Artillery in Canada (14) Master List: Ontario (no photos)

(York Sunbury Historical Society, Fredericton Region Museum Collection, Author Photo)

1997.28.42. RCA badge, QC.

Master List of Artillery preserved in the Province of Ontario

Curators, docents, and volunteers working in Canada’s military museums have been successful in preserving a good number of retired military weapons of war and many interesting and historic pieces of kit are still being sought after and, in some cases, being restored to serviceable condition again.  This list of surviving historic guns and cannon is a collective effort to keep track of where they are presently located in Ontario, and to make that information available to others with the same interest. This page lists the locations of where the guns in Ontario communities, towns and museums can be found.  It is my sincere hope that more of the artillery missing from this list will one day be added to the record i n what we Maritimers still refer to as “Upper Canada”.


M109 155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, CFR 6834847, behind the Acton Legion at 25 Wright Ave.

M113 APC behind the Action Legion at 25 Wright Ave.


6-pounder 7-cwt QF Anti-tank Gun, No. 1 of 2 (South) beside the town cenotaph.

6-pounder 7-cwt QF Anti-tank Gun, No. 2 of 2 (North) beside the town cenotaph.


3-inch/40 20-cwt QF Mk. I Anti-aircraft Gun on a Naval Gun mount, stands in front of the Royal Canadian Legion at 281 Dalhousie Street.  Approximately 1,000 of these gun-mounts were built in Canada, many of them by the Canadian Pacific Railway’s (CPR) Ogden Shops in Calgary, Alberta.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 4149), buried under the cenotaph, recently recovered, now in storage.

Amherstburg, Fort Malden National Historic Site

Fort Malden, formally known as Fort Amherstburg, was built by the British in 1795 as a defence fortification to preserve the security of British North America against the potential threat of American Invasion.  During the War of 1812, Major-General Isaac Brock and First Nations Chief Tecumseh met at this fort to plan the Siege of Detroit.  The Fort also played an important role in securing Upper Canada's border with Detroit during the Upper Canada Rebellion.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, maker, and Serial No. TBC, mounted on an iron garrison carriage, No. 1.  The Blomefield 32-pounder 56-cwt Gun has a length of 9 feet 6 inches.  It is the most common 32-pounder in Canada and can be recognized by a reinforcing ring that is slightly raised followed by a definite “step-down” in the barrel just forward of the trunnions heading to the muzzle.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, maker, and Serial No. TBC, mounted on a wood naval gun garrison carriage, No. 2.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight, and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, No. 3.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-1-2 (5,742 lbs), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, (1806 on left trunnion), reproduction, mounted on an iron garrison carriage.  South Bastion.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-21 (5,593 lbs), King George III cypher, (1817) on left trunnion, reproduction, mounted on an iron garrison carriage weight 21-3-22 (2,458 lbs).  North Bastion.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-23 (5,595 lbs), (1806) on left trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, reproduction.

Blomefield Cast Iron 18-pounder 38-cwt SBML gun, weight 38-3-2 (4,342 lbs),(1806) on left trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, reproduction, carriage grounded.  North Bastion.

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, weight 11-2-14 (1,304 lbs), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, PXM H, reproduction, mounted on a wood carriage.  South Bastion.

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, reproduction, mounted on a wood carriage.  Brick Barracks.

Amherstburg Royal Naval Dockyard - King's Navy Yard

The Amherstburg Royal Naval Dockyard - King's Navy Yard is located on the outskirts of Fort Malden overlooking the Detroit River.  The site was constructed in 1796 to service the ships of the Royal Navy.  Demolished in 1813, it is now a park, located at 240-250 Dalhousie St.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight, maker, and Serial No. unknown, mounted on a wooden naval gun carriage, located at the entrance to the park on Dalhousie Street between Richmond Street and Rankin Ave, next to the historical plaque “The Great Sauk Trail”.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, maker, and Serial No. TBC, mounted on an iron garrison carriage, No. 1 of 2 flanking the cenotaph.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, maker, and Serial No. TBC, mounted on an iron garrison carriage, No. 2  of 2 flanking the cenotaph.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight TBC, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand facing the Detroit River, No. 1 of 3.   The carronade is a short smoothbore, cast iron cannon, which was used by the Royal Navy and first produced by the Carron Company, an ironworks in Falkirk, Scotland.  It was used from the 1770s to the 1850s.  Its main function was to serve as a powerful, short-range anti-ship and anti-crew weapon.  While considered very successful early on, carronades eventually disappeared as rifled naval artillery changed the shape of the shell and led to fewer and fewer close-range engagements.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight TBC, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand facing the Detroit River, No. 2 of 3.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight TBC, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand facing the Detroit River, No. 3 of 3.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun (Serial Nr. TBC), mounted on a concrete stand beside the town cenotaph in Kennebeck Memorial Park. Possibly (Serial No. 1842) captured ca 1918 by the 20th Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade, 2nd Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), in France; or (Serial No. 1350) captured on 23 Aug 1917 by the 44th Battalion, 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force(CEF), at Alpaca Trench, between Arras Road and Green Crassier, S.W. outskirts of Lens, France.


Cast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML Gun with a Millar pattern breeching ring, weight > (4,700 lbs), mounted on a wooden carriage, Old Arnprior PostOffice/Town Museum.


25-pounder C Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, 12 Fd Park.


155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR No. unknown.  The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SORELINDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year unknown), REG. NO. CDN TBC, INSP (symbol). This Howitzer stands beside the Royal Canadian Legion at 410 Vincent Street.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, one of three allocated to Bath, (Serial Nr. 1822),no data, (Serial Nr. 1882), no data, or (Serial Nr. 3089), mounted on a Schlitten stand.  This weapon was captured on 9 Oct 1917 by the 12th Canadian Machine Gun Company, 4th Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), at Vimy, France.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. 7931), mounted on a Schlitten stand. This weapon was captured on 28 Aug 1918 by a Canadian Battalion within an Infantry Brigade of the 2nd Canadian Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).  No official allocation in the record.  East side of the cenotaph, Jacob Beam Public School Park.

155-mm C1 (M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR40161.  The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 176, INSP (symbol).  This gun is in the Jacob Beam Public School Park, 5062 King Street.


Cast Iron SBML.

Belle River

C1A1 105-mm M2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. unknown, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 399, 504 Notre Dame Street.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, one of six MG 08s allocated to Belleville, (Serial Nrs. 269, 552, 3009, 3112, 5518 and 9148).

106-mm M40A1Recoilless Rifle mounted on an M38A1 CDN3 Jeep, inside the Armoury at 200 Pinnacle Street.


C1A1 105-mm M2A2 Howitzer.


9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-4 (928 lbs), RGF No. 628, I, 1874, Queen Victoria cypher, unmounted.  Edson Warner.

French 4-pounder Naval Gun, bore about 3-1/4”, c1750, unmounted.  On loan from the Honorary LCol of the 27th Field Regiment of the Royal Canadian Artillery, when 24th Bty in Granby, Quebec, was closed.  Edson Warner.

CFB Borden, Base Borden Military Museum

Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun Mk II, (Serial No. CA172355).

Ordnance QF 25-pounder Field Gun with funeral platform, (Serial No. CA10188),1942.

German First World War 5-cm leichtes Granatwerfer 36 (5-cm leGrW 36), possibly (Serial Nr. 7310), TBC.

German Second World War 7.5cm Kampfwagenkanone 40 (7.5-cm KwK 40/L43), (Serial Nr. TBC), vehicle mounted gun on a wall-mounted display.

German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 97/38 Anti-tank Gun, (Serial Nr. 9108), 1916,A.B.S.

Japanese 75-mm Type 38 Field Gun No. 67, (Serial No. 1725), with Limber.

Ordnance QF 25-pounder Gun with Limber, No. 1 of 2, South Parade Square.

Ordnance QF 25-pounder Gun without limber, No. 2 of 2, South Parade Square.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Southwest of North Gate.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Boffin Naval Gun Mount, Air Force side of the Base at CFB Borden.

90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, field West of the Base Accommodations Building.

90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, North of the Base Theatre.

105-mm L5 Pack Howitzer, (Serial No. 577735),1970.  Air Force side of the Base.

C1A1 105-mm M2A2 Howitzer, CDN18194, CFSEME Building.

Howitzer, Medium, Towed, 155-mm, C1, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 8,INSP (symbol).  This gun is in the CFSEME Company lines.

M109 155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 68-4806), 1968, AC: MD, ECC:119204,HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343 VMO Date: 07 Jul 2005.  Base Borden Military Museum.

M109 155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 77226), 1985, AC: CX, ECC:119205,HUI C: 1764, SAUI C: 1764, VMO No. DLE21633 VMO Date: 10 Jun 2005.  CFSEME,CFB Borden.

French Second World War 47-mm Mle 1937 (G47 Mle 1937), APX Anti-tank Gun (Serial No. 646), designated PaK 181(f) in German service.

German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 Anti-tank Gun (Serial Nr. R17355), rear of the Museum hangar.

Russian 7.62-cmAnti-Tank Gun(Serial Nr. 1230), 1939, designated PaK 36(r) in German service.  Air Force side of the Base.

German Second World War 5-cm PaK 38 Anti-tank Gun (Serial Nr. R860), 1942, Bhh, rear of Museum hangar.

German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-tank Gun (Serial Nr. R1761), 1942, bwo, Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), rear of Museum hangar.

German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-tank Gun, (Serial Nr. R2900), bwo, Rheinmetall Borsig (Düsseldorf), South Parade Square.

German Second World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 Anti-tank Gun, (Serial Nr. R4969), 1942, hhg, Rheinmetall Borsig (Tegel), Worthington Park.

German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr.R2746),1940, WaA 34, barrel in the recoil position, South Parade Square.

German Second World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (15-cm sFH 18), (Serial Nr.R3176),1941, COC (TBC), CHM, barrel extended, Southeast of North gate.

Italian First World War 149-mm 149/12 modelo 16.  The gun is marked Gio. Ansaldo & C., Genova 1918, F. 479G, (Serial No. 8847), Peso Con Ott. KC 870, possibly (Serial No.4796), TBC.   (This gun is listed as a 100-mm Obice da 100/17 modelo14).

Italian Second World War 47-mm Cannone da 47/32 M35, (Serial No. 646), outside the Museum hangar.

Japanese10-cm Model 92 Field Gun, Blackburn Park Army Cadet Camp.


Blomefield Cast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML gun, weight 42-0-2 (4,706 lbs), (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 597) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  No. 1 of 2. Town Park, facing North.

Blomefield Cast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML gun, weight 41-3-19 (4,695 lbs), (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No.607) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  No. 2 of 2.  Town Park, facing South.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 4198), captured by the 14th Battalion, 2nd Canadian, Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) on 8 Aug 1918, between Aubercourt and Marcels Ave, France.  This field gun sits next to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 161 in Bracebridge.

Brantford, 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA

The 56th Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 Canadian Brigade Group based in Brantford, Ontario, in the Sgt William Merrifield Armoury, at 18 Brant Avenue, Brantford, Ontario.


Russian 24-pounder (TBC) SBML Gun by Foullon with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy, mounted on a Naval wooden wheeled carriage.  (Serial No. 22506) on trunnion, Cyrillic AKCHD ZBD (AKSND ZVD).

