Artillery in Canada (5) Ontario: Caledonia, Campbellford, Cambridge Galt, Cardinal, Carleton Place, Carp, Cayuga, Chapleau, Chatham, Cobalt, Cobourg, Coe Hill

(lumbricus Photos)

(Neil Bell Photo)
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 48187), captured by the 7th Battalion (1st British Columbia), 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force, West of Villers-lez-Cagnicourt, France on 2 Sep 1918. This trench mortar was placed in front of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 154, in 2016. It now stands on a concrete pad to the left of the main doors of the Legion.

(Terry Honour Photos)
First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. 8999).
Cambridge Galt

(JustSomePics Photos)
Russian Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, by Butyenev, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy, (Serial No. 29619), 24. Captured by the British in the Crimean War in Cambridge on 10 September 1855, given to Galt in 1863. Mounted in Queen’s Square.

(JustSomePics Photo)
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, J.A. McIntosh Armoury.

(Bluesnote Photos)
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, located outside Royal Canadian Legion Branch 105.
Carleton Place
(Author Photo)
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 215, 1959, No. 1 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.
(Author Photo)
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 38, 1955, No. 2 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.

(Maxwell Toms Photo)
Cenotaph with both guns.
(John Mundster Photos)
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, beside the West Carleton War Memorial.
(Just Some Pics Photo)
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. 71976, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 1 of 2 in front of the courthouse.
(Just Some Pics Photos)
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. unknown, CARRON, year unknown) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 2 of 2 in front of the courthouse.

(Tim Laye Photos)
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 33025), no data, AEG M1916, mounted on an iron wheeled carriage.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. Town cenotaph, Harry Seale Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 5. The RCA held 138 of these guns.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun on the right side of the war memorial.
Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, captured on Fighting Island, Detroit River, 28 February 1838.

(Michael Hugall Photo)
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 56-1-0 (6,300 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. unknown) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV C K. This gun stands in Tecumseh Park facing up the Thames River.

(Normand Roberge Photo)
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 5623), Ord Dept USA WVT Arsenal. Across from the Royal Canadian Legion.

(Terry Honour Photos)
Cast Iron 32 Pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight 17-3-0 (1,988 lbs). This gun is set on a concrete stand under a sign at the corner of Albert St and 3rd St.


(Author Photos)
BL 12-pounder 6-cwt Mk. IV Gun (Reg. No. 261), carriage Reg. No. 7616. This gun was in service with 18 Field Battery, Regina. It now stands in a downtown park. It has been on loan since 1980 from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

(Andre Blanchard Photo)
8-inch Mortar, dated 1886, S. Bowling, Great t., Ch. 211, Ra: 2000 yds, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 133.

(Andre Blanchard Photo)
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Reg. No. CA10475, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 133.
Coe Hill

(Internet Photo)
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (Serial Nr. 7594), mounted on a round iron stand. This trench mortar was captured at Vimy Ridge by the 78th Battalion on 9 Oct 1917. It is located near the cenotaph in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 581 on Main Street.