 (17-cm K 18) in Mörserlafette Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 58). (Captain F.M. Mowat).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
30-cm Raketenwerfer 56, (no Serial Number visible).

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
10.5-cm Leichtgeschütz 42 (10.5-cm LG 42 Recoilless Gun, (Serial Nr. R121). (Captain F.M. Mowat).
2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry HQ, CFB Shilo, Manitoba

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) AT Gun (Serial Nr. R10087).
Fort Garry Horse Museum, Winnipeg, Manitoba

(Fort Garry Horse Museum Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen” (hollow charge rocket launcher), (Serial Nr. RW2491), Fort Garry Horse Museum, McGregor Armoury, 551 Machray Ave.
CFB Borden, Ontario, Base Borden Military Museum

(Author Photos)
French Second World War 47-mm Mle 1937 (G47 Mle 1937), APX Anti-Tank Gun, designated PaK 181(f) in German service.
German Second World War 7.5cm Kampfwagenkanone 40 (7.5-cm KwK 40/L43), (Serial Nr. TBC), vehicle mounted gun on a wall-mounted display.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 97/38 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. 9108), 1916, A.B.S.,
French 75-mm Mle 1937 (G47 Mle 1937), APX Anti-Tank Gun, in German service designated PaK 181(f).

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R17355), rear of Museum hangar.

(Author Photos)
Russian 7.62-cmAnti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. 1230), 1939, designated PaK 36(r) in German service. Air Force side of the Base.
(Author Photo)
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 AT Gun (Serial Nr. R860), 1942, Bhh, rear of Museum hangar.
(Author Photo)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 AT Gun (Serial Nr. R1761), 1942, bwo, Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), rear of Museum hangar.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. R2900), bwo, Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), South Parade Square.
(Author Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun, (Serial Nr. R4969), 1942, hhg, Rheinmetall Borsig (Tegel), Worthington Park.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr. R2746), 1940, WaA 34, barrel in the recoil position, South Parade Square.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr. R3176), 1941, COC (TBC), CHM, barrel extended, Southeast of North gate.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War FlakPanzer IV Wirbelwind, currently being restored inside a Base Borden Museum Hangar.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Light Tank Destroyer, MGen Worthington Memorial Park.
Kars, Ontario, Swords and Ploughshares Museum, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), K0A2E0. Curator: Major Mike T.A. Calnan.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 AT Gun.
Kington, Ontario, Royal Military College

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm FlaK 37 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial Nr. R5456) 1042 CXX (120), Crerar Crescent.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm Panzerabwehrkanone 43 (8.8-cm PaK 43) Anti-tank Gun, Breeching Ring (Serial Nr. R1243), Crerar Crescent.

(IWM Photo, B8833)
Abandoned PaK 43/41 Anti-tank Gun, being passed by a jeep and Cromwell tank during Operation Totalise in Normany, Aug 1944.
Lisle, Ontario

(Balcer Photos)
Ottawa, Ontario, The Canadian War Museum

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (7.5-cm leIG 18), short-barrelled Field Gun stamped with German emblem, 2682, (Serial Nr. R1285), 1927.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War 8.1-cm Schwerer Granatwerfer 34 (s.Gr.W.34) (Serial Nr. TBC).

(Author Photo)
German Second World War 7.92-mm MG 42 Machine Gun.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 2-cm FlaK 30 AA Gun AA Gun 1936, (Serial Nr. 466).

(Author Photo)
German Second World War 2-cm Flakvierling 38, FlaK 38 AA Gun, Rheinmetall (Serial Nr. 10660), W646, W648, mounted on a wheeled trailer.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3584521)
German Anti-Aircraft Searchlight and machine-guns on display during Air Force Day at Rockcliffe, Ontario, 9 June 1951.

(Author Photos)
German Anti-Aircraft Searchlight.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm FlaK 37 Anti-Aircraft Gun, (Serial Nr. R534), Gallery 3.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War Rheintochter Anti-Aircraft Missile.

(DND Photo via James Craik)
German Second World War Rheintochter Anti-Aircraft Missile and V-1, on display at RCAF Station Centralia, Ontario, in 1965.

(Author Photos)
German Reichenberg IV manned V-1.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 2.8-cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 AT Gun sPzB 41 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. BpK 1333), stamped 9/277, MEL 600.

(Author Photos)
German/Austrian Second World War 4.7-cm Böhler Da 44/32 M35 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. 35447).

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 AT Gun , Rheinmetall, (Serial Nr. 1937), RMB 14182.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) AT Gun., Rheinmetall Borsig, (Serial Nr. R8453), 1942, stamped BS FL549csh, Mr Fl 860csh.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 5-cm Nebelwerfer 41, six-barrelled Multiple Rocket Launcher (Serial Nr. TBC).