Brantford, Canadian Military Heritage Museum

Bronze 9-pounder SBML mounted on a field carriage.

Ordnance QF 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun, mounted on a 6-pounder gun carriage inside the museum.

25-pounder C Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, (Serial No. 15947), Brantford Gunners Club, previously on the corner of Henry Street and Earl Avenue, now inside the museum.  This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 22990), captured by the 18th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Division near Villers-lès-Cagnicourt, France, on 27 August 1918.

German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze13 (15-cm sFH 13), (Serial Nr. 373), TBC, captured by the 116thBattalion near Demuin, France, 8 August 1918.  This gun stands in Jubilee Park beside the Boer War Memorial.

German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02), (Serial Nr. 871), no data.  CMHM, originally allocated to Simcoe, Ontario.


Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-24 (5,596 lbs), left and right trunnions covered in cement, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on concrete stand. Brockville Armoury.

9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-4(928 lbs), RGF No. 237, I, 1872, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a steel carriage, Newcastle on Tyne No.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 2267), Kaiser Wilhelm I cypher, 1898 and 1907.  This gun was captured by the 2nd Battalion on 27 September 1918 on the Arras-Cambrai Road NorthWest of Raillencourt, France.  Brockville Armoury.

German First World War 15-cm Feldhaubitze 13(15-cm FH 13), (Serial Nr. 2914), 1030, 22671 stamped on breech, serious battle damage on the barrel.  Kaiser Wilhelm I cypher, Fried. Krupp A.G, 1918. This gun was also captured by the 2nd Battalion on 27 September 1918 on the Arras-Cambrai Road NorthWest of Raillencourt, France.  Brockville Armoury.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Brockville Rifles, Brockville Armoury.


Ordnance QF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun, 828 Legion Road.  In June 1947, Canada had 149 towed QF 17-pounder Anti-tank Guns in service.  These guns served until 1952, when they were offered to NATO.  Those remaining in 1959 were scrapped or became part of war memorials.

Burks Falls

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, possibly (Serial Nr. 9368), TBC.


German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 48187), captured by the 7th Battalion (1st British Columbia), 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force, West of Villers-lez-Cagnicourt, France on 2 Sep 1918.  This trench mortar was placed in front of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 154, in 2016.


First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. 8999).

Cambridge Galt

Russian Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, by Butyenev, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy, (Serial No. 29619), 24.  Captured by the British in the Crimean War in Cambridge on 10 September 1855, given to Galt in 1863. Mounted in Queen’s Square.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, J.A.  McIntosh Armoury.


Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, located outside the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 105.

Carleton Place

105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 215, 1959, No. 1 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.

105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer, CDN 38, 1955, No. 2 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. 71976, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.   No. 1 of 2 in front of the courthouse.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. unknown, CARRON, year unknown) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  No. 2 of 2 in front of the courthouse.


German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 33025), no data, AEG M1916, mounted on an iron wheeled carriage.

Ordnance QF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun.  Town cenotaph, Harry Seale Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 5.  The RCA held 138 of these guns.


Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60 on the right side of the war memorial.


Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, captured on Fighting Island, Detroit River, 28 February 1838.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-1-0 (6,300 lbs), (WCo), (Walker& Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. unknown) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV CK.  This gun stands in Tecumseh Park facing up the Thames River.


90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun (Serial No. 5623), Ord Dept USAWVT Arsenal.  Across from the Royal Canadian Legion.


Cast Iron 32-pounder SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight 17-3-0(1,988 lbs).  This gun is set on a concrete stand under a sign  atthe corner of Albert St and 3rd St.

BL 12-pounder 6-cwt Mk. IV Gun (Reg. No. 261), carriage Reg. No. 7616. This gun was in service with 18 Field Battery, Regina.  It now stands in a downtown park.  It has been on loan since 1980 from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

8-inch Mortar, dated 1886, S. Bowling, Great t., Ch. 211, Ra: 2000 yds, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 133.

Ordnance QF 25-pounder Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Reg. No. CA10475, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 133.

Coe Hill

German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (Serial Nr. 7594), mounted on a round iron stand.  This trench mortar was captured at Vimy Ridge by the 78th Battalion on 9 Oct 1917.  It is located near the cenotaph in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 581 on Main Street.


Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight66-2-0, (7,448 lbs), B.F.C. (Serial No. 174), 1844.  No. 1, West of the cenotaph in Victoria Square.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight66-1-0 (7,420 lbs), Low Moor, 1844, (Serial No. 2327).  No. 2, East of the cenotaph in Victoria Square.


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-3-14 (6,258 lbs), (WCo) (Walker & Company) on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 197) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 63, 490 Ontario Street.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-1-11 (6,311 lbs), (Serial No.70502, CARRON, 1806) on left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 63.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 3263), no data.


German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 16214), mounted on a round iron stand at the cenotaph.  This trench mortar was captured by the 102nd Battalion near Beaucourt Wood, NW of Les Quesnel on 8 August 1918.


Cast Iron 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight6-2-4 (732 lbs), broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage. Outside the Cornwall Armoury.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-3-20 (5,704 lbs), (Serial No. 70702, CARRON, 1807), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on awood Naval Gun carriage, No. 1, outside the Cornwall Courthouse.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight >5,000 lbs, (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 962) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood Naval Gun carriage, No. 2, outside the Cornwall Courthouse.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder56-cwt SBML gun, weight >6,000 lbs, (Carron Serial No. 55047, 1796) on the left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, George III Cypher, mounted on a concrete stand.  Weight markings are embedded in concrete stand.  This gun is located on the west side of the cenotaph in the Veterans Memorial Park at 2nd St W and Bedford St.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight >6,000 lbs, (WCo) Walker & Company on left trunnion, (Serial No. 371) on right trunnion, George III Cypher, mounted on a concrete stand.  Weight markings are embedded in concrete stand.  This gun is located on the east side of the cenotaph in the Veterans Memorial Park at 2nd St W and Bedford St.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR 34424. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIESLTD. CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 172, INSP (symbol).

M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, CFR 68-34841, located at the Legion at 415Second St W.  

German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 33750), mounted ona round iron stand with wood wheels, inside the Cornwall Armoury.  This trench mortar was captured by the 2nd Division in France, ca. 1918.  It was originally allocated to RMC.

Dundas, Hamilton

Blomefield SBML 12-pounder Gun, weight 34-0-14 (3,822 lbs), (Serial No. 70) on right trunnion, C, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand in front of the Dundas Town Hall.

The 12-pounder SBMLs were used as main guns on the most typical frigates of the early 18th century, on the second deck of fourth-rate ships of the line, and on the upper decks or castles of 80-gun and 120-gun ships of the line. Naval 12-pounders were similar to 12-pound Army guns and considered a heavy field artillery piece.

British ships that were armed with 12-pounders included the Southampton and Richmond-class frigates. The 12-pounder also equipped the castles on razeed ships, where 12 pieces were mounted, and the 22-gun secondary battery of 50-gun fourth-rates. Finally, 30 were installed on the third deck of 90-gun second-rates. (Wikipedia)

Ordnance QF 25-pounder Field Gun C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Tactical Signs for the Hamilton-Wentworth 11th Field Battery, RCA.  King Street West.


Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt SBML gun, weight 20-3-0 (2,324 lbs), 1847, mounted on a stone and concrete stand, No. 1 of 2, located in Central Park with one on the North side of the park at the intersection of Cedar Street and Broad Street West.

Cast Iron SBML, No. 2 of 2, located on the South side of Cedar Street and Lock Street West.


German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. 1682), mounted on iron wheels, captured by the 13th Battalion.  City Park.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR 34447. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 169, INSP (symbol).  This gun stands beside the cenotaph.

Elliot Lake

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. TBC), No. 1 of 2beside the cenotaph at the corner of Colonization Rd and Jessie St.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. TBC), No. 2 of 2beside the cenotaph at the corner of Colonization Rd and Jessie St.


Ordnance QF 25-pounder Field Gun, C Mk. 2, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39, 370 Annette St.


German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02), (Serial Nr. 452), 1905 (no data).


Universal Carrier, Captain B.S. Hutcheson VC Armoury.

Bellenden Seymour Hutcheson VC, MC (16 Dec 1883 – 9 Apr 1954) was an American-born Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross (VC) during the First World War.


Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, mounted on a wheeled carriage, in front of the Royal Canadian Legion, Heather Branch 357.

German First World War 24-cm Flügelminenwerfer ‘Iko’, Albrecht (Serial Nr. 2715), 1917. This trench mortar is located front of the Legion on Hwy 43 between Goldfield Road & Mainstreet.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, (Serial Nr. 22278), mounted ona Schlitten stand.  This MG 08 was captured by the 50th Battalion near Dury, France, 2 Sep 1918.  It stands on the left side of the cenotaph.

German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 4449), AEG M1916,captured by the 54th Battalion at Vimy, France, 9 April 1917.  This mortar is on the right side of the cenotaph.


German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 33912), captured by the 59th Battalion (Ontario), CEF, at Bourlon Wood, France, 27 Sep 1918.

Fort Erie

Russian Blomefield pattern Cast Iron 36-pounder SBML, made by Armstrong, at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy.  ML, (Serial No. 433G), 1632P, 1835.  Mounted on a wood naval gun carriage located on a redoubt facing south inside Fort Erie.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-0-9 (5,721 lbs), (Serial No. 70802, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted wood naval gun carriage.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-0 (5,572 lbs) under the cascabel, (L) Low Moor, England, on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 218) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, on a redoubt facing West.

The broad arrow was used in England (and later Britain), from the early 14th century, and more widely from the 16th century, to mark objects purchased from the monarch's money, or to indicate government property. It became particularly associated with the Office or Board of Ordnance, the principal duty of which was to supply guns, ammunition, stores, and equipment to the King's Navy.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 53-2-7 (5,999 lbs), King George III cypher, (not observed).

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-0-13 (5,725 lbs), King George III cypher, (not observed).

Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML, no cypher, no markings, mounted on a naval gun carriage, on a redoubt facing West.

Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML, 1798, DLCCCVI, reproduction, copied from a piece from Fort York.

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, recovered from the USS Detroit which was sunk during the War of 1812.  Museum Visitor Center.

Bronze 9-pounder SBML, weight 5-3-22 (666 lbs), D17 over DLCVIII on the left trunnion, 1859 on the right trunnion, F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot, Superintendent of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England) cypher above the Queen Victoria cypher, DIEU ET MON DROIT, broad arrow mark, Serial No. 4456, mounted on a naval gun carriage, inside Fort Erie, No. 1 of 2.

Bronze 9-pounder SBML, weight 6-0-0 (672 lbs), V14 over DLVIII on the left trunnion,1859 on the right trunnion, F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendent of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England cypher over Queen Victoria cypher, DIEU ET MON DROIT, broad arrow mark, Serial No. 4071, mounted on a naval gun carriage, Fort Erie, No. 2of 2.

Cast Iron 12-pounder SBML, weight 31-0-13 (3,485 lbs), pre-1759.  Museum Visitor Center.

Cast Iron 12-pounder SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight unknown.

Cast Iron 18-pounder SBML, weight unknown, King George III cypher, reproduction.

