Artillery in Canada (9) Nova Scotia: Halifax, Point Pleasant Park
Artillery in Nova Scotia
City of Halifax, Point Pleasant Park
The aim of this website is to locate, identify and document every historical piece of artillery preserved in Canada. Many contributors have assisted in the hunt for these guns to provide and update the data found on these web pages. Photos are by the author unless otherwise credited. Any errors found here are by the author, and any additions, corrections or amendments to this list of Guns and Artillery in Canada would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at
For all official data concerning the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, please click on the link to their website:
Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Website
Note: Back in the day, artillery in Canada was referred to by its radio call sign "Sheldrake". It is now referred to by its "Golf" call sign. (Acorn sends)
The web page for Nova Scotia has become too big for all the guns to be listed on one page, therefore the guns on display within Annapolis Royal including Fort Anne, the City of Halifax including York Redoubt, the Fort George Citadel, the Maritime Command Museum and Royal Artillery Park etc., are listed on separate pages for Nova Scotia.
Halifax, Point Pleasant Park, Prince of Wales Martello Tower
Prince of Wales Martello Tower plaque.

(Author Photos, 11 Sep 2018)
Prince of Wales Martello Tower.

(Author Photo)
Map of the Point Pleasant Park defence network.
Cannister shot, cap and ball.
Halifax, Point Pleasant Park, Fort Cambridge Battery

(Author Photos, 11 Sep 2018)
9-inch 12-ton Mk. V Muzzleloading Rifle, weight corroded, (>26,00 lbs), (RGF No. corroded) on the left trunnion, (+) on the right trunnion. Firths Steel number on the barrel corroded, unmounted.
Halifax, Point Pleasant Park, Fort Ogilvie Battery


(Author Photos, 11 Sep 2018)
Cast Iron 10-inch 18-ton Muzzleloading Rifle, Queen Victoria cypher, weight 17-18-1-0 (38,220 lbs), 79 on barrel, Firth Steel (Serial No. 1968) on the muzzle face, (RGF No. 79 II, 1870) on the left trunnion, (+) on the right trunnion. This gun is mounted on the ramparts of Fort Ogilvie facing out to sea on fixed iron posts. No. 1.

(Author Photos, 11 Sep 2018)
7-inch 7-ton Muzzleloading Rifle, Queen Victoria cypher, weight and Serial number heavily corroded. Unmounted, resting on wood blocks. No. 1 of 2.
7-inch 7-ton Muzzleloading Rifle, Queen Victoria cypher, weight and Serial number heavily corroded. Unmounted, resting on wood blocks. No. 2 of 2.

(Royce Walker Photos)
Blomefield Cast Iron possibly 12-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight > 3,000 lbs)both trunnions broken, King George III cypher.

(Royce Walker Photos)
9-pounder 6-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 5-3-23 (663 lbs), trunnions concealed in concrete, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a concrete stand, No. 1 of 2.
(Royce Walker Photos)
9-pounder 6-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 5-3-27 (667 lbs), trunnions concealed in concrete, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 2 of 2.
Parks Canada records a third 9-pounder 6-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle stood in in Point Pleasant Park, with a weight of 5-3-0 (644 lbs). This gun is not present, location unknown.