Artillery in Canada (5) Ontario: CFB Borden Military Museum
Artillery, CFB Borden Military Museum
The data and photos found on this page has been compiled by the author, unless otherwise credited. Any additions, corrections or amendments to the lists of Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Canada found on these pages would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at

CFBBorden, Base Borden Military Museum
Inside Museum display

(Balcer Photo)
Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun Mk II, (Serial No. CA172355).
Ordnance QF 25-pounder Gun with funeral platform, (Serial No. CA10188), 1942.
German First World War 5-cm leichtes Granatwerfer 36 (5-cm leGrW 36), possibly (Serial Nr. 7310), TBC.
(BBMM Photo)
German Second World War 7.5cm Kampfwagenkanone 40 (7.5-cm KwK 40/L43), (Serial Nr. TBC), vehicle mounted gun on a wall-mounted display.

(Balcer Photos)
GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm PaK 97/38 Anti-Tank Gun, (Serial Nr. 9108), 1916,A.B.S.
(JustSomePics Photo)
Japanese75-mm Type 38 Field Gun No. 67, (Serial No. 1725), with Limber.
The Type 3875 mm Field Gun was a 1905 German design which was purchased by the Empire ofJapan as the standard field gun of the Imperial Japanese Army at the end of theRusso-Japanese War. The Type 38 designation was given to this gun as itwas accepted in the 38th year of Emperor Meiji's reign (1905).
Outside Museum display
Ordnance QF25-pounder Gun with Limber, No. 1 of 2, South Parade Square.

Ordnance QF25-pounder Gun without limber, No. 2 of 2, South Parade Square.
Ordnance QF40-mm Bofors Anti-Aircraft Gun, Southwest of North Gate.
Ordnance QF40-mm Bofors Anti-Aircraft Gun, Naval Gun Mount, Air Force side of the Base.
90-mm M1A1Anti-Aircraft Gun, field West of the Base Accommodations Building.
90-mm M1A1Anti-Aircraft Gun, North of the Base Theatre.
Howitzer,Pack, 105-mm, L5, (Serial No. 577735), 1970. Air Force side of the Base.
C1A1 105-mm M2A1 Howitzer, CDN 18194, CFSEME Building.
Howitzer, Medium, Towed, 155-mm, C1, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec,Queen Elizabeth II cypher. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MMM1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 8, INSP(symbol). This gun is located in the CFSEME Company lines.
(John Moloughhey Photos)
M109 155-mm Self-propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 68-4806), 1968, AC: MD, ECC:119204, HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343 VMO Date: 07 Jul2005. Base Borden Military Museum.
M109 155-mm Self-propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 77226), 1985, AC: CX, ECC:119205, HUI C: 1764, SAUI C: 1764, VMO No. DLE21633 VMO Date: 10 Jun2005. CFSEME, CFB Borden.

French Second World War 47-mm Mle 1937 (G47 Mle 1937), APX Anti-Tank Gun (Serial No. 646), in German service designated PaK 181(f).

German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R17355), rear of the Museum hangar.
Russian 7.62-cmAnti-TankGun (Serial Nr. 1230), 1939, designated PaK 36(r) in German service. Air Force side of the Base.
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R860), 1942, Bhh, rear of Museum hangar.
German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R1761), 1942, bwo,Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), rear of Museum hangar.
GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun, (Serial Nr. R2900), bwo, Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), South Parade Square.
GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun, (Serial Nr. R4969), 1942, hhg,Rheinmetall Borsig (Tegel), Worthington Park.
(Author Photos)
GermanSecond World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr.R2746), 1940, WaA 34, barrel in the recoil position, South Parade Square.
(Author Photos)
German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr.R3176), 1941, COC (TBC), CHM, barrel extended, Southeast of North gate.

(Balcer Photo)
Italian First World War 149-mm 149/12 modelo 16. The gun is marked Gio. Ansaldo& C., Genova 1918, F. 479G, (Serial No. 8847), Peso Con Ott. KC 870, possibly (Serial No. 4796), TBC. (This gun is listed as a 100-mm Obice da 100/17 modelo 14).
The Italian First World War 149-mm 149/12 modelo 16 was a heavy howitzer which served with Austria-Hungary as the 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze M 14. It had two crew seats mounted on the gun shield. It broke down into two loads for transport. The M 14 was modified to improve elevation and range as well as to strengthen the carriage as the M 14/16. Postwar war modifications were common to make it suitable for motor traction and to address other issues. M 14 and M14/16 howitzers were captured by Italy during the war and received as reparations after the war, when they were put into service with the designation of Obice da 149/13. Some 490 were on hand in 1939 and weapons captured by the Germans after the Italians changed sides in 1943 were used as the 15 cm sFH 400(i). Surviving weapons were impressed intoGerman service after 1943 as the 15 cm sFH 401(i). Czech and Slovakweapons were known as the 15 cm hrubá houfnice vz. 14 and 14/16.

Italian Second World War 47-mm Cannone da 47/32 M35, (Serial No. 646), outside the Museum hangar.
The Italian Second World War 47-mm Cannone da 47/32 M35 was an Austrian artillery piece which served as the Cannone da 47/32 M35 produced under license in Italy during the war. It was used both as an infantry gun and an anti-tank gun which it proved to be successful at, especially when equipped with HEAT(Italian: "Effetto Pronto") rounds. In the 1930s Italy bought some of these guns from Böhler, and then began to produce the weapon under license, continuing its development. The Cannone da 47/32 M35 was the main armament in the M13/40 medium tank, the M14/41 medium tank, and the 47/32self-propelled gun. Due to its shape, the 47/32 was commonly called "elefantino" (little elephant) by the troops.
(Guy Despatie Photo)
Japanese 10-cm Model 92 Field Gun, Blackburn Park Army Cadet Camp.
The Japanese Type 92 10-cm was a field gun used by the Imperial Japanese Armyduring the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Second World War. The Type 92number was designated for the year the gun was accepted, 2592 in the Japaneseimperial year calendar, or 1932 in the Gregorian calendar. The Type 92cannon was intended to supersede the Type 14 10cm Cannon in front line combatservice. It has all the standard features of the 1930-36 period ofJapanese gun design, including a long barrel, short cradle, long trails, and arelatively low silhouette. In traveling position the tube is retracted bymeans of a winch and locked to the cradle. The gun achieves aconsiderable range with a 35-pound shell in proportion to its unusually lowweight. The Model 92 is stabilized by three spade plates for each trail. Both spade plates and trail blocks are demountable. Readily recognized byits long slender gun barrel and split carriage trail, the Type 92 10 cm Cannonwas designed particularly for long-range fire. The recoil system washydropneumatic and it had a distinctive three-step interrupted threadbreechblock. It fired a 35 pounds (16 kg) shell up to14,200 yards(13,000 m) with standard high-explosive shells, and also had provision forspecial long-range shells that could reach 20,000 yards (18,000 m) 20,000yards, as well as chemical, armor-piercing, smoke and incendiary shells. The gun barrel was extremely long, making field transport very cumbersome. The gun was normally tractor drawn using its large wooden wheels with solidrubber tires, but could also be pulled by a 5-ton truck. Its greatest drawbackwas that it had spade plates on each trail leg that had to be pounded into theground to anchor the gun in place. The Type 92 10 cm Cannon was verysuccessful and was used for long-range counter-battery and bombardment roles.

(Author Photo)
German Second World War FlakPanzer IV Wirbelwind, Worthington Memorial Park. This AFV is being restored!