Artillery in Canada (14) Master List: BC, AB, SK, MB (no photos)

(York Sunbury Historical Society, Fredericton Region Museum Collection, Author Photo)
1997.28.42. RCA badge, QC.
Artillery in Canada, Master List British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
(No Photos)
This page is designed to make it simple to do a quick nation-wide search for any particular gun preserved in Canada. The author welcomes any and all corrections, updates and additions to make the record as accurate at possible. The information can be e-mailed to the author at
The primary reference for the nomenclature found here comes from Doug Knight's book "Guns of the Regiment", Service Publications, Ottawa, Ontario, Aug 2016 edition.
Guns and Cannon
Those of us with an interest in old guns and cannon generally have to sort them out by size and purpose. If the weapon can be transported by manpower alone, and if it relies on direct hits to kill, then it is classed as a gun. If it takes more than one gunner to operate and is too heavy to be transported by manpower alone, and if its main purpose is to kill via shrapnel or concussion or to destroy obstacles, then it is a cannon. Even when they are not in action against a target that can shoot back, they can be extremely dangerous, particularly when at sea.
Armes à feu et canon
Ceux d'entre nous qui s'intéressent aux vieilles armes à feu et aux canons doivent généralement les trier par taille et par objectif. Si l'arme peut être transportée uniquement par la main-d'œuvre et si elle repose sur des coups directs pour tuer, elle est alors classée comme une arme à feu. S'il faut plus d'un tireur pour opérer et qu'il est trop lourd pour être transporté par la main-d'œuvre seule, et si son objectif principal est de tuer par shrapnel ou commotion cérébrale ou de détruire des obstacles, alors c'est un canon. Même lorsqu'ils ne sont pas en action contre une cible qui peut riposter, ils peuvent être extrêmement dangereux, en particulier en mer.
British Columbia
Colwood, Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site of Canada
13-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), (Serial No. 1230), mounted on a wheeled Royal Carriage Department (RCD) gun carriage from the 1890s, on display along the main path through the site. Six of these 13-pounders were British Royal Marine Artillery brought to Victoria in 1893, When the British departed they were left behind. This appears to be the only remaining 13-pounder 8-cwt MLR in Canada.
6-pounder 8-cwt Quick Firing (QF) Mk. I Hotchkiss Gun (Serial No. 502), mounted on a Hotchkiss cone/pedestal mount Mk I, Belmont Battery.
6-pounder 8-cwt Quick Firing (QF) Mk. I Hotchkiss Gun barrel (not on display).
Iron 6-inch Breech-loading Gun Mk. III/IV (No. 302) weight unknown, mounted on a display base under a replica gin triangle (used for mounting and dismounting guns and carriages on and from traversing platforms), Lower Battery
6-inch Breechloading Mk. VI Gun (No. 841), on Mk. IV Disappearing Garrison Carriage in the Upper Battery. One of two, this gun was first test-fired in 1897.
6-pounder 10-cwt QF Mk. I Guns on Mk. I 6-pounder Twin Mounting, Belmont Battery, installed in 1944.
From the LAC files, mounting No. 149 had Gun No. L/228 on the left, and Gun No. L/247 on the right while it was installed at Sydney, Nova Scotia in South Bar Battery in 1943. Confirmation that the serial numbers were Canadian is in the official war records. The position of the barrels may have been reversed when the guns were transferred from the East to the West coast. (Doug Knight)
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. I Gun (Serial No. 2767), on Mk. I Garrison Carriage, Belmont Battery. originally from Halifax, ca 1902-1943, currently on loan since 1975 from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, 72382 stamped on the barrel, Chevrolet, and General Motors stamped on the breech. The left indicator regulator (M1A1) on the gun bears a plate with the serial number 19873. This gun is on display near the parking lot.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, on display along the main path, near the exit.
3-pounder QF sub-calibre Gun (Serial No. 1403), for 6-inch BL Gun Mks. VII, XI and XII, on display in the Lower Battery artillery store. On loan since 1975 from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
9.2-inch Breech-loading Gun, weight 59 ¼-cwt (6,636 lbs), mock-up made for display, mounted on an original 30-ton Gun Drug Mk. I, 1902, R.C.D. (Royal Carriage Department), Reg. No. S. 18681.
Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site
Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site is a 19th-century coastal artillery fort on the Colwood, British Columbia side of Esquimalt Harbour, (Greater Victoria/Victoria BC Metropolitan Area). The site is adjacent to Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site, the first lighthouse on the west coast of Canada. Both the fort and lighthouse are managed and presented to the public by Parks Canada.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 19241). This gun was captured by the 7th Battalion (1st British Columbia), 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) on 27 Sep 1918 near Marquion. It is presently on display behind the Heritage Inn on Cranbrook Street, close to the entrance to the Canadian Legion.
CFB Esquimalt
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 1-1-1 (129 lbs), No. 1 of 2 guarding he entrance to Building 70 in the Dockyard.
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 1-1-1 (129 lbs), No. 1 of 2 guarding he entrance to Building 70 in the Dockyard.
3-inch 50 Mk. 33 Twin Gun Naval Turret, located beside the Canex parking lot.
3-inch 70 Mk. 6 Twin Gun Naval Turret, located beside the Canex parking lot
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 54-2-0 (6,112 lbs), maker and Serial No. unknown, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood Naval gun carriage, 1825, Admiral’s Viewing Stand.
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 54-2-4 (6,108 lbs), maker and Serial No. unknown, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood Naval gun carriage, 1825, Admiral’s Viewing Stand.
64-pounder 71-cwt Converted Rifled Muzzleloading Gun with Millar-pattern breeching ring, dated 1864, mounted on a riveted iron carriage in front of the Admiral’s Reviewing Stand.
64-pounder 71-cwt Converted Rifled Muzzleloading Gun with Millar-pattern breeching ring, weight 64-1-0 (7,196 lbs), RGF No. 106, I, 1865 on the right trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage. No. 1 of 2 Guns in the Dockyard, Duntze Head.
Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, maker and Serial No. unknown, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood Naval gun carriage. No. 2 of 2 Guns in the Dockyard, Duntze Head.
Black Rock Battery
Barrel No. 6539 on A/2514 in 1946 - mounting at Duntze head in 1912 with barrel No. 424. No. 6539 on A/2514 at Macaulay in 1933 and Black Rock in 1943. Barrel No. 6539 was manufactured in 1918 at the Royal Gun Factory (RGF) in the UK, so the Mk. I designation may be valid.
Barrel No. 6473 on A/2493 in 1946 - mounting at Duntze head in 1912 with barrel No. 52. No. 6473 on A/2493 at Macaulay in 1933 and Black Rock in 1943. Barrel No. 6473 was manufactured in 1918 at the RGF, so Mk. I may be valid.
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), No. 1 of 3, located at Black Rock. Two of the original guns at Black Rock on 1 Oct 46 were (Serial No. 6539) on mounting A/2514 and (Serial No. 6473) on mounting A/2493.
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), No. 2 of 3, located at Black Rock.
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), No. 3 of 3, located at Black Rock.
Frederick Battery - Prince Rupert
Barrel No. 2902 on A/1813 in 1946 - this combination was located at Halifax in 1901. Transferred to Prince Rupert by 1941.
Barrel No. 6554 on A/1874 in 1946 - this combination was located at Halifax in 1923. Transferred to Prince Rupert by 1941.
Golf Hill Battery
Barrel No. 1656 on mounting A/1812 in 1946 - mounting was at Black Rock in 1912 with barrel No. 1072. In 1912, barrel No. 1656 was at Martiniere, Québec on mounting A/2901. Barrel No. 1656 on mounting A/1811 at Black Rock on A/1811 in 1933 and at Golf Hill on mounting A/1811 in 1943. Barrel No. 1656 was manufactured at the RGF in 1906 - definitely a Mk I.
Barrel No. 6751 on mounting A/1811 in 1946 - mounting was at Black Rock in 1912 with barrel No. 1057. No. 6751 was transferred from the naval service in 1937 (probably at Halifax - murky) and shows up on A/1811 at Golf Hill in 1943. No date of manufacture for No. 6751, but it predates the Ogden Mk. V and is probably a Mk. I.
North Vancouver
Barrel No. 6517 on A/2902 in 1946 - a bit murky. No. 6517 transferred from the Naval service in 1938. Narrows North Fisheries Research Board (FRB) has it there in 1943, with no specified mounting. Mounting A/2902 only shows up on the 1946 report and nowhere else. It could be a naval mounting or a typo. Note mounting A/2901 is at Golf Hill.
Barrel No. 6542 on A/1814 in 1946 - transferred from the Naval service in 1938. Narrows North FRB has it there in 1943, with no specified mounting. A/1814 first noted in Halifax in 1902.
CFB Esquimalt Museum
Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 6-0-2 (674 lbs), Serial No. 1305 on right trunnion, No. 1 of 2, mounted on a wood naval stand very worn, no details visible including ciphers. These guns are mounted in front of the CFB Esquimalt Museum.
Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 5-3-25 (669 lbs), Serial No. 513 on right trunnion, No. 2 of 2, No. 2 of 2, mounted on a wood naval stand in front of the CFB Esquimalt Museum. These guns are mounted in front of the CFB Esquimalt Museum.
Work Point Barracks
3-inch 20-cwt QF Mk. IIIA Anti-Aircraft Gun, RGF 1916, No. 1013, RGF 1918, 1 1591, with the breech stamped III & III*, RGF 1919, (Serial No. 2018), breech RGF 1918 No. 1013 stamped out, 1918 L/1591, mounted on the grounds of Work Point Barracks, just to the East of the Work Point Power Club building.
Col R.A. Jacobsen CD, President of the RCA Association presented this gun to LCol W.B. Vernon CD, CO 3 PPCLI, on 3 March 1981 as a memorial to all gunners who served at Work Point Barracks.
VENTURE, the Naval Officers Training Centre (NOTC)
4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns ((Serial No. S/13505), left, and (Serial No. S.8348), right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting. Work Point Barracks.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.) (Serial Nr. 595), with large wheels This gun was captured by the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) at Cambrai, West of Neuville St. Remy, France on 29 September 1918. It is on display in Memorial Park, 1200 Esquimalt Rd., Esquimalt.
German First World War 7.7-cm Nahkampfkanone (7.7-cm NK) close support gun (Serial Nr. 9739). This gun was captured by the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, 8th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) at Vimy Ridge, La Folie Farm, France on 9 Oct 1917. It was initially allocated to Cranbrook but is now on display in Memorial Park, 1200 Esquimalt Rd., Esquimalt.. They were made an official part of the war memorial in 1941.
Fort Langley National Historic Site of Canada
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 1-1-1 (129 lbs).
German First World War 7.92-mm Spandau MG 08/15 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the Rocky Mountain Rangers Museum.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. R. Vicars Armoury, 1221 McGill Road.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 heavy machine gun, (Serial Nr. 4076).
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 2577), captured by the 7th Battalion (1st British Columbia) 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) on 2 Sep 1918, West of Vilers-lez-Cagnicourt, France. Okanagan Military Museum, 1424 Ellis Street in Kelowna. The gun stands outside surrounded by pedestals topped with stones marking Battles of the First World War in which area residents gave their lives. The stones are from the original Kelowna Cenotaph, replaced in the City Park several years ago.
Maple Ridge
Japanese 13.2-mm or 25-mm twin-barreled Anti-Aircraft gun (MISSING - seeking information on its present location).
Cast Iron 12-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight unknown, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, inside the Nanaimo Bastion, 98 Front Street.
Blomefield 6-pounder 9-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 9-1-23, (1,059 lbs), maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wooden naval gun carriage, No. 1 of 2 in front of the Nanaimo Bastion. One is used for firing demonstrations.
Blomefield 6-pounder 9-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 9-1-23, (1,059 lbs), maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wooden naval gun carriage, No. 2 of 2 in front of the Nanaimo Bastion.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 heavy machine gun, (Serial Nr. 7784). Captured by the 52nd Battalion on 28 August 1918 at Boiry, France, this machine gun was officially allocated to Naramata.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. 3720), 1917, mounted on a Schlitten stand. This machine gun was captured by the 19th Battalion (Central Ontario) 4th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).
New Westminster
Cast Iron 64-pounder 71-cwt Converted Rifled Muzzleloading Gun with Millar-pattern breeching ring, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. The gun is from the lower deck of a British Man of War, from redundant stores of the Royal Navy Dockyard sent to Victoria, in 1895. It stands in front of the Armoury, home of the Museum of the Royal Westminster Regiment, 530 Queen’s Avenue.
Bronze 24-pounder 12-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Howitzer, weight unknown, 1858 stamped on one trunnion, Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) cypher. Mounted on a wheeled carriage, No. 1 of 2 on display in front of City Hall. These guns arrived on 15 Sep 1866 on HMS Sparrowhawk and were used for training and defence until 1873.
Bronze 24-pounder 12-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Howitzer, weight 12-2-24 (1,424 lbs), 1858 stamped on one trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher. Mounted on a wheeled carriage, No. 2 of 2 on display in front of City Hall.
Ordnance Rifle, replica, 1861, Seymour Battery.
North Vancouver
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun with shield and stand (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun mounted on a (probably) Mk. IX naval mounting, (Serial No. S69107), standing in front of the Navy League of Canada, 1555 Forbes Ave.
Roger’s Pass
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 34040, No. 1 of 3 RCA monuments.
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 34042, No. 2 of 3 RCA monuments.
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 34134, No. 3 of 3 RCA monuments.
These 105-mm C1A1 Howitzers were used as part of Operation PALACI, the Canadian Armed Forces' contribution to Parks Canada's avalanche-control program in Rogers Pass. Every winter, Howitzers like this are used to trigger controlled avalanches high in the surrounding mountains in an effort to prevent potentially-deadly uncontrolled avalanches from coming down on the Trans-Canada Highway. These guns are located on the side of the Trans-Canada Highway near the Rogers Pass monument, at the summit of Rogers Pass in British Columbia.
4-inch/45 QF Mk. IV Gun, on a single mount, (Serial No. 985), from HMCS Aurora. This naval gun is located in front of the Merchant Navy, Army, Navy & Air Force (ANAF) Hall, 9831 4th St.
German First World War 7.92-mm Spandau MG 08/15 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown). This machine-gun is located inside the Merchant Navy, Army, Navy & Air Force (ANAF) Hall, 9831 4th St.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. This gun is located in the veterans section at the North end of the Surrey Centre Cemetery, 16671 Old McLelland Road, West Cloverdale. The gun is stamped 17-pdr I & II. The metal tube covering the vertical shaft of the breech operating mechanism is stamped 558 FL6163.
Trail, 24th Field Artillery Regiment
The 24th Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery was a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment based in Trail, British Columbia. The regiment currently exists on the Supplementary Order of Battle.
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), from HMCS Thiepval, located at the harbour shore near the dock.
C1A1 105-mm M2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. unknown, 1950. This gun stands in front of the Royal Canadian Legion, 907 Main Street.
Canoe River Memorial. On 21 November 1950, 17 soldiers of 2 RCHA were killed in a train wreck while en route to the West Coast and embarkation for Korea. The wreck occurred near Canoe River, a remote settlement in the Rocky Mountains. The Canoe River Memorial marks this tragedy.
Cast Iron 12-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun with Dolphin carrying handles, weight unknown, H & C King, 1816, DCLVII, King George III cypher (1760-1820), and Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave, Master General of the Ordnance cypher. This gun is mounted on a wood Naval gun carriage, and currently rests behind a wire cage in Stanley Park. It is one of the guns given by the British Government to the "provinces of Canada" in 1856. Originally located at Nanaimo, the gun was moved to Esquimalt during the Pig War with the US. In 1894 it was moved to Vancouver’s Stanley Park, where it is fired every night at 9 PM.
Cast Iron possibly 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, replica, mounted on a wood Naval Gun carriage. Located just outside the War of 1812 Museum at Canada Place.
Cast Iron 64-pounder 64-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight unknown, maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on an iron garrison carriage, Beatty Street Drill Hall, 620 Beatty St. There were six of these MLRs at Victoria in 1906.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7-cwt (57-mm) Anti-Tank Gun. This gun is stamped 6 PDR B/R No. L/17978 Montreal T G-1966. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 30, Kerrisdale, 2177 W 42nd Street. This gun is being moved to the Billy Bishop Branch No. 176, Royal Canadian Legion, 1407 Laburnum Street, Kitsilano, Vancouver.
Vancouver, 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Cast Iron Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, No. 1 of 2, mounted on a concrete stand in front of the East entrance to the Bessborough Armoury.
Cast Iron Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, 25, No. 2 of 2, mounted on a concrete stand in front of the West entrance to the Bessborough Armoury.
9-pounder 6-cwt Land Service (L.S.) Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 5-3-27 (671 lbs), (RGF No. 450, II, 1876) on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, (1837-1901), broad arrow mark, Firth Steel No. 4539 on the muzzle, mounted on an iron carriage with wood wheels. This gun was a new design in 1874 for the Royal Horse Artillery. It was longer than the 8-cwt gun but had the same carriage. It is on a five year loan to the 15th Field Artillery Regiment Museum & Archives in Vancouver from the RCA Museum, Shilo, Manitoba.
18-pounder QF Mk. II Field Guns upgraded with pneumatic tires, Reg. No. 9121, WBC 18 II, mounted on carriage C871, RMC Arty Dept Kingston, 1933. 9121 was sent to Martin Perry as the prototype platform for the pneumatic tires - the gun was removed before shipping the carriage to the US. It is now mounted on carriage C6544. It was set up for display in Wainwright, Alberta in August 1981 by No. 1 Troop, 9 Para Squadron (UK) during Exercise Pond Jump West III. It is being restored by the 15th Field Artillery Regiment RCA in Vancouver.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Carriage Reg. No. CA 15944.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Carriage Reg. No. CA 10642 with Limber CA-29149. Inventory of the Regiment, can be fired.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, with funeral platform, Carriage Reg. No. CA 10636, with Limber CA-29258. Inventory of the Regiment.
