Artillery in Canada (5) Ontario: Fort Erie, Gananoque, Georgetown, Georgina, Goderich, Goodenham, Gorrie, Grand Bend, Guelph, Haileybury, Haliburton, Halton Hills, Hamilton, Hannover, Harold, Harriston, Hawksbury, Holstein

Fort Erie

Diagram showing the placement of cannon at Fort Erie.

(Author Photos)

Fort Erie.

(Author Photos)

Fort Erie, commemorative plaques and memorials.

(Author Photos)

Russian Blomefield pattern Cast Iron 36-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, made by Armstrong, at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy.  ML, (Serial No. 433G), 1632P, 1835.  Mounted on a wood naval gun carriage located on a redoubt facing south inside Fort Erie.

(Author Photos)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 51-0-9 (5,721 lbs), (Serial No. 70802, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted wood naval gun carriage.

(Author Photos)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-0 (5,572 lbs) under the cascabel, (L) Low Moor, England, on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 218) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, on a redoubt facing West.

The broad arrow was used in England (and later Britain), apparently from the early 14th century, and more widely from the 16th century, to mark objects purchased from the monarch's money, or to indicate government property. It became particularly associated with the Office or Board of Ordnance, the principal duty of which was to supply guns, ammunition, stores and equipment to the King's Navy.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 53-2-7 (5,999 lbs), King George III cypher, (not observed).

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 51-0-13 (5,725 lbs), King George III cypher, (not observed).

(Author Photos)

Cast Iron 4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, no cypher, no markings, mounted on a naval gun carriage, on a redoubt facing West.

Cast Iron 4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 1798 DLCCCVI, reproduction, copied from a piece from Fort York.

Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, recovered from the USS Detroit which was sunk during the War of 1812.  Museum Visitor Center.

(Author Photos)

Bronze 9-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 5-3-22 (666 lbs), D17 over DLCVIII on the left trunnion, 1859 on the right trunnion, F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendant of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England cypher above the Queen Victoria cypher, DIEU ET MON DROIT, broad arrow mark, Serial No. 4456, mounted on a naval gun carriage, inside Fort Erie, No. 1 of 2.

(Author Photos)

Bronze 9-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 6-0-0 (672 lbs), V14 over DLVIII on the left trunnion, 1859 on the right trunnion, F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendant of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England cypher over Queen Victoria cypher, DIEU ET MON DROIT, broad arrow mark, Serial No. 4071, mounted on a naval gun carriage, inside Fort Erie, No. 2 of 2.

(Author Photos)

Cast Iron 9-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 16-2-20 (1,860 lbs), Crown over P on the barrel, R, A on right trunnion, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, inside Fort Erie.

Cast Iron 12-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 31-0-13 (3,485 lbs), pre-1759.  Museum Visitor Center.

Cast Iron 12-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight unknown.

Cast Iron 18-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, King George III cypher, reproduction.

Bronze Coehorn 4.65-inch (12-pounder) Mortar, weight unknown, King George II cypher.

(Lanabird Photo)

Cast Iron 10-inch Smoothbore Muzzleloading Land Service Mortar with Dolphin carrying handles, weight unknown, reproduction.


(Terry Honour Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 51-2-7 (5,775 lbs), 1807, (Serial No. 708990, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street

Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, mounted on a wooden carriage, King George II cypher, H & S No. 3 on the left trunnion.  This guns stands on the left side of the 24-pounder (possible replica).  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street.

Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, mounted on a wooden carriage, King George II cypher, H & S No. 1.  This gun stands on the right side of the 24 pounder (possible replica).  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street.


(Terry Honour Photos)

106-mm Recoiless Rifle.

105-mm L5 Pack Howitzer.


(Andre Blanchard Photo)

105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer.


(Internet Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. 63844, CARRON, 1803) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage.  Wellesley Street.

Blomefield Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 20-0-14 (2,254 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 26) on right trunnion, 4, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  Lions Park.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 55-3-14 (6,258 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 182) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, MCMXXV.  Mounted on a concrete stand near the Lighthouse.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Land Service Mortar, weight 51-2-14 (5,782 lbs), (Serial No. 77661, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Land Service Mortar, weight 52-0-9 (5,833 lbs),   (Serial No. 77779, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Land Service Mortar, weight 51-3-14 (5,810 lbs), (Serial No. 77732, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

(JustSomePics Photo)

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Land Service Mortar, weight 56-0-1 (6,273 lbs), (Serial No. 77812, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Limber and Field Artillery Tractor, Artillery Support Group.