Cast Iron 9-pounder SBML gun, weight 16-2-20 (1,860 lbs), Crown over P on the barrel, R,A on right trunnion, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, inside Fort Erie.

Bronze Coehorn 4.65-inch (12-pounder) Mortar, weight unknown, King George II cypher.

Cast Iron 10-inch SBML Land Service Mortar with Dolphin carrying handles, weight unknown, reproduction.


Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-2-7 (5,775 lbs), 1807, (Serial No. 708990, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion,(24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, mounted on a wooden carriage, King George II cypher, H & S No. 3 on the left trunnion.  This guns stands on the left side of the24-pounder (replica).  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street.

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, mounted on a wooden carriage, King George II cypher, H & SNo. 1.  This gun stands on the right side of the 24 pounder (possible replica).  Joel Stone Heritage Park, Water Street and Kate Street.


106-mm M40A1 Recoilless Rifle.

106-mm L5 Pack Howitzer.


105-mm C1A1 M2A2 Howitzer.


Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. 63844, CARRON, 1803) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. Wellesley Street.

Blomefield Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, weight 20-0-14 (2,254 lbs), (WCo), (Walker &Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.26) on right trunnion, 4, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted ona concrete stand.  Lions Park.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-3-14 (6,258 lbs), (WCo),(Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion,(Serial No. 182) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, MCMXXV.  Mounted on a concrete stand near the Lighthouse.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 51-2-14 (5,782 lbs), (Serial No. 77661, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 52-0-9 (5,833 lbs),  (Serial No. 77779, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 51-3-14 (5,810 lbs), (Serial No. 77732, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, two Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Cast Iron 10-inch 52-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 56-0-1 (6,273 lbs), (Serial No.77812, CARRON, 1811), Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, blank on the right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrow mark, Dolphin carrying handles, Huron County Museum.

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9circular firing platform, Limber and Field Artillery Tractor, Artillery Support Group.

Cast Iron SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, in a downtown park.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown) mounted on the cenotaph.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machine-gun (Serial Nr. unknown),mounted on a Schlitten stand, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 307, 2059 Victoria Street.

Grand Bend

German First World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW), possibly (Serial Nr. 6170),mounted on wheels on a concrete stand, Centennial Park, on the SW corner of Main St and Ontario St. (Hwy 21).  

Guelph, 11th Field Artillery Regiment,RCA

The 11th Field Artillery Regiment, is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 Canadian Brigade Group located in Guelph, Ontario.  11 Field Regiment sub-units include the 11th Field Battery (Hamilton-Wentworth), 16th Field Battery, and the 29th Field Battery.


Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, (>5,500 lbs), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, ‘Old Jeremiah’ brought to Guelph campus in 1879. This gun is mounted on a concrete stand on University grounds.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 101433).

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Guelph Armoury, 7 Wyndham St South, outside.

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9 circular firing platform, Guelph Armoury, 7 Wyndham St South, indoors.

Canadian Military Pattern (CMP) Field Artillery Tractor (FAT) inside the armoury.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  GuelphArmoury, 7 Wyndham St South.


20-pounder Gun Mk 1 Barrel mounted in concrete (Serial No. H5764), Queen Elizabeth II Cypher. East side of Cenotaph.

20-pounder Gun Mk I Barrel mounted in concrete, (Serial No.  29887), Queen Elizabeth IICypher.  West side of Cenotaph.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), mounted on a Schlittenstand.

German First World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. 6839), captured bythe 43rd Battalion on 8 Aug 1918 at Dod Wood, SW of Demuin, France.

Halton Hills

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9circular firing platform.  No. 1 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.  

Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9circular firing platform.  No. 2 of 2 beside the town cenotaph.


Burlington Heights, where Dundurn Castle and the Hamilton Military Museum now stand, was occupied by the British military from 1813 -1815. Built as a gate house by Sir Allan MacNab in the late 1830s atop a battery from the War of 1812, This building known as Battery Lodge, now houses The Hamilton Military Museum.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-2-25 (5,681 lbs), (Serial No.7104, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P) onthe right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.  Burlington Heights, Hamilton Military Museum.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-0 (5,628 lbs), (WCo), (Walker& Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (SerialNo. 157) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  Burlington Heights, Hamilton Military Museum.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt SBML gun, weight 21-3-22 (2,458 lbs, weight of a6-pounder), J & H (John & Henry King), 1846, King George III cypher, short ship’s gun re-bored to 24-pounder in 1844.  Battery Lodge southeast,Hamilton Military Museum.

Bronze9-pounder SBML, 1813, King George III cypher.  Battery Lodge northeast Hamilton Military Museum.

Bronze9-pounder SBML, 1820, King George III cypher.  Battery Lodge north. Hamilton Military Museum.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-22 (5648 lbs), (WCo), (Walker& Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 150) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand beside the Sir John A.  MacDonald statue at the corner of King and John Street.  The Guns sit on blocks of New Brunswick Granite and have light rust.  No. 1 of 2.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-0-11 (5,611 lbs), (WCo),(Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion,(Serial No. 130) on right trunnion (concealed by concrete), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand.  These two guns are in Gore Park, beside the Sir John A. MacDonald statue, at the corner of King and John Street.  No. 2 of 2.

HMCS Haida, Hamilton Harbour

4-inch/45QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/14479), L, left, and (Serial No. S/13908),R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. unknown), on board.

4-inch/45QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/unknown), L, left, and (Serial No. S/unknown), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Angle mounting (Serial No. unknown), onboard in the B mount position (inaccessible).

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Serial No. L31098 (Breech plate has a date of 1945), Midships - Port side forward mount.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Serial No. L7936, (Breech plate painted over), Midships - Starboard Side forward mount.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Serial No. L26335 (Breech plate RBC 1943), Midships - Port side aft mount.    

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Serial No. L31093 - Midships -Starboard aft position.

3 inch/50QF Twin Guns Mk. 33, Left gun markings: Bu. of Ord. 3-in using Mk 8 Mod 2, W.T.495 lbs. Serial No. (illegible due to rust), U.S. Naval Ordnance, Canton(illegible in many spots).  Right gun markings: U.S. Navy - Bu. of Ord.3in using Mk 8 Mod 2, W.T. 495 lbs. Serial No. 13202, G.M. Corp. Fisher Body DIV.    R.J.G, Detroit Michigan, 1950.    

Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Twin Anti-aircraft Guns, previously mounted on a stand on shore, now possibly with the Naval Museum in Calgary, Alberta.

Squid Anti-submarine Mortar Mk IV, (Serial No. C1185), Depth Charge Thrower.

Squid Anti-submarine Mortar Mk. IV, (Serial No. not found).

HMCS Star, Naval Reserve, Hamilton

Russian Blomefield pattern Cast Iron 36-pounder SBML, made by Armstrong at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy.  6.75-inchgun, stamped Armstrong 1837 J68 ½, (Serial No. 25457).  Captured at Sevastopol in 1855, given to Hamilton by Queen Victoria in 1860.  The Hamilton and District Officers’ Institute mounted the gun as a centennial project in 1967.  This gun is now mounted on a concrete stand at HMCS Star.

12-pounder 8-cwt QF Royal Navy Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Serial No. 2050 dated 1897.  This gun has a breech block for a 12-pounder 12-cwt Gun, Serial No. 2050), 1903.  King Edward VII cypher.  Carriage plate: Q,F, 12 Pr. Naval Trg, Made by R.C.D Woolwich, 1903, Exd (Examined) at Portsmouth, 1904.  Wt Carriage Complete 6 3/4 Cwt. Admiralty No. 274,Kings Arrow.  With Limber.  This gun has been in use with the Hamilton Sea Cadet Corps for the last 90 years or so.


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (WCo), (Walker &Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.257) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV N, cross on the muzzle, mounted on a concrete stand.  Civic Centre.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (WCo), (Walker &Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.86) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV N, cross on the muzzle, mounted on a concrete stand.  Civic Centre.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 2393), mounted on a Schlittenstand.  Originally allocated to Rawdon, Ontario, no record.  No. 1 of 2 MG 08s mounted beside the war memorial.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 3791), mounted on a Schlittenstand.  This gun was captured by 10th Battalion on 2 Sep 1918, between Villers-Les-Cagnicourt and Boissy Switch, France.  It was originally allotted to Treherne, Manitoba.  No. 2 of 2 MG 08s mounted beside the war memorial.


French 75-mm M1897 Field Gun (Canon de 75-mm modèle 1897), mounted on a concrete stand beside the cenotaph.

M109 155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Reg. No. 34811), 1968, AC: MD, ECC: 119204,HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343, VMO Date: 10 Jun 2005.  Royal Canadian Legion.  At present, this gun is not in this location, its disposition is to be confirmed.

M113, Memorial Park, 700 Front Street.


Ordnance Quick-Firing (QF) 6-pounder 7-cwt (57-mm) Anti-tank Gun, barrel and breech mounted on a concrete stand in front of Higginson Powder Ltd, on County Rd 34 just south of the town.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 23695).  Beside the cenotaph.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 27488).  Beside the cenotaph.


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. unknown), located at the Royal Canadian Legion, 168 Muskoka Rd South.


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, 55-1-21 (6,209 lbs), (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.392) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, bore diameter6.5”, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 1, Victory Memorial Park Public School(closed), 210 Thames Street South.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder56-cwt SBML gun, 55-3-14 (6,258 lbs) under the cascabel, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.398) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, bore diameter6.5”, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 2, Victory Memorial Park Public School(closed), 210 Thames Street South.  Both of these guns have been donated to the Ingersoll Cheese and Agricultural Museum.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Royal Canadian Legion, Hillcrest Memorial Branch No. 119.


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. unknown), Sandy Cove.


Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, mounted on a wheeled carriage, (Serial No. P-17441), O.F.E./C.  Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 370, 24 Dundas Street.

Kars, Swords and Ploughshares Museum, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), K0A2E0.  Curator: Major Mike T.A. Calnan.

Canadian Ram II Cruiser Tank, Shop No. 521, (Serial No. WD CT39987), used as a bulldozer, turret without gun, tracks off.

M7B2 Priest 105-mm SP Gun replica built by students of Gananoque High School in 1994to honour two of the student’s grandparents who had landed on D-Day with the14th Field Regiment, RCA which was equipped with the Priest.

LVT1 Water Buffalo, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), Kars, Ontario.

British FV432 Trojan APC, 7500 Reeve Craig North (Rural Route #1), Kars, Ontario.

M3 Armoured Halftrack.

M5 Armoured Halftrack.

M20 Armoured Utility Car (based on the M8 Greyhound).

Universal Carrier Mk I.  Built by Ford of Canada in June of 1944, painted with the markings of a gun tractor in the 1st Anti-tank Regiment,Royal Canadian Artillery, c1943.

Universal Carrier Mk II.

T-16 Carrier.

Canadian Windsor Carrier.

FV401 Cambridge Carrier (chassis from the last of the Universal Carrier series).

Canadian CT15-TA 15-cwt Armoured truck.

White M3 Armoured Halftrack.

M5 Armoured Halftrack.

M20 Armoured Utility Car (based on the M8 Greyhound).

FV401 Cambridge Carrier (chassis from the last of the Universal Carrier series).

FV432 Trojan Armoured Personnel Carrier.