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Breech Casing No. 7880.
Vancouver, Old Hastings Mill Store
Old Hastings Mill
Cast Iron 4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, stamped FALKIRK PROVD. 4PR, weight unknown, trunnion data unknown, mounted on a small wood naval gun carriage. No. 1 of 3.
Cast Iron 4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, stamped FALKIRK PROVD. 4PR, weight unknown, trunnion data unknown, mounted on a small wood naval gun carriage. No. 2 of 3.
Cast Iron possibly 4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, trunnion data unknown, mounted on a small wood naval gun carriage. No. 3 of 3.
Vancouver, HMCS Discovery
1-pounder QF Mk. I (Maxim) Gun, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons and Maxim LL) 1902 Automatic Gun, (Serial No. N1103), mounted on a stand stamped (Serial No. 10875). This gun aka "pom-pom", is inside the main entrance to HMCS Discovery.
6-pounder 8-cwt QF Mk. I Hotchkiss Gun, No. 1 of 2, (Serial No. unknown), Montreal, 1941-42, mounted on Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL 8-pound 1901 stand. These guns were used on board HMCS Bonaventure. Alberni Street.
6-pounder 8-cwt QF Mk. I Hotchkiss Gun, No. 2 of 2, (Serial No. unknown), Montreal, 1941-42, mounted on Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL 8-pound 1901 stand. Alberni Street.
German First World War 21-cm Mörser 1916 neuer Art (21-cm Mrs 16 n.A.) Heavy Mortar, (Serial Nr. 1136), captured by 72nd Battalion on 27 Sep or 2 Nov 1918. This gun was sent to Vancouver ca 1919, but likely was scrapped in 1942.
76-mm QF Naval Gun, probable Type 41 3-inch (76.2 mm)/40) Naval Gun, captured at Kiska, Alaska where it was employed in coastal defence by the Japanese occupation forces. Vernon Army Cadet Summer Camp, British Columbia. This Japanese Gun’s breech is stamped 76m Q.F. N211945, 1898. The Japanese characters stamped above the breech translate to "No. 328
Bronze ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Rail Gun, possibly ca. 1457, large cypher, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown. Maritime Museum of British Columbia.
4-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight unknown, Brander Potts and Co., no cypher, small gun made for the Hudson's Bay Company, mounted on a small wood naval gun carriage, Maritime Museum of British Columbia.
Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, (F. KINMAN) (Francis Kinman at Woolwich, England) on the chase, John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, Master General of the Ordnance (MG) 1807-1810 cypher. This gun is equipped with a fitting for an elevating screw, and is mounted on a wooden naval gun carriage in the Maritime Museum of British Columbia.
Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt Lyle Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a naval carriage, Maritime Museum of British Columbia. Possibly an artifact listed as a small Smoothbore Muzzleloading bronze Mortar, received from the RCN in 1953. These guns were used to fire a safety line to aid in rescues.
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, waterside walkway, Laurel Point.
Victoria, 5 (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery
6-pounder 8-cwt QF Mk. I Hotchkiss Gun, (Serial No. 1585), previously served as part of the Victoria harbour coast defences until 1956. Room 505 of the Armoury, 715 Bay Street.
13-pounder 6-cwt QF Mk. I Field Gun, one of only six Guns of this type used in Canada, issued to the 5th Canadian Garrison Artillery (CGA) Field Company for the Victoria/Esquimalt fortress defences.
12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Gun Serial No. 14, 1898, Breech Block Serial No. 1010, 87, dated 1910, Carriage weight 6-1/4-cwt, Admiralty No. 89, 1899, with Limber Serial No. unknown. The breech block on this gun is for a 12-pounder 12-cwt Field Gun. One part is stamped 4623 P, N, broad arrow, QF12PR12CWT, 1917, 2787.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, and Limber. This was previously equipped with a funeral platform for the funeral of General Pearkes, who was the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.
German First World War 7.92-mm Spandau MG 08 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the Canadian Scottish Regiment Museum in the Bay Street Armoury.
German First World War 7.92-mm Spandau MG 08/15 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the Canadian Scottish Regiment Museum in the Bay Street Armoury.
German Second World War 7.92-mm MG 34 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the Canadian Scottish Regiment Museum in the Bay Street Armoury.
German Second World War 7.92-mm MG 42 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the Canadian Scottish Regiment Museum in the Bay Street Armoury.
Japanese 7.92-mm Type 99 machine-gun inside the Museum.
105-mm M40 Recoilless Rifle, inside the Museum.
Victoria, HMCS Malahat
12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Gun Serial No. 1213, 1900, Breech Block Serial No. 2294 stamped out, new number 1213, dated 1910, Carriage weight 6-cwt, Admiralty No. unknown, 1899, with Limber. 20 Huron Street. The QF 12-pounder 8-cwt NLG was carried on ships of the British and Commonwealth navies for use by naval landing parties. This one of two in Victoria.
Cast Iron possible 3-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, reproduction, ESQ 001 above the touchhole, mounted on a wood wheeled wood gun carriage, used for the "gun run" drills.
Victoria, Lieutenant-General E.C. Aston Armoury
German Second World War 7.92-mm MG 42 heavy machine gun (Serial Nr. unknown), inside the 39 Canadian Brigade Group Armoury Museum.
Portable Infantry Anti-Tank Projector (PIAT).
White Rock
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, II/I S.I.C.-9-42. CFL 5647SIC 44, C.VI. RX, standing in a park located at 15322 Buena Vista Avenue.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. This gun stands in a Memorial Park, on the West side of Hwy 33 near the town centre.
In June 1947, Canada had 149 17-pounder Anti-Tank Guns in service. These guns served until 1952, when they were offered to NATO. Those remaining in 1959 were scrapped or became part of war memorials including at least 28 have been found and documented on these web pages.
Bellevue, Crowsnest Pass
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15, (Serial Nr. 5194), captured by the 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), originally allocated to Blairmore, Alberta.
Bragg Creek
Cast Iron possible 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzle Loading Field Gun replica, weight and maker unknown, mounted on a wood wheeled wood gun carriage, standing beside the cenotaph.
Cast Iron possible 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzle Loading Field Gun replica, weight and maker unknown, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, standing beside the cenotaph.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16) Field Gun (Serial Nr. unknown), in front of the Royal Canadian Legion at 235 3rd Street West.
Calgary, Artillery
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight and maker unknown, mounted on a wood gun carriage, Hudson's Bay Fort.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Crown Surplus.
5.5-inch BL Mk. III Gun on a Mk. I Carriage, Veteran’s section, Queen’s Park Cemetery, North on 14th Street, West of Calgary Airport. Canada made carriages for these guns during the Second World War, and after the war acquired 85 of them for the RCA. The gun fired a 45.5-kg (100-pound) shell to a range of 14,800 metres (16,200 yards).
Calgary, The Military Museums of Calgary, 4520 Crowchild Trail SW.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 1571), originally allocated to the town of Gleichen.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 2-pounder (40-mm/1.575-inch) Anti-Tank Gun mounted on a Mk. IV gun carriage, inside the main museum building in the PPCLI Museum section.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7-cwt (57-mm) Anti-Tank Gun, Reg. No. 61.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. The RCA held 138 of these guns.
The 17-pounder was developed by the United Kingdom during the Second World War. It served as an anti-tank gun mounted on its own towed carriage in Italy in 1943, and equipped the 17-pounder Sherman Firefly in time for the D-Day landings. The 17-pounder SP Achilles was used by artillery units. The 17-pounder Archer Tank Destroyer was also used by Canadians. The 17-pounder fired armoured piercing discarding sabot (APDS), capable of defeating all but the thickest armour on German tanks. The Firefly was a variant of the US M4 Sherman tank, giving Commonwealth tank units the ability to hold their own against their German counterparts.
Calgary, Naval Museum of Alberta
34-ton heavy Naval Twin Gun Mount minus the guns.
4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/14541), M, P, L, left, and (Serial No. S/14538) M, P, L right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting, S.I.L. 1944, No. 541.
4-inch/40 QF Mk. XXI Gun, in a High Angle Mk. XXIV Single Gun Mounting, CAN 40, Cradle (Serial No. Can 39).
2-pounder QF Mk. VII, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL) Automatic Gun, (aka "pom-pom"), (Serial No. S6596).
3-pounder QF Hotchkiss Gun Model 1898, Admiralty (Serial No. 1818), pedestal (Serial No. 4180). This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun with shield and stand.
3-inch/50 QF Gun Mk. 32 on a twin gun mount, (Serial No, C16).
3-inch/50 QF Gun loading trainer.
3-inch/70 QF Gun on a Mk. 6 Mount from HMCS Terra Nova.
Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 702), 1944.
Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 2), 1942.
Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun, Twin Gun Mk. 12 mount, No. 1 of 2, (Serial No. 4212), from HMCS Haida.
Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun, Twin Gun Mk. 12 mount, No. 2 of 2, (Serial No. unknown), from HMCS Haida.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Mk. N 1, Breech Casing (Serial No. L 31130).
3-inch Chaff NSN 1055-99-1726, (Serial No, 70/VKB/168).
Mk. MC10 “Limbo” Ahead Throwing Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) triple-barrelled Mortar, (Serial No. CL 100).
.303-inch Lewis Machine Gun, on loan from the PPCLI. In the spring of 1918 each Canadian siege battery was issued two machine-guns to provide protection against enemy aircraft.
Vickers .303-inch Machine Gun, on loan from the PPCLI.
Calgary, HMCS Tecumseh
12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Gun Serial No. 1034, dated 1899, Breech Block Serial No. 4532 stamped out, new No. 1034, dated 1917, Carriage weight 6-cwt, Admiralty No. 94, 1899, with Limber. Queen Victoria cypher. The 12-pounder 8-cwt QF NLG was carried on ships of the British and Commonwealth navies for use by naval landing parties. This gun has a breech block for a 12-pounder 12-cwt NLG, (Serial No. 111), 1917. Several of the photos of the breech screw seem to have “12-pr 12-cwt A & 8-cwt” on them. This suggests that the breech screw was common to the two guns. Both were ship’s guns and this would have simplified spare parts. Apparently an upgrade was made in the QF breech mechanism a few years later, and new blocks were sent out from Britain. The originals were likely returned to Woolwich or Elswick to be modified in turn and sent to another location. (Nelson Lawry). The Naval Landing Guns found in Canada probably originated on early ships of the Royal Canadian Navy, such as HMCS Niobe, HMCS Aurora, HMCS Rainbow and others. There is also a possibility that the gun may have been left behind when the British garrisons left Canada in 1905-06.
USN 5-inch Gun Mk 38, Mod 6, (Serial No. 13256), NSN L9999-1941-44124, Carriage (Serial No. 7313), Training Gear (Serial No. 4399), from Gerald Bull’s HARP project in Suffield. These guns have been specially modified by Gerald Bull for testing at Suffield. They are also the same type of gun used on the Second World War RCN aircraft carriers HMCS Nabob and HMCS Puncher.
Calgary, RCAF Museum of Alberta
7.62-mm M134 Minigun six-barreled machine gun mounted on a fuselage section of a C-130 Hercules inside the museum in the RCAF Museum section.
CFB Cold Lake
3.7-inch C Mk. 2/2 Anti-Aircraft Gun, (Serial No. unknown), standing at the corner of Kingsway and Medley Road at the edge of the base.
An Anti-Aircraft Gun wheel assembly is on base, possibly for the 3.7-inch C Mk. 2/2 AA Gun, likely from the Air Defence unit originally assigned to protect the airfield at CFB Cold Lake.
Replica Anti-Tank Gun mounted on a stone cairn War Memorial.
Edmonton, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
The 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA, is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of the 41 Canadian Brigade Group, composed of two batteries, the 61st Field Battery, RCA, based in Edmonton and 78th Field Battery, RCA, based in Red Deer, Alberta.
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. unknown), 25C, Royal Canadian Legion branch No. 175, 14339 50th St NW, Edmonton.
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. unknown), 15B, Lancaster Gold Park, Edmonton.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-4, (340 lbs), (Serial No. 452) on right trunnion, 1810, King George III cypher (1760-1820) and General John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, Master General of the Ordnance 1801–1806 and 1807–1810 cypher, mounted on a wood Naval gun carriage, No. 1 of 2, Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, No. 2 of 2, details required. Possibly on display in Fort Edmonton.
CFB Edmonton, LFWA HQ
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 929), M.3706 Kp, carriage 2361. This gun was captured by the 49th Battalion (Edmonton Regiment), 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) near Marquion, France on 27 September 1918. No. 1 in front of LFWA HQ.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 4945), carriage No. 8246. This gun was also captured by the 49th Battalion (Edmonton Regiment), 7th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) near Marquion, France on 27 September 1918. No. 2 in front of LFWA HQ.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. LCol Philip L. Debney Armoury, 8402 Roper Road.
CFB Edmonton, 1 CMBG
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 1809, inscription LXXVIIIM (1076), inside wreath with crown, I.H. King 1809, “Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense”, GR under crown, mounted on a wood wheeled gun carriage. Property of the Canadian Military Engineers Museum, acquired 1964. Edmonton Garrison.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 1812, inscription CCCLVIM (1354), inside wreath with crown, I.H. King 1812, “Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense”, GR under crown, mounted on a wood wheeled gun carriage. Property of the Canadian Military Engineers Museum, acquired 1964.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. On loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. 1 CMBG HQ, No. 1 in front of the HQ.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. 1 CMBG HQ, No. 2 in front of the HQ.
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. 34813), 1968, AC: MD, ECC: 119204 HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343, VMO Date: 10 Jun 2005. Churchill Park South of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison.
105-mm L5 Pack Howitzer, (Reg. No. 057658), in front of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison. This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
German Second World War 10.5-cm LeFH 18/40 Howitzer, Barrel (Serial Nr. R351) Fl 905, dxk, Breech Block (Serial Nr. Fl 539) mrf, SB dxk, Trail (Serial Nor Fl 697) bwl, Memorial Park South of the Officer’s Mess, Edmonton Garrison.
75-mm M20 Recoilless Rifle, PPCLI HQ, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
Russian 12.7-mm NSV Heavy Machine Gun on an Anti-Aircraft mount, PPCLI HQ, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.
Edmonton, HMCS Nonsuch
US Navy 5-inch Gun Mk 37 Mod 2, (Serial No. 538) from Gerald Bull’s HARP project in Suffield. These guns have been specially modified by Gerald Bull for testing at Suffield. They are also the same type of gun that was on the Second World War Aircraft Carriers HMCS Nabob and HMCS Puncher in the RCN. The gun stands in the Northwest corner inside the security fence facing the Municipal Airport.
Fort Macleod
Cast Iron 1-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight, maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wood wheeled wood gun carriage.
7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun (painted black), mounted on a field carriage. The bronze guns were conversions from the 3-pr smoothbore, while the steel guns were designed from scratch. All 7-pounders used the same projectile but different charges. They were the same 3-inch calibre as the 9-pr, but could not interchange projectiles (except for case shot) because the studs on the projectiles were different.
Fort McMurray
British FV433 Abbot 105-mm Self-Propelled Gun, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 165.
M113 C & R Lynx, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 165, 9317 Huggard Street.
Fort McMurray, Jack Cross Collection
British Chieftain Main Battle Tank, 120-mm Gun.
British FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier.
British FV433 Abbot 105mm SP Gun.
British FV603 Saracen Armoured Personnel Carrier.
British FV 620 Stalwart Amphibious Truck.
Fort Saskatchewan
German Great War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 1251), captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade, in the 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). This gun stands beside the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 9964 93rd Ave.
M113 C & R Lynx, standing behind the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch, 9964 93rd Ave
German First World War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 98/09 (10.5-cm leFH 98/09) Light Field Howitzer, (Serial Nr. 3392), no data, 1916. This gun is part of a War Memorial located on the Crowsnest Highway, Route 3, Alberta, a few miles east of the divide in the small community of Frank. The gun is flanked by two German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machineguns.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machineguns, the mounts are original, but the real machineguns were stolen in the 1970s, these are replicas. The missing MGs were (Serial Nr. 5203) captured by the 2nd Canadian Division and (Serial Nr. 5307) captured by the 27th Battalion at Passchendaele, or (Serial Nr. 44996) (no data).
High Prairie
German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02) Heavy Field Howitzer, (Serial Nr. 223), unconfirmed. Captured by the 3rd Battalion at Vimy on 9 April 1917; or possibly (Serial Nr. 512) captured by the 31st Battalion. Both guns were originally allocated to Edmonton. This gun was located in a park beside the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 37, 4721, 51st Ave. The Legion President advises these guns are no longer there, present location unknown.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16) Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 12706), M.495, S.3588 no data. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 4, 324 Mayor McGrath Drive South.
German First World War 10-cm Kanone 17 (10-cm K 17) Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 160), Spandau, 1909, 1346 kg.m.V., missing its carriage. This gun was captured by the 50th Battalion (Calgary), 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) near the Marquion-Cambrai road Northwest of Raillencourt, France on 28 September 1918. This gun stands at the east end of Henderson Lake on Oakside Dr S in Lethbridge.
German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02), (Serial Nr. 1101), no data. This gun also stands at the east end of Henderson Lake on Oakside Dr S in Lethbridge.