Cast Iron Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, in a downtown park.


(Andre Blanchard Photos)

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown) mounted on the cenotaph.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machine-gun (Serial Nr. unknown), mounted on a Schlitten stand, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 307, 2059 Victoria Street.

Grand Bend

(Doug and Sandra Photos)

German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW), possibly (Serial Nr. 6170), mounted on wheels on a concrete stand, Centennial Park, on the SW corner of Main St and Ontario St. (Hwy 21).  

Guelph, 11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA

The 11th Field Artillery Regiment, is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 Canadian Brigade Group located in Guelph, Ontario.  11 Field Regiment sub-units include the 11th Field Battery (Hamilton-Wentworth), 16th Field Battery, and the 29th Field Battery.


(Terry Honour Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, (>5,500 lbs), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, ‘Old Jeremiah’ brought to Guelph campus in 1879.  This gun is mounted on a concrete stand on University grounds.

(Balcer Photos)

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 101433).

(Terry Honour Photos)

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Guelph Armoury, 7 Wyndham St South, outside.

(Terry Honour Photos)

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Guelph Armoury, 7 Wyndham St South, indoors.

(Terry Honour Photo)

Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) Field Artillery Tractor (FAT) inside the armoury.

(Internet Photo)

155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  Guelph Armoury, 7 Wyndham St South.


20 Pr Gun Mk 1 Barrel mounted in concrete (Serial No. H5764), Queen Elizabeth II Cypher.  East side of Cenotaph.

20 Pr Gun Mk I Barrel mounted in concrete, (Serial No.  29887), Queen Elizabeth II Cypher.  West side of Cenotaph.


(Tim Laye Photo)

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 13366), mounted on a Schlitten stand.

(Tim Laye Photo)

German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. 6839), captured by the 43rd Battalion on 8 Aug 1918 at Dod Wood, SW of Demuin, France.

Halton Hills

(Internet Photos)

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform.  No. 1 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.  

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform.  No. 2 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.


(Laslovargna Photo)

Burlington Heights, where Dundurn Castle and the Hamilton Military Museum now stand, was occupied by the British military from 1813 -1815. Built as a gate house by Sir Allan MacNab in the late 1830s atop a battery from the War of 1812, This building known as Battery Lodge, now houses The Hamilton Military Museum.

( Museum Military Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 50-2-25 (5,681 lbs), (Serial No. 7104, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.  Burlington Heights, Hamilton Military Museum.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 50-1-0 (5,628 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 157) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  Burlington Heights, Hamilton Military Museum.

(Hamiliton Military Museum Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 21-3-22 (2,458 lbs, weight of a 6-pounder), J & H (John & Henry King), 1846, King George III cypher, short ship’s gun re-bored to 24-pounder in 1844.  Battery Lodge southeast, Hamilton Military Museum.

(Laslvargna Photo)

Bronze 9-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 1813, King George III cypher.  Battery Lodge northeast Hamilton Military Museum.

Bronze 9-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 1820, King George III cypher.  Battery Lodge north.  Hamilton Military Museum.

(Saforest Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 50-1-22 (5648 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 150) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand beside the Sir John A.  MacDonald statue at the corner of King and John Street.  The Guns sit on blocks of New Brunswick Granite and have light rust.  No. 1 of 2.

(Rick Cordiero Photos)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 50-0-11 (5,611 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 130) on right trunnion (concealed by concrete), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  These two guns are located in Gore park, beside the Sir John A. MacDonald statue, at the corner of King and John Street.  No. 2 of 2.

HMCS Haida, Hamilton Harbour

(Author Photo)

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/14479), L, left, and (Serial No. S/13908), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. unknown), on board.

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/unknown), L, left, and (Serial No. S/unknown), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. unknown), on board in the B mount position (inaccessible).

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Serial No. L31098 (Breech plate has a date of 1945), Midships - Port side forward mount.

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Serial No. L7936, (Breech plate painted over), Midships - Starboard Side forward mount.

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Serial No. L26335 (Breech plate RBC 1943), Midships - Port side aft mount.    

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Serial No. L31093 - Midships - Starboard aft position.

3 inch/50 QF Twin Guns Mk. 33, Left gun markings: Bu. of Ord. 3-in using Mk 8 Mod 2, W.T. 495 lbs. Serial No. (illegible due to rust), U.S. Naval Ordnance, Canton (illegible in many spots).  Right gun markings: U.S. Navy - Bu. of Ord. 3in using Mk 8 Mod 2, W.T. 495 lbs. Serial No. 13202, G.M. Corp. Fisher Body DIV.    R.J.G, Detroit Michigan, 1950.    

Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Twin Anti-Aircraft Guns, previously mounted on a stand on shore, now possibly with the Naval Museum in Calgary, Alberta.

Squid Anti-submarine Mortar Mk IV, (Serial No. C1185), Depth Charge Thrower.

Squid Anti-submarine Mortar Mk. IV, (Serial No. not found).

HMCS Star, Naval Reserve, Hamilton

(Author Photo)

Russian Blomefield pattern Cast Iron 36-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, made by Armstrong at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy.  6.75-inch gun, stamped Armstrong 1837 J68 ½, (Serial No. 25457).  Captured at Sevastopol in 1855, given to Hamilton by Queen Victoria in 1860.  The Hamilton and District Officers’ Institute mounted the gun as a centennial project in 1967.  This gun is now mounted on a concrete stand at HMCS Star.

(HMCS Star Photo)

QF 12-pounder 8-cwt Naval Landing Gun, weight weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Serial No. 2050 dated 1897.  This gun has a breech block for a 12-pounder 12-cwt Gun, Serial No. 2050), 1903.  King Edward VII cypher.  Carriage plate: Q,F, 12 Pr. Naval Trg, Made by R.C.D Woolwich, 1903, Exd (Examined) at Portsmouth, 1904.  Wt Carriage Complete 6 3/4 Cwt. Admiralty No. 274, Kings Arrow.  With Limber.  This gun has been in use with the Hamilton Sea Cadet Corps for the last 90 years or so.

(HMCS Star Photos)

(HMCS Star Photos)

12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Gun Serial No. 2050, Breech Block Serial No. 2050, dated 1903, Carriage weight 6-cwt, Admiralty No. 27, 1899, with Limber Serial No. 274.  King Edward VII cypher.  The breech block on this gun is for a 12-pounder 12-cwt Field Gun.  This gun has been in use with the Hamilton Sea Cadet Corps for the last 90 years or so.


(David Lasker Photo)

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 257) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV N, cross on the muzzle, mounted on a concrete stand.  Civic Centre.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 86) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV N, cross on the muzzle, mounted on a concrete stand.  Civic Centre.


(Robert Cassin Photo)

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 2393), mounted on a Schlitten stand.  Originally allocated to Rawdon, Ontario, no record.  No. 1 of 2 MG 08s mounted beside the war memorial.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 3791), mounted on a Schlitten stand.  This gun was captured by 10th Battalion on 2 Sep 1918, between Villers-Les-Cagnicourt and Boissy Switch, France.  It was originally allotted to Treherne, Manitoba.  No. 2 of 2 MG 08s mounted beside the war memorial.


(JustSomePics Photos)

French 75-mm M1897 Field Gun (Canon de 75-mm modèle 1897), mounted on a concrete stand beside the cenotaph.

155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 34811), 1968, AC: MD, ECC: 119204, HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343, VMO Date: 10 Jun 2005.  Royal Canadian Legion.  At present, this gun is not in this location, its disposition is to be confirmed.

M113, Memorial Park, 700 Front Street.


(Terry Honour Photo)

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7-cwt (57-mm) Anti-Tank Gun, barrel and breech mounted on a concrete stand in front of Higginson Powder Ltd, on County Rd 34 just south of the town.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 23695).  No. 1 of 2 beside the cenotaph.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 27488).  No. 2 of 2 beside the cenotaph.


(Tim Laye Photos)

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone FK 96 n.A (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. unknown), located at the Royal Canadian Legion, 168 Muskoka Rd South.


(Terry Honour Photos)

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 55-1-21 (6,209 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 392) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, bore diameter 6.5”, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 1, Victory Memorial Park Public School (closed), 210 Thames Street South.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 55-3-14 (6,258 lbs) under the cascabel, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 398) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, bore diameter 6.5”, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 2, Victory Memorial Park Public School (closed), 210 Thames Street South.  Both of these guns have been donated to the Ingersoll Cheese and Agricultural Museum.

(Terry Honour Photos)

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Royal Canadian Legion, Hillcrest Memorial Branch No. 119.


(Tim Laye Photos)

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. unknown), Sandy Cove.


(Ulysses Photo)

Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, mounted on a wheeled carriage, (Serial No. P-17441), O.F.E./C.  Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 370, 24 Dundas Street.

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