British Ferret Scout Car with turret.

German First World War 24-cm Flügelminenwerfer ‘Iko’, Albrecht, (no markings).

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art Field Gun, (Serial No. 13224), no wheels, missing parts. This gun was captured by the 3rd Battalion on 27 Sep 1918 near the Arras-Cambrai Road, North of Bourlon Wood, France.  It was originally allocated to the Toronto Yacht Club.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 neuer Art Field Gun,(Serial No. unknown).

Italian Second World War 100-mm Obice da100/17 modello 16 Field Gun, (Serial No. 020801).  This gun is also stamped 100.17.14, 10cm M14FII, 20805, 1917, 390 kg.

Austro-Hungarian Skoda 100-mm M1916 Mountain Gun,(Serial No. unknown).

Russian 37-mm M1939 AA Gun (modified Swedish Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60).

Russian 57-mm M1941 (Zis-2) Anti-tankGun.

Russian 76.2-mm M1942 (Zis-3) FieldGun.

Russian 76.2-mm M1927 Field Gun.

Russian 76.2-mm M1936 (F22) Anti-tankGun.

German Second World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 Anti-tank Gun.

Ordnance QF 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun carriage Mk IV, on loan from the CWM.[1]

Ordnance QF 6-pounder 7-cwt Anti-tank Gun.

Ordnance QF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun.

Canadian 20-mm Quadruple Polsten AA Gun on a C Mk. I mount.

Swedish Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60 (two), one maintained in working condition mounted on its road wheels, and a second on its platform for parts.

90-mm M1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun.

155-mm Howitzer M1A1 Cdn on Carriage M1A2Cdn (manufactured by Sorel Industries Limited, Quebec), aka M114 Cdn, in service, towed by a 2 ½ -ton truck.

Kenora, 116th Independent Field Artillery Battery

Keswick, Georgina Military Museum, 26061 Woodbine Avenue, RR # 2.

C1A1 105-mm M2A2 Howitzer, Serial No. 13561 (on plate) CDN 50 (on breech), Rock Island Arsenal.


(JustSomePics Photos)

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No. unknown) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on on a brick and concrete stand in Victoria Park. No. 1 of 2.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight unknown, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No. unknown)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on on a brick and concrete stand in Victoria Park. No. 2 of 2.


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial No. 8368), mounted on a pedestal.  This is a German Krupp gun that was captured by the 21stBattalion on 9 October 1917 at Vimy near the Les Tilleuls Crossroads.  Later, it was taken to the Royal Gun Factory in Woolwich, London.  There it was mounted on a Pedestal Mark I and sent back out into the field, where it was used by the 22nd Howitzer Battery. A number of merchant ships were armed with these guns, but it may have been used for static defence at a coastal installation, or it may even have been mounted on a train car or back of a lorry. It is in Clarence Street Park on the grounds adjacent to St. George’s Cathedral in downtown Kingston.  It is listed as an Ordnance QF 77-mm Gun Mk 1, 1917, No. 34, with King George V RI cypher.

Russian SBML 36-pounder Gun, by Foullon at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, 6.75-inch, 8 feet 4-incheslong, 1823, Crimean War Trophy, 1854-1855, North side of the Sir John A. MacDonald statue, King and West Street park.

Russian SBML 36-pounder Gun, by Foullon at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy. 6.75-inch, 8 feet 4-inches long, 1826, CrimeanWar 1854-1855, South side of the Sir John A MacDonald statue, King and West Street park.

Blomefield SBML howitzer, McDonald Park.

Blomefield SBML 18-pounder Gun, >4,700 lbs), 5.25-inch, 6 feet long, Carron, 1814,King George III cypher, Fort Henry Tourist Information Centre near RMC.

Blomefield SBML 24-pounder Gun, (>5,500 lbs), Walker Co, King George III cypher, McBurneyPark.

SBML 6-pounder Gun, 3.5-inch, 3 feet long, Brass plaque (Shannon’s Cannon).

Blomefield SBML 32-pounder Gun,Carron, 1904, City Workshop.

Blomefield SBML 32-pounder Gun, Carron, 593, City Workshop.

SBML 32-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 17-0-4 (1,908 lbs), 1811, Murney Tower Museum East.

SBML 32-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 16-3-24 (1,900 lbs), Murney Tower Museum West.

Blomefield SBML 32-pounder Gun, weight 55-2-14 (6,230 lbs), Walker Col, King George III cypher,plaque: cast in 1800, Murney Tower Museum 2.

SBML Carronade mounted on wooden carriage, North side,RCHA memorial, Park at King and Barrie Streets.

SBML Carronade mounted on wooden carriage, South side,RCHA memorial, Park at King and Barrie Streets.

105-mm L5 Pack Howitzer, Royal Canadian Legion, Limestone City Branch No. 560.

CFB Kingston Artillery

12-pounder 6-cwt Breechloading Mk. IV Gun, weight 5-3-20 (664 lbs), (Serial No. 278), IV, King Edward VII cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wheeled carriage, RCD1907.  This gun is on loan from Fort Henry, and is on display in front of Stethem Hall, HQ CFB Kingston,

Russian 57-mm AZP S-60 Anti-aircraft Gun, CFSMI.

Russian 37-mm B47 M1948 Twin Anti-aircraft Gun, CFSMI.

25-pounderQF Mk. I Field Gun, 1942, King George VI RI cypher, Main Gate.  

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR 34460. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (1956), REG. NO. CDN 178, INSP (symbol).  1 Canadian Division HQ, Fisher Building, Givenchy St.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured at Sorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.  CFR 34406. The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (1956), REG. NO. CDN 162, INSP (symbol).  Matheson (North)Gate.

3-inch/50 QF Guns in a Twin Gun Naval turret.

M4A2 (76)W HVSS Sherman “Easy 8” tank (Serial No. 65171), built byFisher, Reg. No. 30129650, 78-932, “Lad”, McNaughton Barracks gate, Hwy2, CFB Kingston, Ontario.

Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFR No. 53-81288, “Aspen”,in front of the Fisher Building, Givenchy Road, CFB Kingston, Ontario.  

Leopard C2 (1A5), CFR No. 78-85146, Givenchy Rd close to the intersection with Craftsman Blvd., in front of the 1 Cdn Div HQ (Fisher Bldg), CFB Kingston.

Universal Carrier, (Serial No. WD CT43650), Fisher Building, Givenchy St, CFB Kingston, Ontario.

Russian BRDM-2 Combat Reconnaissance/Patrol Vehicle, Canadian Forces School of Military Intelligence (CFSMI), Gloucester Building, Blue Bell Lane, CFB Kingston, Ontario.

AVGP Cougar.  Mounted in front of Fort Henry Heights at the corner of Niagara Park Drive and Remourquage Drive.

AVGP Grizzly, Military Communications and Electronics Museum, CFB Kingston, Ontario.

M577 Command Post vehicle is a variant of the M113 APC. The roof over the rear troop compartment is higher.  The vehicle also carries additional radios and a generator.  One is on display at the Military and Electronics Museum, Kingston, Ontario.

Forts of Canada

Many places in Canada which bear the name “Fort” were never military establishments.  Many were simply stockades, log enclosures for fur trading posts of the Hudson’s Bay Company or the North West Company.  Many in the West were also originally police outposts setup by the North West Mounted Police prior to European-Canadian settlement of the area.  From West to East the forts which remain and were part of Canada’s defences in Ontario are listed here.

Fort Amherstburg and Fort Malden, Amherstburg.  Fort Erie, Fort Frederick,Fort Frontenac, Fort George (Big River Post), built by the British ca.1820 to defend trade, and Fort Henry, Kingston.  Fort Kaministiquia, Frt Matachewan.  Fort Rouillé (also called Fort Toronto).  Fort St. Pierre,  Fort York and New Fort York, Toronto.  Fort Willow, Springwater.  Fort William, Thunder Bay, built in 1803 by the Montreal-based North West Company, used for defence until 1821, rebuilt by the British in 1848.  Fort Wellington, Prescott, was a British fort built c1812 on the St Lawrence River to deter an American invasion.  It was garrisoned again in 1838 until abandoned in 1923.  Fort Mississauga, Niagara-on-the-Lake, was built by the British c1814 in the form of a brick tower and star-shaped earthworks to deter an American invasion.  From 1813 to 1855the fort was manned by a British garrison, then taken over and manned by the Canadian Army from 1870 to 1954 for use as a training facility.

Fort Henry

Fort Henry (also known as Fort Henry National Historic Site) is in Kingston, Ontario, on Point Henry, a strategic point located near the mouth of the Cataraqui River where it flows into the St. Lawrence River, at the upper end of the Thousand Islands.  The original fort was constructed during the War of 1812, when present-day Ontario was a British colony known as Upper Canada. The fort was constructed on the high ground of Point Henry to protect the Kingston Royal Naval Dockyard (the site of the present-day Royal Military College of Canada) from a possible United States attack.  The fort also monitored maritime traffic on the St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario, as the loss of this vital shipping route would have cut off supplies to Kingston and the rest of Upper Canada.

The present Fort Henry was constructed between 1832 and 1837 to protect the Lake Ontario end of the Rideau Canal. (The canal was part of an alternate route between Kingston and Montréal that bypassed the St. Lawrence River, which separates Canada and the United States.)  A system of more elaborate defensive works was planned but cost overruns in the construction of the canal limited the fortifications to four Martello towers and the fort itself.  At the time, these fortifications were the strongest defences in Canada west of Québec City.  Among the historic regiments that garrisoned the fort were the Black Watch, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the Royal Welch Fusiliers.  Neither the original nor the second Fort Henry was ever attacked.

The British Army withdrew in 1870 shortly after Canadian Confederation.  Canadian troops then garrisoned the fort until 1891.  The fort witnessed the founding of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, one of the first units in the Canadian Army, whose Battery was based at the fort.  As relations with the United States continued to improve, the need for defences along the border ceased.  During theFirst World War Fort Henry served as a facility for holding Ukrainiandetainees.  Abandoned by the military,the fort fell into disrepair.  In the1930s, under the leadership of Ronald L. Way, restorations took place as part of a government work program during the Great Depression.  “Old Fort Henry”became a living museum with the introduction of the Fort Henry Guard and was opened on 1 August 1938.  During theSecond World War, the fort served as a prisoner-of-war camp for GermanLuftwaffe and Kriegsmarine personnel.

Militaryinterpreters dressed in the uniforms of the Fort Henry Guard staff the fort and conduct demonstrations of British military life and give tours for visitors.  There are also self-guided tours.  Throughout the day there are various activities including historical re-enactments of drills and battle tactics, theGarrison Parade, the Victorian School Room, and the Muster Parade, where young visitors are dressed in period uniforms and taught to march by a qualified member of the Guard.  There is also a Sunset Ceremony every Wednesday in July and August, where a full program of historic drill, music and artillery is presented.

Fort Henry has been designated as a National Historic Site ofCanada, and in 2007 was included in the designation of the Rideau Canal as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  One can also view the grounds from Cartwright Point (the location of the Cathcart Tower).  Parks Canada.