20th Independent Field Battery, RCA (Lethbridge)
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-?-? (>896 lbs), No. 1, mounted on a wheeled carriage, inside the Vimy Ridge Armoury, 337 Stubb Ross Road.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-?-? (>896 lbs), No. 2, mounted on a wheeled carriage, inside the Vimy Ridge Armoury, 337 Stubb Ross Road.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, with Limber, Vimy Ridge Armoury.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), No. 1 of 2, mounted on a Schlitten stand beside the Soldier's Memorial. Lougheed was allocated four MGs in 1919, (Serial Nrs. 2315, 3227, 7520 and 9393).
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), No. 2 of 2, mounted on a Schlitten stand beside the cenotaph.
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 3465), 50th Street and 50th Ave.
Peace River
German First World War 7.7-cm Infanteriegeschütze L/27 (7.7-cm IG L/27), (Infantry Gun), (Serial Nr. 9366), no data, mounted on an iron wheeled carriage. This gun stands beside the Memorial Cairn.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, No. 1 of 2, placed beside the Royal Canadian Legion, Royal Canadian Legion, 5024-48th Street.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, No. 2 of 2, placed beside the Royal Canadian Legion.
German First World War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. 12626). This gun was captured by the 31st Battalion (Alberta), 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). The gun is located beside the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 6 at 302 Broadway St E.
Red Deer, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA, 78th Field Battery, Cormack Armoury
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2, mounted in front of the Cormack Armoury, 4402 55 St. Home to 78 Field Battery, 20 Field Regiment, RCA.
Red Deer
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34445. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year unknown). REG. NO. CDN 159, INSP (symbol). Korea Veterans Unit No. 67, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 35, 2810 Bremner Ave.
20-pounder gun barrel from a Centurion Main Battle Tank mounted on a concrete stand with a NATO plaque.
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 2879). This gun was obtained in 1967 from the West Coast Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 123, cenotaph on 50th Street.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 846). This gun was captured by the 10th Battalion (Canadians), 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) on 2 Sep 1918 at Villers-lès-Cagnicourt German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown).
German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. 1972). This trench mortar was captured by the 46th Battalion (South Saskatchewan), 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) at Vimy Ridge on 9 April 1917.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown).
German First World War 7.7cm Infanteriegeschütze L/27 (7.7-cm IG L/27), (Infantry Gun), (Serial Nr. 9383), no data. This gun stands beside the town cenotaph, opposite the Royal Hotel.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, No. 1 of 2, (Serial Nr. 21584), DWM 1917, no data Stands beside the town cenotaph, near the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 20.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, No. 2 of 2, (Serial Nr. 42354), DWM 1918, no data. Stands beside the town cenotaph, near the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 20.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, located at the cenotaph, corner of 2nd St and 6th Ave.
Two Hills
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. This gun is located behind the cenotaph at 50th Ave and 50th St.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, in front of the Royal Canadian Legion, 217 5th St. N.
German First World War 7.7-cm Infanteriegeschütze L/27 (7.7-cm IG L/27), (Serial Nr. 9406), no data, beside Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 11 at 5144 Railway Ave.
Wainright, CFB Wainwright
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, placed on the ring road circling the ranges between 1978 and 1983. On loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
German Great War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. 16660), likely captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade of a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). Battleford cenotaph.
German Great War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 machine-gun.
German Great War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW n.A.), (Serial Nr. 9194), captured by the 8th Battalion (90th Winnipeg Rifles), 2nd Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), at Billet No. 10, Warvillers, France. Originally allocated to Battleford this trench mortar is in the Fred Light Museum.
Battleford, Fort Battleford National Historic Site
7-pounder Steel Mk. IV 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun, weight 1-3-5 (201 lbs), CCCXVII (317), Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a wood gun carriage with limber.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-6 (930 lbs), 1877, (Serial No. 420), mounted on a field carriage with limber.
.45-inch calibre Gatling Gun, mounted on a wood wheeled carriage. Gatling Guns were used in the engagements at Cut Knife and Batoche in 1885.
German Great War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 8601) (no data). Likely captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade, in a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).
Fort Qu'appelle
German Great War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 8482), no data. Likely captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade, in a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).
German Great War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 (Serial Nr. unknown). No. 1 gun flanking the cenotaph at Queen Elizabeth Blvd and 3rd Ave S.
German Great War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 (Serial Nr.). No. 2 gun flanking the cenotaph at Queen Elizabeth Blvd and 3rd Ave S.
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, private collector.
German Great War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW n.A.), (Serial Nr. 31310). This trench mortar was captured by the 1st Battalion (Western Ontario), 1st Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), on 8 Aug 1918, ½ km NW of Beaufort, France. This trench mortar is located next to the cenotaph at 3rd Ave E and Beach St in Meota Regional Park.
Moose Jaw
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury, 1215 Main St N.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Reg. No. L 2932, no muzzle brake, painted No. 44, LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury, 1215 Main St N. On loan to the Saskatchewan Dragoons from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.
105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. unknown. LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury, 1215 Main St N.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34458. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year unknown), REG. NO. CDN 173, INSP (symbol). LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury, 1215 Main St. N.
Replica Anti-Tank Gun. This gun is mounted on a cairn at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 297, Centre Street, Railway Avenue. Dedicated on 22 September 1981.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), possibly (Serial Nr. 60), captured by the 46th Battalion (South Saskatchewan), 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), on 1 Nov 1918 between Aulnoy and Valenciennes, France. This gun stands on the left flank of the Soldier’s Cemetery cenotaph.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), possibly (Serial Nr. 2666), captured by the 46th Battalion (South Saskatchewan), 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), on 1 Nov 1918 Northeast of Mount Houy, North of the Famars -Valenciennes Road, France. This gun stands on the right flank of the Soldier’s Cemetery cenotaph.
Regina, 10th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
Regina Armoury
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. Regina Armoury. The RCA held 138 of these guns.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Regina Armoury.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. Regina Armoury.
Regina, RCMP Heritage Centre, 5907 Dewdney Avenue.
Bronze 6-pounder 5-1/2-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 5---- (560+ lbs), F.K. Kinman (Francis Kinman), (Serial No. 565), King George III cypher. Abandoned at Victoria Harbour in 1832, recovered in 1942 by the RCMP patrol vessel St. Roch.
Bronze Royal or 5-1/2-inch Smoothbore Muzzleloading Mortar, weight 1-1-9 (129 lbs), (Serial No. 5456), F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendant of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England, between 1855 and 1859), 1859. This mortar is in storage with the RCMP Historical Collections Unit at the RCMP Heritage Centre.
Bronze Royal or 5-1/2-inch Smoothbore Muzzleloading Mortar, weight unknown, (Serial No. 5588), F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendant of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England, between 1855 and 1859). This mortar was transferred to Fort Walsh on 12 June 1947. It may have gone into storage in 1973, but its precise location is to be confirmed.
Cast Iron 6-pounder Muzzleloading Rifle, weight unknown, mounted on a wood field carriage with limber. Not on record in the RCMP files, location to be confirmed.
7-pounder Steel Mk. IV 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun, weight 1-3-6 (202 lbs), 1880, RGF No. 447 IV, mounted on a field carriage with limber. Outside Drill Hall.
7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun (Serial No. 318). This gun was brought to Prince Albert in 1885 for use by the NWMP during the North-West Rebellion under Superintendent Leif Newry Fitzroy Crozier. The MLR was a re-bored Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun altered in the 1860s to an MLR 7-pounder with a 200-pound barrel capable of firing a variety of ordnance.These guns were used as mountain guns in India then later taken into service with the Royal Navy. In 1870 six 7-pounders were sent to Canada for use in the Red River Expedition which consisted of British regular soldiers and Canadian militia led by British Colonel Garnet Wolseley. Wolseley’s force was equipped with four of the six 7-pounders and about 800 rounds of ammunition. From the base at Prince Arthur’s Landing (now Thunder Bay), two guns continued on to Fort Garry (now Winnipeg), where they were later turned over to the militia. The two guns remaining at the landing were returned to Québec when the expedition returned. Doug Knight.
7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun (Serial No. 377). This gun was used at the Battle of Cutknife Hill in 1885. No. 1 of 2 flanking the Honour Roll Monument, “Depot Division”.
7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun (Serial No. 397). This gun was also used at the Battle of Cutknife Hill in 1885. No. 2 of 2 flanking the Honour Roll Monument, “Depot Division”.
7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lb Rifled Muzzleloader Gun (Serial No. 358). Presented to the Earl of Minto in 1911, returned to Canada in 1962. In storage, “Depot Division”, to be confirmed.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-4 (928 lbs), 1870, mounted on a field carriage with limber, on display inside the museum.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-0 (924 lbs), 1870, 0-2-5-2, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a field carriage, on the Parade Ground.
.303-inch air-cooled Maxim Nordenfelt Machine Gun, used at White Pass Summit in the Klondike by the NWMP.
.303 water-cooled Maxim Nordenfelt Machine Gun, used at the Chilkoot Pass by the NWMP. This gun was in use in the South African War 1899-1902, and brought back to Canada by soldiers who fought in that conflict.
Regina, HMCS Queen
German Great War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. 4306), no data. This gun was likely captured by a Canadian Battalion, within an Infantry Brigade of a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). The leFH 16 is missing its wheels and is mounted on a concrete stand at the cenotaph.