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 21-cm Nebelwerfer 42 five-barrelled Multiple Rocket Launcher, 1944, BEQ 43, (Serial Nr. 988), FeH 43.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm Leichtgeschütz 40, (LG 40) Recoilless Rifle, Airborne Forces, stamped FL 390, BWO, Eagle and swastika, (Serial Nr. R287JT0, stamped 4116/R287JT/F1390.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen” (hollow charge rocket launcher), 1943, (Serial Nr. RW 3935).

(Author Photos)
Russian 122-mm M1938 M30 Howitzer (Serial Nr. 2669), designated 12.2-cm FH 396(r) in German service. This gun came to the CWM from the Canadian School of Military Intelligence (CSMI) in 1966.

(Author Photo)
German Zundapp KS 750 Motorcycle with sidecar.

(Author Photo)
German Kettenkrad tracked motorcycle.

(Capt Ken Bell, Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3231598)
Privates M. Voske and H. Browne of the Calgary Highlanders examining a captured German radio-controlled Goliath tracked mine, Goes, Netherlands, 30 October 1944.

(Author Photo)
German Goliath Tracked Mine.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War Mercedes Staff Car.
German Panzer IA light tank. One was held by the Canadian War Museum, but was traded to Jacques Littlefield in California for six pieces of armour that were significant to Canada. The Panzer I is very rare, but not very relevant to Canada as it was obsolete by the time the majority of our army came into contact with the German army. The CWM acquired 1. Staghound Armoured Car. (Type used by Canada). 2. Churchill tank (Type used by Canada). 3. Lee M3 tank (Type used by Canada). 4. Stuart M5A1 tank (Type used by Canada). 5. Grizzly M4A1 tank (Made in Canada). Repatriation. 6. A Ram ARV (hulk) was to be part of the deal but there was a problem and another vehicle was provided. Colin MacGregor Stevens.

(Author Photo)
German Panzer II Light Tank, Call sign 112, 19, G, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War Sturmgeschütz StuG III Ausf G SdKfz 142/2 Assault Gun, Barrel (Serial Nr. R5453).

(Author Photo)
German Second World War Jagdpanzer IV/70 (V) 7.5-cm Tank Destroyer.

(Author Photo)
German Panzer V Panther Ausf A Main Battle Tank. This tank was previously on display at CFB Borden, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3520261)
Member of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals looking over destroyed German Jagdpanther self-propelled gun, Northwest Europe, 15 Mar 1945.
CFB Petawawa, Ontario

(Clive Prothero-Brooks Photos)
German Second World War 2.8-cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 Anti-Tank Gun (2.8-cm sPzB 41) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial No. 2556). The barrel has a separate number, (Serial Nr. 52536) This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) AT Gun (Serial Nr. TBC), corroded, Menin Road.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. R2595), 1942 beg, stamped BS:Fl1736fqv, Vr:FL200bej, Menin Road.

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 8.8-cm FlaK 37 AA Gun, (Serial Nr. R3864), stamped BS: Sg563492 RL1084bxe F1318beb, M:F1317beb, S:F1317beb on the breeching ring, North of the Main Gate.

German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 Heavy Field Howitzer, (Serial Nr. R3079), shell strike on the remaining numbers on the breeching ring, Menin Road.
CFB Valcartier, Quebec

(James Simmonds Photo)
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 AT Gun (Serial Nr. TBC), in front of the WO and Sgt’s Mess.
Oromocto, New Brunswick, 5 Canadian Division Support Group, CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick Military History Museum

(Author Photos)
German Second World War 17-ton 17-cm Kanone 18 (K 18) in Mörserlafette (on a big gun carriage), (Serial Nr. R320), sent from Europe to Aberdeen, and then to Canada in 1945. This gun was shipped from Aberdeen in the USA on 3 Mar 1945, along with a new spare barrel. It was located in the Munitions Experimental Test Centre (CEEM), until it was transferred to the NBMHM, CFB Gagetown, on 4 Dec 2012. Once it has been restored, it will be displayed at the New Brunswick Military History Museum (NBMHM) on Base. These guns were of the same type used against gunners from Saint John, New Brunswick in the battles in Italy in 1943. The bye marking on the gun is the manufacturers code for HANOMAG-Hannover'sche Maschinenbau AG vorm. Georg Egestorff, Hannover. This company manufactured approximately 300 of these guns from 1941 onwards (before then, they were built by the Krupp firm).