A considerable number of SBML Guns are held in the inventory of Fort Henry.  The largest are mounted on the ramparts and number from the South East corner beginning with No. 1 and running counterclockwise from right to left.  Carronades and Land Service Mortars are notincluded in the number from behind the first gun, but are included in thesequence of guns, also from right to left.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-1-x (corroded number greaterthan 5,740 lbs), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70059, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King GeorgeIII cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a long wood traversing gun carriagefacing South East, No. 1 on the Rampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-0 (5,628 lbs), Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 95)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on along wood traversing facing carriage facing South East, No. 2 on the Rampart.

Cast Iron 24-pounder 13-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 13-0-0 (1,456 lbs) to the right of the Cast Iron 10-inch 16-cwt SBMLLand Service Mortar, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, facing East on theRampart.

Cast Iron 10-inch 16-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar with lift handles, weight 16-1-25(1,844 lbs), RGF, Serial No. 56, facing East on the Rampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-14 (5,642 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 75682, CARRON, 1810), on the lefttrunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a long wood traversing facing carriage facing South East, No.3 on the Rampart.

Armstrong 7-inch 72-cwt (110-pounder) Breech-loading Rifle, weight 81-2-20 (9,148 lbs),(EO Co, Serial No. 212, 1862) on the left trunnion, blank on the righttrunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a long woodtraversing carriage, No. 4, facing North East on the Rampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-1-0 (6,300 lbs), (WCo) on theleft trunnion,(Serial No. 252) on the right trunnion,  King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark,  mounted on a long wood traversing carriage, No.5, facing North East on the Rampart.  The Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder56-cwt SBML gun has a length of 9 feet 6 inches.  It is the most common32-pounder in Canada and can be recognized by a reinforcing ring that isslightly raised followed by a definite “step-down” in the barrel just forwardof the trunnions heading to the muzzle.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 54-2-0 (6,104 lbs), (Serial No.corroded, CARRON, date corroded) on the left trunnion, (32P) on the righttrunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a long woodtraversing carriage, No. 6, facing North East on the Rampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-25 (6,297 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 77191, CARRON, 1811) on the lefttrunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a long wood traversing carriage, No. 7, facing North on theRampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-0-10 (6,170 lbs), Samuel Walker& Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No.293) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mountedon a long wood traversing carriage, No. 8, facing North West on the Rampart.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-1-17 (1,949 lbs), facing the East Tower and ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-2-14 (6,230 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70431, CARRON, 1806) on the lefttrunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a long wood traversing carriage, No. 9, facing West on theRampart.

Blomefield Cast Iron 18-pounder 38-cwt SBML gun, weight 38-0-0 (4,256 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 82699, CARRON, 1814) on the lefttrunnion, (18P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on a long wood traversing carriage, No. 10, facing South West on theRampart.

FortHenry, guns in the dry ditch below the Ramparts

One Armstrong 12-pounder 8-cwt Breech-loading Rifle with Limber, and six unmounted Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML guns are currently resting in the ditch below the Ramparts.

Armstrong 12-pounder 8-cwt Breech-loading Rifle, weight 8-1-4 (928 lbs), (RGF No. 52,1861) on right trunnion (Royal Gun Factory), Queen Victoria cypher, Dry Ditchby the Well.  The Limber for the Armstrong 12-pounder 8-cwt Breech-loading Rifle, also stands in the Dry Ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. not visible, CARRON, 1811) on the left trunnion,(32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 1 unmounted in the North West Rampart ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70445, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (32P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 2unmounted in the North Rampart ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 63780, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (32P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 3unmounted in the North East Rampart ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 704660, CARRON, date not visible) on the lefttrunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, No. 4 unmounted in the South East Rampart ditch.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 55040, CARRON, 1796) on the left trunnion, (32P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 5unmounted in the South East Rampart ditch.  This the oldest gun positivelyidentified at Fort Henry.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-x-x corroded, Samuel Walker& Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No.494) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mountedon a long wood traversing carriage, No. 6 unmounted in the South East Rampartditch.

Gunsmounted in the Advanced Battery

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-14 (5,579 lbs),  SamuelWalker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (SerialNo. 104) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on an iron garrison carriage, No. 1, Upper Fort North West.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-7 (5,579 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 75533, CARRON, 1809) on the lefttrunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage, No. 2, Upper Fort North East.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight66-0-24, 1844 (7,416 lbs), (Serial No. 1955), mounted on a rear chock carriageand traversing mount, No. 1, Advance Battery South.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 66-0-24 (7,416 lbs), 1844, (Serial No. 2323), mounted on a rear chock carriage and traversing mount, No. 2, Advance Battery South.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight 66-0-16 (7,408 lbs), 1842, previously No. 4, Advance Battery South, moved, location unknown.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight greater than 66---- (7,400 lbs+), 1846, previously No. 5, Advance Battery South, moved, location unknown.

Gunsinside the Fort, balcony level Museum exhibits

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-x-x (>1,400 lbs), 1816, dolphincarrying handles, King George III cypher, blank on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 453) on the right trunnion, mounted on a wheeled wood gun carriage withbronze hubs, inside the museum behind glass. Also, the Limber for the Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML.

5-inch Breech-loading Mk. I Howitzer, weight (988 lbs), RGF 1899, Reg. No. 60, mounted on a 5-inch Mk. I Field Carriage, behind glass inside the fort.

1-1/4 pounder QF Mk. III, (VICKERS SONS & MAXIM LIMITED, 1-1/4 PR 37-in AUTOMATIC GUN MARK III, LONDON, 1904) on right trunnion, aka “pom-pom”, weight (unknown), (No. unknown), mounted on a naval deck mounting.

1-pounder QF Mk. 1, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL) 1905 Automatic Gun, Mk. I,weight (410 lbs), (Serial No. 2496), aka “pom-pom”, mounted on a field carriage.  The gun bears a plaque stating: Field Piece Placed in custody, December 1955, Officers Mess, Lincoln Park Pending Reactivation, 11 S.D. This gun has been moved; location unknown.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt SBML gun, weight 20-2-20 (2,316 lbs), 1847, blank on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 158) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.  This gun was converted from a smaller calibregun.

Guns onthe Parade Square inside the Fort

Armstrong 6-pounder 3-cwt Rifled Breech-loading Gun, with Limber, weight 3-0-17 (353lbs), Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 1 of 2, East section of Parade Ground North.

Armstrong 6-pounder 3-cwt Rifled Breech-loading Gun, with Limber, weight 3-0-17 (353lbs), Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 2 of 2, East section of Parade Ground North.

Bronze 9-pounder 13 ½ -cwt SBML gun, weight 13-3-4 (1,544 lbs), 1813, DI, dolphin carrying handles, King George III cypher, M (General Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave, Master General of the Ordnance 1810–1819) cypher, “Big Steve” marked H& C King, 1813 on the chase, blank on the left trunnion, (Serial No. unknown) on the right trunnion, mounted on a wheeled wood gun carriage with bronze hubs, No. 1 of 2 on the Parade Ground, South East.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML howitzer, weight 12-1-14 (1,386 lbs), 5-inch bore,Queen Victoria cypher, 1853, DXXVIII (528), TRIA UNCTA IN UNO (Three in one) GM (Lieutenant General Sir George Murray,  Master General of the Ordnance 1834 - 1835 and 1841 - 1846) cypher, S. ECCLESabove the cascabel, broad arrow mark, No. 2 of 2 on the Parade Ground, SouthWest.

Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, King George III cypher, blank on theleft trunnion, (Serial No. 419) on the right trunnion, 1809, DCCCXVIII (818), C (General John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham
Master General of the Ordnance 1801–1806  and 1807–1810) cypher, No. 1of 2, Parade Ground South West.

Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, I & H King on the chase, KingGeorge III cypher, 1809, CCCCXIX, blank on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 418), on the right trunnion, No. 2 of 2, Parade Ground South East.

Cast Iron 13-inch 36-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 36-1-27 (4,087 lbs), LM,(Serial No. 9), broad arrow mark, on the Parade Ground, West.

Cast Iron 24-pounder 13-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 12-3-14 (1,442 lbs), No. 1 of 2 on the Parade Ground, North West.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-3-1 (1,989 lbs), No. 2 of 2 on the Parade Ground, North West.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-14 (5,642 lbs), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70538, CARRON, 1806), on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage facing the parade square South.

Guns in storage or unaccounted for on Fort Henry's charge

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML howitzer, weight 12-1-20 (1,392 lbs), CH-R, Malt+,Cr, 1853, DXXXVII (537), Queen Victoria Cypher.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight (1,540 lbs), 1816, wood carriage.

Cast Iron 32-pounder SBML gun, weight 9-3-4 (1,096 lbs), (weight of a 3-pounder), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. corroded, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion.

Dundas 32/64-pounder 58-cwt Converted Rifled Muzzleloading Gun, with Millar pattern breeching ring, converted from 32-pounder of 58 cwt, weight 59-2-14 (6,678lbs), (RGF No. unknown) on left trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a Naval gun carriage.

Cast Iron 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun, weight 6-0-12 (684 lbs), 1907.  (Four of these guns were listed as being in Kingston in 1933: RGF Serial Nos. 274, 275, 276 and 279)

Cast Iron 12-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun, weight 6-0-12 (684 lbs), 1907.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), 1873, Queen Victoria cypher.

Bronze Coehorn SBML Land Service Mortar, 4.52 calibre, 1 foot long, weight (104 lbs),H.C.  King, 1814, LIX (59), King George III cypher.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70968, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.

Cast Iron 24-pounder SBML howitzer, weight 13-0-0 (1,456 lbs), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. corroded, CARRON, year corroded) on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion.

Cast Iron 24-pounder SBML howitzer, weight 12-3-14 (1,442 lbs), The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. corroded, CARRON, year corroded) on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion.

Cast Iron 56-pounder 98-cwt SBML gun, weight 98-0-4 (10,980 lbs), produced in 1845. The gun carriage a replica from 1974.  This gun was purchased as anunmounted reserve gun from the British in 1870 and is the only one of its kind in Canada.

.45-calibre Gatling Gun, 10-barrel, weight (260 lbs), 1883, bronze case.

Cast Iron 1-inch SBML Rampart Gun.

Blomefield Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML (3.25-inch bore), 1810, Ordnance Stores.

Cast Iron 1.75 calibre SBML Deck Gun, 18-inches long, Marine salvage, Ordnance Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 12-pounder SBML, 9 feet 1 inch long, indecipherable cypher, OrdnanceStores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, 7 feet long, Ordnance Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML, Naval version, 6 feet long, no markings, OrdnanceStores.

French Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 6 feet 5inches long, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 6 feet4-inches long, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 6 feet 8inches long, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 4-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 6 feet 5inches long, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 8-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 7 feet 6inches long, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 9-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 5 feet 1 inchlong, Ordnance Stores.

French Cast Iron 9-pounder SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 6 feet long,Ordnance Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 12-pounder SBML, Ordnance Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder SBML, weight 17-0-11 (1,915 lbs, weight of a 4 pounder), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. corroded CARRON, year corroded) on the left trunnion, (32P) on the right trunnion, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 3-pounder 12-cwt SBML gun, weight 11-2-9 (1,297 lbs), Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (Serial No. corroded) on the right trunnion, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML howitzer, 5.5-inch, 3 feet 5 inches long, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML howitzer, 5.5-inch, 3 feet 5 inches long, Stockade Stores.