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), Trench Mortar, (Serial Nr. 16676), captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade of the 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), in France ca. 1918. It is preserved on its base plate in front of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 362, 3021 Louise Street. This gun was originally allocated to Davidson, Saskatchewan.
German Great War 15-cm Kanone 16 (15-cm K 16), (Serial Nr. 1034), no data. This gun is missing its wheel carriage. It is mounted on a barrel transporter carriage, and located in front of the Sgt Hugh Cairns VC Armoury, Idyllwild Avenue.
Saskatoon, HMCS Unicorn, Naval Reserve, 405-24 St E.
4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/unknown), L, left, and (Serial No. S/unknown), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. 146).
12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Gun Serial No. 1219, dated 1900, Breech Block Serial No. 1856, stamped out, new Serial No. 1219, dated 1911, Carriage weight 6-cwt, Admiralty No. 40, dated 1897, Serial No. 9936, dated 1897, with Limber Serial No. 40, dated 1897, frame No. 9936. Queen Victoria cypher.
Limber weight 6 & 3/4-cwt, No. 40, 1897, carriage No. 9936 for the 12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun.
German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. unknown).
10th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
64th Field Battery (Yorkton)
Brandon, 26th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-11 (935 lbs), Reg. No. 606, carriage Reg. No. 40, RGF 1874, Issued to the Welland Field Battery in Ontario in 1893. On display in the 26th Field Artillery Museum.
German First World War 7.92-mm MG 08 Machine Gun, 26th Field Artillery Museum.
German First World War 10.5-cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 (10.5-cm FH 98/09), (Serial Nr. 2637), 1915, captured by the 42nd Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada), 7th Infantry Brigade, 3rd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), on 8 August 1918 South of Demuin, France. This gun was moved from Birnie, Manitoba, to the 26th Field Artillery Museum.
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (CFR 85-77229), 1968, standing alongside the armoury.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 10726), captured by the 10th Battalion (Canadians), 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), on 2 September 1918 near Villers-lès-Cagnicourt, France. The gun was then put into action against the enemy. No. 1 on the West side of the Great War Memorial Hall.
German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 15207), captured by the 13th Battalion (Royal Highlanders of Canada), 3rd Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), at Cagnicourt Wood, France, 2 September 1918. No. 2 on the East side of the Great War Memorial Hall.
Churchill, Prince of Wales Fort, National Historic Site of Canada
The Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site of Canada near Churchill in Northern Manitoba was built in the early 18th century by the Hudson’s Bay Company to support the fur trade. The Fort stands at the mouth of the Churchill River and encompasses a massive fortification along with installations at Cape Merry, a defensive battery situated on a point of land across the river opposite the fort, and Sloop Cove, which was the HBC’s winter harbour. Built between 1731 and 1771, the 12-metre thick walls of the fortress protected the HBC’s major supply route through Arctic waters until it was surrendered by Samuel Hearne to the French in 1782.
Each of the 40 guns mounted on the ramparts of Prince of Wales Fort is positioned at a gun port and located on a stone plinth. 24 of the guns bear the Royal cypher of King George II (1727-1760), six of the guns bear the Royal cypher of Queen Anne (1702-1714), and 12 guns do not have a visible cypher. Gun weights and data courtesy of Parks Canada, Henry Unglik and Alex Barbour, A Metallurgical and Corrosion Study of the 18th Century Cast Iron Cannons from Fort Prince of Wales, Manitoba, prepared for Kathryn Roll, Chief, Historic Resource Conservation, Prairie Region, Winnipeg. Laboratory Nos. : 89-2193 to 89-2215. (Historic Resource Conservation, National Historic Sites, Environment Canada, Parks Service Canada; and Heritage Conservation Program, Architecture and Engineering Services, Public Works Canada, Ottawa, March 1992). Gun weights from pp. 28-34.
All Guns listed are mounted on wood Naval Gun carriages.
Gun No. 1, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 22-2-7 (2,527 lbs), no Royal cypher, ca. 1710, 8’5.4” long, 3.7” bore.
Gun No. 2, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 32-0-1 (3,585 lbs), King George II cypher, ca 1740, 8’11.3” long, 4.4” bore.
Gun No. 3, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 24-0-0 (2,688 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’0.3” long, 3.7” bore.
Gun No. 4, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-17 (3,741 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.8” long, 4.3” bore.
Gun No. 5, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-5 (3,701 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.7” long, 4.4” bore.
Gun No. 6, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-14 (3,710 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.8” long, 4.8” bore, .
Gun No. 7, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-3 (3,727 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.8” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 8, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-26 (5,598 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.2” long, 5.8” bore.
Gun No. 9, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 48-0-21 (5,397 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.2” long, 5.9” bore.
Gun No. 10, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 32-0-1 (3,585 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.8” long, 4.8” bore.
Gun No. 11, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-24 (3,720 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’0.2” long, 4.8” bore.
Gun No. 12, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 48-1-21 (5,425 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.5” long, 5.9” bore.
Gun No. 13, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 48-2-0 (5,432 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.7” long, 5.8” bore.
Gun No. 14, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 32-2-4 (3,756 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1720, 9’0.3” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 15, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-17 (3,741 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.5” long, 4.8” bore.
Gun No. 16, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-2-17 (3,769 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.5” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 17, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 9’0.2” long, weight 33-0-0 (3,696 lbs), 4.7” bore, King George II cypher, ca. 1740.
Gun No. 18, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-21 (3,745 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.5” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 19, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-14 (5,586 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.0” long, 5.9” bore.
Gun No. 20, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-21 (5,593 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.4” long, 5.9” bore.
Gun No. 21, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight ?-?-24 (>5,500 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.0” long, 5.7” bore.
Gun No. 22, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-21 (5,593 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.1” long, 5.8” bore.
Gun No. 23, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 49-3-21 (5,593 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.0” long, 5.8” bore.
Gun No. 24, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 21-2-21 (2,429 lbs), no Royal cypher, ca. 1710, 8’5.7” long, 3.5” bore.
Gun No. 25, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-21 (3,717 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’10.7” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 26, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 35-1-0 (3,948 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’5.8” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 27, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-2-0 (3,752 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.3” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 28, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 23-3-0 (2,660 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.4” long, 3.7” bore,
Gun No. 29, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-2-21 (3,773 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.2” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 30, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-17 (3,713 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’0.1” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 31, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-2-4 (3,756 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.7” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 32, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-14 (3,738 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.5” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 33, Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 48-1-14 (5,418 lbs), King George II cypher, ca. 1740, 9’6.3” long, 5.8” bore.
Gun No. 34, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 22-1-0 (2,492 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1710, 8’5.9” long, 3.6” bore.
Gun No. 35, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-18 (3,742 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.8” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 36, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-0 (3,724 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.8” long, 4.7” bore.
Gun No. 37, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-1-11(3,735 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1740, 8’11.7” long, 4.6” bore.
Gun No. 38, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 22-0-21 (2,485 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1710, 8’5.4” long, 3.8” bore.
Gun No. 39, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, no cypher, ca. 1710, weight 22-0-11 (2,475 lbs), 8’5.8” long, 3.8” bore.
Gun No. 40, Cast Iron 6-pounder 22-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 22-0-7 (2,471 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1710, 8’5.7” long, 3.7” bore.
Gun No. 41, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun,, weight 32-1-3 (3,615 lbs), Queen Anne cypher, ca. 1710, 8’11.8” long, 4.6” bore. Outside the Fort at Cape Merry.
Gun No. 42, Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 33-0-14 (3,710 lbs), no cypher, ca. 1740, 9’0.2” long, 4.7” bore. Outside the Fort at the Eskimo Museum, Churchill.
The 12-pounder SBMLs were used as main guns on the most typical frigates of the early 18th century, on the second deck of fourth-rate ships of the line, and on the upper decks or castles of 80-gun and 120-gun ships of the line. Naval 12-pounders were similar to 12-pound Army guns and considered a heavy field artillery piece.
British ships that were armed with 12-pounders included the Southampton and Richmond-class frigates. The 12-pounder also equipped the castles on razeed ships, where 12 pieces were mounted, and the 22-gun secondary battery of 50-gun fourth-rates. Finally, 30 were installed on the third deck of 90-gun second-rates. (Wikipedia)
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), on the left in front of the town War Memorial.
German First World War 9.15-cm leichtes Minenwerfer System Lanz (Serial Nr. unknown), on the right in front of the town War Memorial. This trench mortar was likely captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade of a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08, (Serial Nr. 5821), no data, mounted on a stone cairn war memorial next to the Douglas Community Hall.
German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 13, (15-cm sFH 13), (Serial Nr. 2790), Fried. Krupp. This gun was captured by 10th Battalion (Canadians) and 14th Battalion (Royal Montreal Regiment, 3rd Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), at Cagnicourt, France, on 2 September 1918. It is on display in front of Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 23.