Cast Iron SBML howitzer, 3.75-inch, 3 feet 1 inch long, no markings, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML howitzer, Gun, 2.75-inch, 3 feet 6 inches long, no markings, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, 2.75-inch, 3 feet 6 inches long, no marks, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, 2.5-inch, 3 feet long, no markings, Stockade Stores.

Bronze SBML with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, 4-inch, 6 feet long, I& H King, 1812, CCCXLVII (347), King George III cypher, Stockade Stores.

Cast Iron 3-inch SBML howitzer, weight 2-2-15 (295 lbs), BP Co, Stockade Stores.

Cast Iron 3-inch SBML howitzer, weight 2-2-15 (295 lbs), BP Co, Stockade Stores.

Breech-loading Rifle, 3-inch, 5 feet 7 inches long, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, no data, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, no data, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, no data, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, no data, Stockade Stores.

SBML 12-pounder Gun, weight 8-1-2 (926 lbs), RGF, Queen Victoria cypher, Stockade Stores.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (>5,500 lbs), DitchTower East.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (>5,500 lbs), DitchTower West.

Kingston, Fort Frontenac

Cast Iron 8-inch 9-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 8-1-18 (942 lbs), (S BOWLING) onthe left trunnion, (Serial No. 199) on the right trunnion, 1 foot 10 incheslong, c18th C, in front of the flagpole facing North West.

Cast Iron 8-inch 9-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 8-1-20 (944 lbs), (S BOWLING) onleft trunnion, (Serial No. 201) on right trunnion, 1 foot 11 inches long, c18th C, located in front of the flagpole facing South West.

Cast Iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 18-1-0 (2,044 lbs), 1856, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 54) on right trunnion, 2 feet 8 inches long, forward of the flagpole facing South West.

A numberof 10-inch mortar rounds line the riverfront pathway at Fort Frontenac.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-3-25 (5,709 lbs), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 60898, CARRON, 1796), on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  No. 1 of 4 Guns facing the water.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-21 (6,293 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 59493, CARRON, 1799), on left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  No. 2 of 4 guns facing the water.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-0-14 (6,174 lbs),  SamuelWalker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No.165) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  No. 3 of 4 guns facing the water.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-1-0 (6,188 lbs), Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 920) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  No. 4 of 4 guns facing the water.

Broadwell 65-mm Rifled Breech Loading Mountain Gun, Model 1873, mounted on an 1890 Nordenfelt 3-pounder Carriage.  Fort Frontenac, Kingston, Ontario. This gun was known locally as “the Kirby Gun” because it was rescued from Petawawa by then Colonel “Kip” C de L Kirby after being sent there for the ranges from storage at Fort Henry.  It was presented to the Canadian Land Forces Command and Staff College at Fort Frontenac, Kingston by Brigadier-General Kirby in 1979 when he was the Commandant of the college (1977-1979). (BGen C de L Kirby, PPCLI, born 16 Oct 1924, died on 17 Mar 2011 in Kingston).  The gun is a war trophy allocated to Canada after the Boer War.  (Note: There is no QF 3-pounder Nordenfelt in Kingston, although the 65-mm Broadwell has a plaque on it identifying it as a 3-pounder Nordenfelt).

5-inch Breech-loading Mk. I Howitzer, weight 8-3-8 (988 lbs), Reg. No. C. 4595, centre court.

25-pounder QF Field Gun, 1943, Sorel Industries Ltd, King George VI RI cypher, No. 1 of 2 facing the waterfront.

25-pounder QF Field Gun, 1942, Sorel Industries Ltd, King George VI RI cypher, No. 2 of 2 facing the waterfront.

Kingston, Howe Island

SBML 3-pounder Gun mounted on a wheeled carriage witha wooden tampion plug in the barrel, King George III cypher, Private Owner.

Kingston, Royal Military College, Guns guarding the front gate

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, 50-1-14 (5,670 lbs), Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 123) on righttrunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.  No. 1 of 2. Crerar Gateway East.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-3-0 (6,244 lbs),  Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No.911) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, No. 2 of 2, Crerar Gateway West.

Kingston, Royal Military College, Tanks and Artillery on the grounds outside the Parade Square

M4A2E8 HVSS Sherman Medium Tank with 76-mm Gun, (Serial No. 65021), built by Fisher,Reg. No. 30123000, “Athene”, mounted on a Bailey Bridge, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario.

Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, CFR No. 52-81053, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario.

Leopard C2 Main Battle Tank, 105-mm main gun, Royal Military College,

M109 155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, 1985, (Serial No. 77225), AC: AX, ECC: 119205HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE29685, VMO Date: 09 Dec 2002.  CFR77225 was secured by the Royal Military College of Canada, Department of Applied Military Science in the Fall of 2010.  It was delivered to the Department on 16 May 2012.  It is currently serving as a training aid onRMC grounds, facing the Technical Staff College, West of the main road.

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/13760), L, left, and (Serial No. S/14492), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Anglemounting (Serial No. unknown), from HMCS Huron, Crerar Crescent.

German Second World War 8.8-cm Flak 37 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial Nr. R5456) 1042 CXX (120), RCEME School, 1946, now on display on Crerar Crescent.

German Second World War 8.8-cm Flak 36 Nr. 62, 1939 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial Nr. R5456) 1042 CXX (120), Crerar Crescent.

German Second World War 8.8-cm Panzerabwehrkanone 43 (8.8-cm Pak 43) Anti-tank Gun, Breeching Ring (Serial Nr. R1243), Crerar Crescent.

RMC, Bollard Guns embedded  in front of the gate to the Parade Square

Blomefield 12-pounder SBML, 4.75-inch, 2 feet 5 inches long, embedded in the road at a 30-degreeangle, No. 1, Main Gate North.

Blomefield 12-pounder SBML, 4.75-inch, 2 feet 5 inches long, embedded in the road at a 30-degreeangle, No. 2, Main Gate South.

RMC Artillery on the grounds inside the Parade Square (clockwise from No. 1)

25-pounderQF Field Gun, Reg No. 16055, Massey Library, by the Cadet statue.  No. 1.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 58-cwt SBML with a Dundas pattern breeching ring, weight 58-2-0(6,552 lbs), (RGF No. 715, I, 1876) on right trunnion,  (+) on the left trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval guncarriage, South side of the passage between the Fort Haldimand Dormitory and Yeo Hall, No. 2 of 2.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 58-cwt SBML with a Dundas pattern breeching ring, 58-3-0 (6,580lbs),  Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on the left trunnion, (RGF No. 501, I, 1876) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, North side of the passage between Fort Haldimand Dormitory and Yeo Hall.  No. 1 of 2.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-3-0 (6,356 lbs), The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 71526, CARRON, 1807) on left trunnion,(32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, North East corner of the Parade Square, Fort Haldimand.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-2-0 (1,512 lbs), (Serial No. 4862) onthe chase above the broad arrow mark, F.M. EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick MarowEardley-Wilmot)(Superintendent of the Royal Gun Factory at Woolwich, England, 1855to 1859) above the cascabel, (1859) on left trunnion, (H, DCCCXXI) (821), onright trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, UNG JE SERVIRAR (One I will serve), SH(Sidney Herbert, First Baron Herbert of Lee, 1810 to 1861, Secretary for War in1859) cypher.  This gun is mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, No. 1 of2, Senior Staff Mess South.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 12-3-7 (1,435 lbs), (W. NORTH, 1843)above the cascabel, no markings on the left or right trunnions, Queen Victoriacypher, DIEU ET MON DROIT, TRIA IUNCTA IN UNO (Three joined inone), GM (Lieutenant General Sir George Murray, Master General of the Ordnance 1834 - 1835 and 1841 - 1846) cypher. This gun is mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, No. 2 of 2, SeniorStaff Mess South.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 12-3-7 (1,435 lbs), 1843, CLXXV (175),Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, DEMD, Lieutenant General Sir GeorgeMurray cypher, previously located at the Senior Staff Mess North, moved, newlocation TBC.

Cast Iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 18-1-0 (2,044 lbs), 1856, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 193) on the right trunnion, weight 11-1-13 (1,273 lbs), no cypher,broad arrow mark, shot in the muzzle, No. 2 of 2, Stone Frigate North.

Cast Iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 18-1-9 (2,053 lbs), 1856, (WC) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 62) on right trunnion, no cypher, broad arrowmark, weight 17-0-0 (1,904 lbs) on trail, shot in the muzzle, No. 1 of 2, StoneFrigate South.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, (WC) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 119) on right trunnion, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. This gun stands across from the Stone Frigate.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, (WC) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 118) on right trunnion, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 1 of 2.  This gun stands in front of the RMC HQ.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded, (WC) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 123) on right trunnion, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 2 of 2.  This gun stands across from the Stone Frigate.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 58-cwt Palliser conversion of a SBML to a Muzzleloading Rifle, RGF,1870, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, location TBC.

Cast Iron 32-pounder 58-cwt Palliser conversion of a SBML to a Muzzleloading Rifle, QueenVictoria cypher, broad arrow mark, location TBC.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-3-6 (1,518 lbs), 1813, Dolphinhandles, DLVIII (558), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on awood naval gun carriage, No. 1 of 2, flagpole East.

Bronze 9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-3-13 (1,553 lbs), 1812, Dolphinhandles, CCCLIV (354), King George III cypher, mounted on a wood naval guncarriage, No. 2 of 2, flagpole West.

Fort Frederick

Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt SBML gun, weight 20-0-0 (2,240 lbs), 1847 on barrel, (C) onleft trunnion, (Serial No. 12) on right trunnion,  1847, Queen Victoriacypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on long wood traversing carriage.  No.1.

In the 17th century, Conster furnace at Beckley in Sussex, England, was owned by the Farndon family.  In the 1690s William Benge leased it to cast shells for Ireland.  Samuel Gott, Farndon's great-grandson, ran the furnace in conjunction with Gloucester furnace in the early eighteenth century.  By the 1740s it was included within the Harrison partnership.  It went out of use in the 1760-70s. Although Conster furnace was capable of casting large guns, it was often used for the smaller and medium calibres: ½ up to 12 pounders for the government and merchant service.  The C is found on the right-hand trunnion.  This is a rarer mark than those we have looked at earlier and is usually found on smaller calibre guns. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between a damaged G or C.  (Ruth Rhynas Brown)

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight64-3-0 (7,252 lbs), 1842, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England(WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 242) on right trunnion.  No. 2.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-0-25 (6,185 lbs), Samuel Walker& Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 277) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow.  No. 3.

Armstrong 7-inch 72-cwt (110-pounder) Rifled Breech-Loading Gun, weight 81-3-3 (9,159lbs), 1862, Queen Victoria cypher, mounted on a long wooden carriage.  No.4.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 57-0-9 (7,513 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 71633, CARRON, 1807) on left trunnion,(32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark.  No. 5.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight64-2-10 (7,234 lbs), 1842, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England(WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. corroded) on right trunnion, King GeorgeIII cypher, broad arrow mark.  No. 6.

In 1829 or the early 1830s a new set of 32-pounders was developed.  Their design has usually been attributed to WilliamMillar, but the name of Sir Alexander Dickson, Wellington's commander ofartillery in the Peninsula, has sometimes been attached to two of them. Both men were Inspectors-General of Artillery, Millar succeeding Dickson in 1827. Millar was well known for his successful design of shell guns and of bronze field howitzers during the 1820s.  He died in 1838 and Dickson in 1840. David McConnell, British Smooth-Bore Artillery: A Technological Study,(Ottawa, Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1988), p. 64.

Cast Iron 24-pounder 20-cwt SBML gun, weight 20-0-4 (2,244 lbs), 1847, (C) on lefttrunnion, (Serial No. 16) on right trunnion, 1847, Queen Victoria cypher, Fort Frederick North East 1, mounted on long wooden carriage.  No. 7.

FortFrederick Tower Guns & Royal Military College Museum **

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-3-0, (6,084 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 71851, CARRON, 1807) on left trunnion,(32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, FortFrederick Tower, Gun No. 1, East.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-0-2, (6,162 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70538, CARRON, 1806) on left trunnion,(32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, FortFrederick Tower, Gun No. 2, North.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-25, (6,025 lbs), The CarronCompany of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 77204, CARRON, 1811) on left trunnion,(32P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, FortFrederick Tower, Gun No. 3, West.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-3-7 (1,995 lbs), Fort Frederick Tower 2 North West.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-1-14 (1,946 lbs), Fort Frederick Tower, Main South.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-2-21 (1,981 lbs), Fort Frederick Tower, Main South.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-3-7 (1,995 lbs), Fort Frederick Tower, Main South.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-1-21 (1,953 lbs), Fort Frederick Tower, Main North East.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder SBML, 4.75-inch, 2-foot-long gun fragment, Fort FrederickTower B.

City ofKingston Parks

Kingston,St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 130 Clergy Street East

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML gun, 3.5 calibre, 3 feet long, noweight stamp, both trunnions corroded,  bronze plaque “Shannon’s Cannon”, mounted on a wood naval guncarriage.  St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 130 Clergy Street East. The plaque states “Shannon's Cannon” came from the ramparts ofLondonderry, Ireland, where it defended Protestantism from 1649 to 1688. Presented to William Shannon of Kingston in 1865, in 1909 to St. Andrew'sPresbyterian Church by Apprentice Boys Derry Lodge # 1. Restored in 1990 by theSt. Andrew's Church Veterans Association.

Kingston, McBurney Park, 180 OrdnanceStreet

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-0-14 (5,614 lbs), Samuel Walker& Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 102) onthe right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, CV, CK on thecascabel, mounted on a concrete stand in McBurney Park, 180 Ordnance Street.

Kingston,Clarence Street Park

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 8368), weight 6-0-0 (672lbs) mounted on a pedestal.  This is a German Krupp gun that was capturedby the 21st Battalion on 9 October 1917 at Vimy near the Les TilleulsCrossroads.  Later, it was taken to the Royal Gun Factory in Woolwich,London.  There it was mounted on a Pedestal Mark I and sent back out intothe field, where it was used by the 22nd Howitzer Battery.  A number ofmerchant ships were armed with these guns, but it may have been used for staticdefence at a coastal installation, or it may even have been mounted on a traincar or back of a lorry.  It is in Clarence Street Park on the groundsadjacent to St. George's Cathedral in downtown Kingston.  It is listed asan Ordnance QF 77-mm Gun Mk 1, 1917, No. 34, with King George V RI cypher.  King George V, reigned from 6 May 1910 to 20Jan 1936.

Kingston,Sir John A. MacDonald Memorial, Crimean War Trophy Guns

Sir JohnA. MacDonald Memorial, flanked by a pair of Russian SBMLs captured during theCrimean War and presented to Canada by Queen Victoria.  The British seizedsome 1,500 iron SBML guns and hundreds of bronze cannon at the end of theCrimean War (1853-1856).  Shortly afterwards, guns captured at the greatRussian Naval base of Sevastopol  in the Crimea were offered for displayin towns and cities throughout the UK and the British Empire.  The City ofKingston received two of these guns.  Thestatue has been moved to Cataraqui Cemetery, where the Father ofConfederation is buried.

RussianCast Iron 36-pounder SBML, (Serial No. 90565) on left trunnion, (36 P, 168 1/2P, 1826, G) on right trunnion, probably cast by Foullon at Alexandrovski, withdouble-headed Eagle, 6.75 calibre, 8 feet 4-inches long, mounted on a woodnaval gun carriage, Crimean War Trophy, 1854-1855, No. 1 in front of the SirJohn A MacDonald memorial, King and West Street Park.

RussianCast Iron 36-pounder SBML, (Serial No. 19808) on right trunnion, (36P, 168 1/9,1823) on left trunnion, probably cast by Foullon at Alexandrovski, withdouble-headed Eagle, 6.75 calibre, 8 feet 4-inches long, mounted on a naval guncarriage, Crimean War Trophy, 1854-1855, No. 2 in front of the Sir John AMacDonald memorial, King and West Street Park. The statue has been moved to CataraquiCemetery, where the Father of Confederation is buried.

Kingston,Murney Tower Museum

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 16-3-24 (1,900 lbs) above the vent, Murney Tower Museum No. 1 inside theMurney Tower Museum on the main floor.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-0-4 (1,908 lbs) above the vent, 1811, No. 2 inside the Murney TowerMuseum on the main floor.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-2-14 (6,230 lbs), Samuel Walker& Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 168) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a longwood traversing gun carriage.  A plaque states this gun was cast in 1800,Murney Tower Museum, top floor.  The Blomefield 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gunhas a length of 9 feet 6 inches.  It is the most common 32-pounder inCanada and can be recognized by a reinforcing ring that is slightly raisedfollowed by a definite “step-down” in the barrel just forward of the trunnionsheading to the muzzle.

Kingston,MacDonald Park

Cast Iron24-Pounder 15-cwt SBML howitzer, weight 15-0-20 (1,700 lbs), (L) Low MoorIronworks of Bradford, England, on the left trunnion, (Serial No. 16) on theright trunnion, McDonald Park, King Street West and Emily Street, forward ofthe Murney Tower Museum.

Cast IronLion overlooking the water forward of the Murney Tower and to the rear of theCast Iron 24-pounder SBML howitzer.

Kingston,RCHA Memorial Park

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-3-0 (1,988 lbs), no other visible markings, mounted on a wood navalgun carriage, No. 1 on the North side of the RCHA Memorial, Park at King andBarrie Streets.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-3-0 (1,988 lbs), no other visible markings mounted on a wood navalgun carriage, No. 2 on the South side of the RCHA memorial, Park at King andBarrie Streets.

25-PounderQF Mk. I Field Gun, Serial No. 1230345, Manufacturers Mark: G. & J. W.1943, Saddle, 25 Pr No. 3 Mk. I.  This gun stands in front of the RCHAmemorial, Park at King and Barrie Streets.

RCA andPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Memorial plaques.

Kingston,Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 60, 734 Montreal Street

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, marked 05 L10 A1, OTO 1970, MLA57736, Kg. 358.  Data on the side past the breech: No. F CA2661 CDN,N.U.C. 1015-15-020-3503.  On face of the Shield: 7 Parachutes, 25A, Ahorse and a plaque.  Royal Canadian Legion, Limestone City Branch No. 560,734 Montreal Street.

Kingston, Prince of Wales Own Regiment Armoury

106-mmM40A2 Recoilless Anti-tank Gun, (Serial No. 14910), mounted on a small stand.PWOR Armoury, Montreal Street.

HMCS Cataraqui,Naval Reserve, Kingston

Cast Iron 12-pounder SBML Gun, Queen Anne cypher(18th Century), carriageand shot rack, salvaged from HMS Princess Charlotte, 1812, on displayinside the drill hall.

HoweIsland, Kingston

Cast Iron3-pounder SBML mounted on a wheeled carriage with a wooden tampion plug in thebarrel, King George III cypher, Private Owner.


Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (Serial No.unknown, CARRON, year unknown) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the lefttrunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a brick and concrete stand in Victoria Park.


Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, on display on 3rd Street, east ofCawthra Road, in front of the A.N.A.F. Club.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. Royal CanadianLegion Centennial Branch No. 612.


GermanSecond World War 8.8-cm PaK 43/41 Anti-tank Gun, (Serial Nr. unknown), stampedFl.519 dkr, Fl.2053 dkr, 271 dkr. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 559, 8439 MainStreet West, County Road No. 12, just outside the West Gate of CFB Borden.

There aretwo 20-pounder gun barrels from Centurion tanks in a pair of concrete cairns infront of the Legion.


There arethree SBMLs in Victoria Park (one British and two Russian) presented to Canadaby Queen Victoria, standing in front of the Boer War Memorial.

Millarpattern Russian Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, Serial No. 29716) forgedby Armstrong at Alexandrovski on the left trunnion, (24P BbCY 140 1/2 P) onright trunnion, double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy, MA stamped above thecascabel. This gun has damage on its muzzle. No. 3 gun mounted on a brick andconcrete stand, East of the Boer War Memorial, Victoria Park.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-7 (6,279 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), onthe left trunnion, (Serial No. 164) on the right trunnion, King George III(1760-1820) cypher, broad arrow mark. 6.5-inch bore diameter, No. 2 gun mountedon a brick and concrete stand in front of the Boer War Memorial, Victoria Park.

Millarpattern Russian Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, (Serial No. 28145) forgedby Armstrong at Alexandrovski on the left trunnion, (24P BbCY 140 1/2 P) onright trunnion, double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy, MA stamped above thecascabel.  This gun has damage from a shell strike on the right side nearthe breech.  No. 1 gun mounted on a brick and concrete stand in front ofthe Boer War Memorial, Victoria Park.

Cast Iron3-pounder SBML, replica, inside the Delta Arms Hotel, Dundas Street.

London, Royal Canadian Regiment Museum, Wolseley Barracks, 750 ElizabethSt.

M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman “Easy 8” tank (SerialNo. 69199), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129678, “Angel” markings ofthe 6th Armoured Regiment, 1st Hussars.

Universal Carrier.

M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown).

AVGP Cougar.

AVGP Grizzly.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-5 (928 lbs), RGF No. 228, I, 1872, FS2750, Queen Victoria’s cypher (1837-1901), no wheels, mounted on concreteblocks.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-9 (933 lbs), RCF No. 630, I, 1874, QueenVictoria’s cypher (1837-1901), Armstrong stamped on the trunnions, with woodenwheels, trail 1452.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-9 (933 lbs), RGF No. 633, I, 1874, FS3420, Queen Victoria’s cypher (1837-1901), no wheels, mounted on concreteblocks.

Japanese75-mm Type 41 Mountain Gun (Serial No. unknown).

OrdnanceQuick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9circular firing platform.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher.

GermanGreat War 7.92-mm MG 08, RCR Museum, London.

GermanGreat War 7.92-mm MG 08, RCR Museum, London.

Sexton 25-pounder SP Gun, Perry Kitson Collection. The Sexton in Mr. Kitson'scollection was the 2115th of 2150 produced. It came off the assembly line atMontreal Locomotive Works in Jan/Feb 1945. The RCA in Canada kept them inservice until the mid 1950s when they were sent to Portugal under the MutualDefence Assistance Program (MDAP). When Portugal sold them as surplus in 1979,40 were brought to the US by SECO in Augusta, Georgia. Perry Kitson purchased thisone in 2003 and repatriated it to Canada.