Portage la Prairie, 26th Field Artillery Regiment, 13th Field Battery
Pilot Mound
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW n.A.). (Serial Nr. 18043), no data, 1451. This trench mortar was likely captured by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade of a Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). It is currently located at the Manitoba First World War Military Museum outside La Riviere, where the wheels have been removed and it is undergoing restoration.
Selkirk, Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site of Canada,
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-1 (337 lbs), J & H (John & Henry) King, 1807. No. 1 of 5.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-3 (309 lbs), J & H King, 1809. No. 2 of 5.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-6 (332 lbs), J & H King, 1810. No. 3 of 5.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-7 (333 lbs), J & H King, 1810. No. 4 of 5.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 2-0-14 (238 lbs), F. Kinman, 1812. No. 5 of 5.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 6---1, (>673 lbs), J & H King, 1797.
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 2-feet, 6-inches long. No. 1 of 2.
Cast Iron ½-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 2-feet, 6-inches long. No. 2 of 2.
Cast Iron 3-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 4-3-8 (540 lbs), Queen Anne (1702-1714) cypher.
Cast Iron 3-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 3-feet, 6-inches long, ca. 1800, stamped S & Co. No. 1 of 3.
Cast Iron 3-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 3-feet, 6-inches long, ca. 1800, stamped S & Co. No. 2 of 3.
Cast Iron 3-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, 3-feet, 6-inches long, ca. 1800, stamped S & Co. No. 3 of 3.
Cast Iron 6-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with trunnion.
Seven Sisters
155-mm M109 Self-propelled Howitzer, (CFR unknown).
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, private collector.
CFB Shilo, Royal Canadian Artillery Museum
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 3-0-6 (342 lbs), (J. & H. 1810) (John & Henry King) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 447) on right trunnion, barrel marked CCCXLVII (347), King George III cypher, General John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, Master General of the Ordnance 1801–1806 and 1807–1810, cypher. Bore diameter 2-7/8-inches, length 47-1/8-inches, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, Hudson’s Bay Company.
Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 2-2-27 (307 lbs) (J. & H. King, 1810) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 445) on right trunnion, barrel marked CCCCXLV (445), King George III cypher, General John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham, Master General of the Ordnance 1801–1806 and 1807–1810, cypher. Bore diameter 3-inches, length 47-1/2-inches, mounted on a wood Naval Gun carriage, Hudson’s Bay Company.
Bronze 3-pounder 2-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 2-0-14 (238 lbs), (F. Kinman, 1812) on the chase (Francis Kinman at Woolwich, England), (Serial No. 447) on right trunnion, 3-inch bore, length 36 inches, mounted on a wood Naval Gun carriage. Hudson’s Bay Company gun with spiked vent.
Cast Iron 18-pounder 10-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring.
Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight 1,512 lbs (687 kgs), maker and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wheeled wood gun carriage.
9-pounder 6-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 5-3-27 (671 lbs), (RGF unknown) on left trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron carriage with wood wheels.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-9 (933 lbs), RGF No. 450. II, 1876, carriage Reg. No. unknown.
9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-6 (930 lbs), Trunnion Serial No. 620, Carriage Serial No. 1460, Barrel Serial No. 5791, with limber. This MLR is on loan from RCMP Depot, and is on display inside the 1 RCHA HQ, 2nd floor. 1 RCHA.
BL 12-pounder 6-cwt Mk. I Gun (Serial No. 111), mounted on a Mk. I Field Carriage.
15-pounder 7-cwt Breech-loading Mk. I Gun mounted on a Mk. I Field Carriage. This gun is the only one of its kind in Canada.
1-pounder QF Mk. I (Maxim) Gun, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons & Maxim Limited) 1904, Automatic Gun, (Serial No. 2513), weight 410 lbs, mounted on a VSM London gun carriage, (Serial No. 5700). Base HQ.
1-pounder QF Mk. I (Maxim) Gun, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons & Maxim Limited) 1905, Automatic Gun, (Serial No. 2497), weight 410 lbs, Reg. No. 117, mounted on a 1-pounder QF Mk. II gun carriage, RCD, 1906, Reg. No. C10444. This "pom-pom" gun stands inside the main entrance to the Base HQ.
Armstrong 40-pounder 35-cwt Rifled Breech-loading Gun, 1867, CFB Shilo Gym. This gun with a 4.75 inch calibre, was a naval and fortification gun in use from 1860 to the early 1900s. The guns were typically employed mounted on high "siege travelling carriages" for use as semi-mobile guns in forts, firing over parapets. Many were mounted on travelling carriages and used by many Volunteer Artillery Batteries to whom they were issued after 1889. Most remained in use in this role until 1902. A number were used for some years afterwards as saluting guns. One other Armstrong 40-pounder 35-cwt Rifled Breech-loading Gun is on display in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.
4.7-inch QF Mk. IV* "B" Gun on Mk. I Travelling Carriage, Shilo Golf Course. The BL 4.7 inch 45 calibres gun (actually a metric 120-mm gun) was a British medium-velocity naval gun introduced in 1918 for destroyers, intended to counter a new generation of heavily armed destroyers that Germany was believed to be developing.
7.2-inch BL Mk. I Howitzer, Sergeant’s Mess. This is the only one of its kind preserved in Canada.
8-inch Breech-loading Mk. VI Howitzer M1917, on Mk. VIIA Carriage No. 201. Officer's Mess. There only two others in Canada, a Mk. VIII, (Serial No. 1111), in the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, and another Mk. VIII at Nicolet, Quebec.
4.5-inch BL Mk. II Gun on Mk. I Carriage. This is the only one remaining in Canada.
6-inch 26-cwt Breech-loading Mk. I Howitzer, manufactured at W.B & Co No 5281 in 1918. It is mounted on carriage No. CA920. This gun is one of two in Canada, the other is with 3 Field Regiment in Saint John, New Brunswick.
60-pounder Breech-loading Mk. I Gun, inside the museum. The only one remaining in Canada.
13-pounder 6-cwt QF Mk. I Field Gun, weight 6-0-13 (685-lbs), RGF J 1913, N. 290 on barrel, carriage plate 13-pr Mk. I.IP, L, 1917, GCR 1910, Reg. No. 10.
18-pounder QF Mk. II VSM Field Gun with pneumatic tires, VSN 1918, Serial No. 8864.
18-pounder QF Mk. I Field Gun with spoked wooden carriage wheels.
U.S. Model 1917 75-mm field gun (British), Bethlehem Steel Coy, 1912, 995 Pounds, (Serial No. unknown) on the muzzle. This gun is mounted on a 75-mm Gun Carriage Model of 1917 (British), Bethlehem Steel Company, 1918, (Serial No. unknown), MMC, according to the builder's plate on the carriage. This is an American version of the British QF 18-pounder modified to fire French 75-mm ammunition. One other gun like it is preserved in the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School, 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, New Brunswick.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, Mk 1 (naval mount), CFR 34522, Officers’ Mess.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun,Mk. III, O.F.E./C 1942, Reg. No. L/12971 (Bantam).
3.7-inch Anti-Aircraft Gun, No. 1 of 2.
3.7-inch Anti-Aircraft Gun, mounted on wheels, No. 2 of 2.
American 90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun.
Sherman Skink 20-mm Quad Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun Turret.
Oerlikon 35-mm twin cannon towed anti-aircraft gun paired with the off-gun Skyguard fire control radar system.
2-pounder QF Mk. X Anti-Tank Gun.
QF 2-pounder David experimental Anti-Tank gun developed in Canada during the Second World War and recently rediscovered in Shilo. It is a hybrid that used a 6-pounder necked down to a 2-pounder shot.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7-cwt (57-mm) Anti-Tank Gun, Serial No. 206.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 17-pounder (76.2-mm/3-inch) Anti-Tank Gun. CFB Shilo Gym.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, with Limber.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, with funeral platform, and limber.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, standing in front of 1 RCHA HQ.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, No. 1 of 2, Canoe River Memorial.
Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, No. 2 of 2, Canoe River Memorial.
Canadian Military Pattern Field Artillery Tractor “Quad” 4x4 (CMP FAT).
Sexton 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) C Mk. 1 Self-propelled Gun (Reg. No. CS172740), part of the Dr. William Gregg Collection donated to the RCA Museum.
American 105-mm M7 Priest Self-propelled Howitzer, “Zulu Warrior”.
95-mm Howitzer.
5.5-inch BL Mk. III Gun on a Mk. I Carriage (Serial No. 583), WO & Sgts Mess.
5.5-inch BL Mk. III Gun on a Mk. I Carriage (Serial No. 859). Canada made carriages for these guns during the Second World War, and after the war acquired 85 of them for the RCA. The gun fired a 45.5-kg (100-pound) shell to a range of 14,800 metres (16,200 yards).
American 155-mm American M2 Gun "Long Tom" on Mk. I Carriage.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34402, Reg. No. 174. The carriage plate reads: CARR HOW 155mm M1A2 CDN, SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD, CANADA (1956), REG. NO. CDN 174, INSP (Maple Leaf).
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34402. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year unknown), REG. NO. CDN 152, INSP (Symbol).
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. Reg. No. CDN 1. The carriage plate reads: CARR HOW 155mm M1A2 CDN, SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD, CANADA (1952), REG. NO. CDN 1, INSP (symbol). 1 RCHA.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. Reg. No. 9. The carriage plate reads: CARR HOW 155mm M1A2 CDN, SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD, CANADA (year unknown), REG. NO. CDN 9, INSP (Symbol). 1 RCHA.
155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer, M114/39. This Gun was manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Québec, modified with an American M185 39-calibre barrel (Serial No. 1141) by RDM Technologies in the Netherlands to M114/39 configuration. RDM developed a conversion kit which enabled the US 155 mm M114 towed howitzer to fire new extended range ammunition. The company reputedly converted two Canadian 155-mm Howitzers to the M114/39 configuration and completed trials with them in Canada, however Canada did not proceed with an upgrade to the M114/39 standard. CFR 34441. The carriage plate reads CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year unknown), REG. NO. CDN 27, INSP (Symbol).
American 105-mm M2A1 Howitzer, identifiable by being built with an early bolt-together US style rims. This gun was recovered from an American range in Germany. It was brought back from Germany by 1 RCHA when it moved back to Shilo in the mid 1990s.
155-mm M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer, (CFR No. 85-34817), AC: MD, ECC: 119205 HUI C: 0118, SAUI C: 0118, VMO No. DLE21739, VMO Date: 14 Jul 2005. Display Monument at the front gate.
155-mm M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 77245), 1985, AC: MD, ECC: 119205 HUI C: 0118, SAUI C: 0118, VMO No. DLE21739, VMO Date: 14 Jul 2005. Display Monument.
155-mm M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 34838), 1968, AC: MD, ECC: 119205 HUI C: 0118, SAUI C: 0118, VMO No. DLE21739, VMO Date: 14 Jul 2005. Inside the Museum.
155-mm M109 Self-Propelled Howitzer, (CFR 85-77245), 1 RCHA.
ADATs. The Air Defense Anti-Tank System (ADATS) is a dual-purpose short range surface-to-air and anti-tank missile system based on the M113A2 vehicle. It is manufactured by the Swiss company Oerlikon-Contraves, a member of the Rheinmetall Defence Group of Germany. The ADATS missile is a laser-guided supersonic missile with a range of 10 kilometres, with an electro-optical sensor with TV and Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR). The carrying vehicle has also a conventional two-dimensional radar with an effective range of over 25 kilometres.
MGN-5 Corporal Missile.
MIM-3 Nike Ajax Missile.
MIM-14 Nike Hercules Missile.
762-mm M31/M50 Honest John Rocket with M33 launcher trailer.
Foreign Equipment and Artillery
British 105-mm FV433 Abbot Self-Propelled Gun.
French 75-mm M1897 Field Gun (Canon de 75-mm modèle 1897), No. 2512, Puteaux, 1917.
French 75-mm M1897 Field Gun (Canon de 75-mm modèle 1897), No. 3378, Bourges 1918.
French 105-mm M1913 Schneider Field Gun (Canon de 105 mle 1913).
French 105-mm M1936 Schneider Field Gun (Canon de 105 L modèle 1936).
Russian 122-mm M1938 (M30) Howitzer.
Russian 45-mm M1937 Anti-Tank Gun (53-K), Serial No. 5795.
Russian 14.5-mm ZPU-4 Anti-Aircraft Gun.
Russian 152-mm 2S3 Akatsiya M1973 SP Gun.
Czech RM-70 Multiple Rocket Launcher.
Russian/Czech 2P25 SA-6 Gainful Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL).
Yugoslav M-55A Triple 20mm Anti-Aircraft Gun, No. 1 of 3.
Yugoslav M-55A Triple 20mm Anti-Aircraft Gun, No. 2 of 3.
Yugoslav M-55A Triple 20mm Anti-Aircraft Gun, No. 3 of 3
German Artillery and Machine Guns in the RCA Museum from the First World War
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 1133), captured by the RCR, 3rd Canadian Division on 26 August 1918 at Faction Trench N.E. of Monchy-le-Preux, France. Originally allocated to the town of Binscarth, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 1870), captured by the 27th Battalion, late 1918. Also originally allocated to the town of Binscarth, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 4882), no data, originally allocated to Lockport, West Selkirk, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 4900), captured by the 20th Battalion on 5 August 1917 at the Cité St Emile, N. of Lens, France. Originally allocated to Brandon College, Brandon, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 7109), no data, originally allocated to Lockport, West Selkirk, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 40553), captured by the 3rd Canadian Division in October 1918 in the vicinity of Cambrai, France. Originally allocated to Carman, Manitoba.
German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 32258), no data, on heavy metal base with ramp, handle intact, painted dark grey, mounted on a wheeled carriage. New wheels and trail in 1988, weight in action 550 lbs. Sent to CFB Shilo from the Canadian Military Engineers Museum, 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, New Brunswick in January 2013. Originally allocated to Maillardville, Fraser Mills, British Columbia.
German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. unknown). Medium trench mortar mounted on an iron baseplate, no wheels.
German First World War 24-cm Flügelminenwerfer ‘Iko’, Albrecht (finned smoothbore Trench Mortar), (Serial Nr. 339), no data. This mortar was originally allocated to Lockport, West Selkirk, Manitoba.
German Great War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 3316), no data, originally allocated to Gleichen, Alberta.
German Great War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 3734), no data, originally allocated to Rockwood, Ontario.
German Artillery in the RCA Museum from the Second World War
German Second World War 2.8-cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 Anti-Tank Gun (2.8-cm sPzB 41) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. 2556). The barrel has a separate number, (Serial Nr. 52536). The sPzB 41 light AT Gun worked on the squeeze-bore principle. This gun is currently on loan to the Base Museum, CFB Petawawa, Ontario.
German Second World War 3.7-mm Czech Škoda PaK 36(t) Anti-Tank Gun. The gun is marked 1937, AKC SPOL, 93 kg, d?. Škodovy Závody v Plzni, tov ?ís. 21532, E1 37, 3.7 cm k vz.37, ?ís. 7, VL0217!
German Second World War 7.5-cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 Light Infantry Gun (7.5-cm leIG 18) (Serial Nr. R191).
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R4024), shipped to Canada from the UK on 24 Oct 1944.
German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R10087). 1 RCHA.
5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R5709), on loan to the Antler River Museum, Manitoba.
7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun (Serial Nr. R807).
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. R341).
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 18/40 (10.5-cm leFH 18/40) Howitzer (Serial Nr. R158). (Captain F.M. Mowat).
10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 18/40 (10.5-cm leFH 18/40) Howitzer (Serial Nr. R284).
15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18) (Serial Nr. R856). (Captain F.M. Mowat).
17-cm Kanone 18 (17-cm K 18) in Mörserlafette Field Gun, (Serial Nr. 58). (Captain F.M. Mowat).
30-cm Raketenwerfer 56, (no Serial Number visible).
10.5-cm Leichtgeschütz 42 (10.5-cm LG 42 Recoilless Gun, (Serial Nr. R121). (Captain F.M. Mowat).
90-mm Jagdpanzer Kanone Tank Destroyer, outside the Range Control Building.
Japanese 70-mm Type 92 Howitzer, (Serial No. 2561), currently on loan to the New Brunswick Military History Museum, 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, New Brunswick.
RCA Museum Aircraft
Cessna L-19 Bird Dog.
Auster AOP Mk. V (Serial No. TJ398). Recently acquired for the RCAM and flown to the museum in an RCAF CC-130 Hercules transport from the UK. It is painted to represent a Canadian Army artillery spotting aircraft operating in Italy during the Second World War.
Upper Fort Garry
Cast Iron possible 1-pounder Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun mounted on a wood wheeled carriage and two small Bronze Coehorn Smoothbore Smoothbore Muzzleloading Mortars mounted on wood carrying boxes, ca. 1899, Upper Fort Garry, Manitoba.
German Second World War 8.8-cm Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen” (hollow charge rocket launcher), (Serial Nr. RW2491), Fort Garry Horse Museum, McGregor Armoury, 551 Machray Ave.
Winnipeg, HMCS Chippewa
Winnipeg, Naval Museum of Manitoba
12-pounder 8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 7-3-10 (878 lbs), Gun, Serial No. unknown, Breech Block Serial No. unknown, Carriage weight 6-cwt, Admiralty No. 71, dated 1898, with Limber. Queen Victoria cypher.
4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/unknown), L, left, and (Serial No. S/unknown), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. unknown), from HMCS Chippawa, located in the front lobby, 1 Navy Way.
Single Bofors 40-mm Boffin Light Anti-aircraft Gun, in a Deck Gun Mount.
.50-calibre Anti-Aircraft Gun in a Deck Gun Mount.
York Factory
Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Guns, weight, maker and Serial Nos. unknown, mounted on wood wheeled gun carriages, York Factory, Hayes River, Manitoba, 1925.