ShermanIII Medium Tank, (Serial No. 7606),US Reg. No. 3062855, built at General Motor's Fisher Tank Arsenal in Flint,Michigan in the last week of September 1942. It is a “small hatch” Sherman, WD No. CT-152655, No. 51, “Holy Roller”.

“HolyRoller” has early direct vision portsfor the driver and co-driver, but also has appliqué armour on the hull sidesand trailing return rollers found on the VVSS version.  It also has an M34 mantlet and a late one-piecefinal drive, upgraded post-war.  It was shipped to England where it wasissued with the War Department number CT-152655. It wasn't until late May/earlyJune 1944 that it was issued to the 6th Armoured Regiment (1st Hussars), justbefore D-Day.

HolyRoller” was crewed by five men when it landed on Juno Beach, includingthen 21-year-old gunner William Reed, Frank White, Ted Doherty, Everett Smithand Frank Fowler (who came up with the name “Holy Roller” because it is theonly Hussar tank which survived the war).  Manned in the battle by these1st Hussars, it has been on display as the 1st Hussar Memorial, in London'sVictoria Park on Central Ave, since 1950 when it was dedicated to the regiment.The 1st Hussars are lauded for being the only regiment to reach its objectivein the Normandy invasion.

Thistank saw combat in NW Europe from D-Day, 6 June 1944 to VE-Day, 8 May 1945.  “Holy Roller” is one of only twotanks to land on D-Day that survived intact to the end of the war.  The other is “Bomb,” on display inthe William Street Armoury in Sherbrooke, Quebec.  There are only fouroriginal Shermans that fought in Europe and returned to Canada in 1945. Theremaining two are “Cathy” at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, and “ForcefulIII” in the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario.

M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carrier.

London, HMCS Prevost, Naval Reserve

FMC3-inch/50 Twin Gun Mk. 33 turret, from the destroyer HMCS Fraser. 19Becher Street.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 5255). Captured by the 3rdBattalion on 27 Sep 1919 near the Arras-Cambrai Road, North of Bourlon Wood.

Cast Ironsmall calibre SBML, mounted on an iron carriage.


Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, O.F.E./C. 1942, Breech casing No.L 7766. Mounted on wheels. This gun stands beside the cenotaph.


German FirstWorld War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02) Heavy Field Howitzer. (SerialNr. 9), missing its wheels, mounted on concrete pylons in a city park. This gunwas captured by the 43rd Battalion on 8 Aug 1918 near Amiens in front ofVignette Wood, South of Demuin, France.


BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, mounted on a concrete stand in front ofthe town library near the cenotaph. No. 1 of 2.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, mounted on a concrete stand in front ofthe town library near the cenotaph. No. 2 of 2.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 6959) no data. LunenburgCemetery, just north of Long Sault.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), mounted on its Schlittenstand set on the roof of the Royal Canadian Legion, 33 Lawrence Street.

GermanFirst World War 17-cm mittlerer Minenwerfer (17-cm mMW), (Serial Nr. 1157). ThomasThompson Memorial Park, St Lawrence Ave E.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), mounted on its Schlittenstand as part of the town cenotaph, No. 1 of 2.

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), no stand, mounted oniron posts as part of the town cenotaph, No. 2 of 2.


Soviet76.2-mm M1942 (Zis-3) Field Gun, Capital Memorial Cemetery.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown), mounted on its Schlittenstand in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 432, 320 ImperialStreet.


BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, marked with King George III cypher,mounted on an iron garrison carriage. Georgian Bay Foundry reproduction.


OrdnanceQuick-Firing (QF) 25-pounder (87.6-mm/3.45-inch) Field Gun, C Mk. 2 with No. 9circular firing platform, standing at the cenotaph.

SaintMarie among the Hurons, Midland

Bronzeand Iron SBML, known as the “Penetang Gun,” stamped 1630, LeGC with a crownabove the breech.  The initials stand for “Le Grand Condé” who servedunder Prince Louis II as Captain General of the French Army in the mid-17thcentury. The gun’s breech is made of Bronze which has been cast in a hexagonalshape. Its iron barrel is reinforced with iron hoops. The chase and breech-endsof the cannon are of separate construction. The wrought iron construction ofthe chase is associated with guns of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Theoctagonal section of the cast bronze breech and the shape of the cascabel alsoindicate a date in the first half of the 16th century. To be operational itwould have been strapped with iron bands or strong ropes onto a wooden bed,which could itself be mounted on a yoke or carriage. The gun would have beenbrought to Sainte-Marie by the Militia hired to protect the Jesuit Mission. Thegun is reputed to have been found in 1919 by Mr. King of Christian Island whichlinks it with the Jesuit missionaries who fled Sainte-Marie I in 1649. Themissionaries and a large group of Huron people spent the winter of 1649-50establishing Sainte-Marie II on Christian Island, in Georgian Bay.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34446. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA(year unknown), REG. NO. CDN 168, INSP (symbol). This gun stands in front ofthe Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 80.


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cmFK 16), (SerialNr. 9563), L-7586, 1917. This gun was captured by the 3rd Canadian Infantry Battalion, 1stBrigade of the 1st Canadian Division when the Canadian Corps crossed the Canaldu Nord to take Bourlon Wood at Cambrai on 27 September 1918. Canadian MilitaryHeritage Museum.

Miltonwas also allocated four MG 08s, (Serial Nr. 3227), (Serial Nr. 3781), (SerialNr. 6765), and (Serial Nr. 7157).


Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, in front of Unit 262, ANAF, 765Third Street, beside the cenotaph.


Cast Iron12-pounder SBML, No. 1, mounted on a wooden carriage, Centennial Park.

Cast Iron12-pounder SBML, No. 2, mounted on a wooden carriage, Centennial Park.

Cast Iron12-pounder SBML, No. 3, mounted on a wooden carriage, Centennial Park.

Morrisburg,Crysler’s Farm Battlefield

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-2-12 (5,668 lbs), (Serial No.70073, CARRON, 1806) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on aniron garrison carriage. No. 1. This gun is mounted west of the monument at theCrysler’s Farm Memorial, along Highway No. 2, 12 km East of Morrisburg. No. 1of 2.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-0-24 (5,736 lbs), (Serial No.69775, CARRON, 1806) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (24P)on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on aniron garrison carriage. No. 2 of 2. This gun is mounted East of the monument atthe Crysler’s Farm Memorial.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-3-0 (6,244 lbs), (Serial No.55032, CARRON 1796) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (32P) onthe right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a woodNaval gun carriage. No. 3. This gun is located at the entrance to the Crysler’sFarm Memorial.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 2542), Kaiser Wilhelm Icypher. This gun was captured by the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles on 26 August1918 near Monchy, France. It was put back into action by the 66th Battery CFA,NW of Monchy-le-Preux. It stands beside the First World War Memorial in frontof the South Dundas Justice Building.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 1323),  Kaiser WilhelmI cypher, no data. This gun stands beside the First World War Memorial in frontof the South Dundas Justice Building. (One 10.5-cm gun was allocated toMorrisburg; it is not one of these).


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, possibly (Serial Nr. 2946b),captured by the 22nd Battalion on 15 Aug 1917 in the vicinity of CatapultTrench, Lens; or (Serial Nr. 3018), captured by the 54th Battalion on 27 Sep1918 in Bourlon Wood, France.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown). No. 1 (North) of twoguns flanking the town cenotaph.

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. unknown). No. 2 (South).


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 268). There is no officialrecord of this gun.  It is stamped R.268.  L.393.  AWDr. On theright side below the breech, and gef. 1898. Fr. Kp. abg. 1907. F.F.E. under thebreech.

M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, turret on a heavy duty mounting in the WarMemorial Park on Hwy 6.


SBML 12-pounder guns (three), mounted on woodencarriages, Centennial Park.

Morrisburg, Crysler’sFarm Battlefield

Blomefield SBML 24-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 50-0-14(5,614 lbs), 1806, King George III cypher, mounted on an iron carriage, west ofthe monument at the Crysler’s Farm Memorial, along Highway No. 2, 12 km East ofMorrisburg.

Blomefield SBML 24-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 50-0-24 (5,624 lbs), 1806, King GeorgeIII cypher, mounted on an iron carriage, Crysler’s Farm Memorial.


Blomefield SBML 24-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 55-3-0(6,244 lbs), 1796, King George III cypher, mounted on a Naval carriage, atentrance to the Crysler’s Farm Memorial.[4]


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial No.2542), captured by the 2nd CanadianMounted Rifles on 26 August 1918 near Monchy, France.  It was put back into action by the 66thBattery CFA, NW of Monchy-le-Preux. It stands beside the First World WarMemorial in front of the South Dundas Justice Building.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art Field Gun,(Serial No. 1323),  no data, beside theFirst World War Memorial in front of the South Dundas Justice Building. (One10.5-cm gun was allocated to Morrisburg; it is not one of these).


Centurion20-pounder Gun Mk I Barrel mounted in concrete. (Serial No. 23988?) QueenElizabeth II cypher, embedded in concrete, mounted beside the cenotaph. No. 1. Locatedbeside the Public Library on Whitewood Ave., between Wellington Street andPaget Street.

Centurion20-pounder Gun Mk I Barrel mounted in concrete. (Serial No. 42855). King GeorgeVI cypher, mounted beside the cenotaph. No. 2. Located beside the PublicLibrary on Whitewood Ave., between Wellington Street and Paget Street.


Centurion20-pounder Gun Mk I Barrels (two) mounted in concrete in front of the RoyalCanadian Legion, Branch No. 5357, Country Road 9.

Niagara-on-the-Lake,Fort George

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 50-0-13 (5,613 lbs)above the vent, (1805) on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King GeorgeIII cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 1guarding the front entrance to the Park grounds outside the fort.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 50-0-2 (5,602 lbs)above the vent, (1804) on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King GeorgeIII cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 2guarding the front entrance to the Park grounds outside the fort.

BlomefieldCast Iron 9-pounder 28-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 28-2-13 (3,2045 lbs)under the cascabel, (1804) on left trunnion, (9PR) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage,weight 16-1-12. This gun stands beside a mound of 9-pounder cannonballs. No. 3,leading to the Ticket Booth for entrance to the fort from the Parking Lot.

Bronze 6-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun,reproduction, weight 4-3-15 (547 lbs) on the breech ogee above the button, KingGeorge II cypher, broad arrow mark, TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO (three joined in one), L(Field Marshal John (Jean Louis) Ligonier, 1st Earl Ligonier, Master General ofthe Ordnance 1759-1763), cypher, W. BOWEN, FECIT 1755 (castinto the base ring of the cannon, Fecit is Latin for “made by” and W.Bowen stands for William Bowen, an owner of a furnace in Cowden, County Kent,England).  This gun is mounted on a wood gun carriage with limber andstands in the centre field of the fort.

Thenumbers 4-3-15 represent the weight of the gun barrel given in hundredweights. The first number is the number of hundredweights, which equals 112 lbs.The second number given is the amount in quarter hundredweights, which is 28 lbs.And the last number is just the simple pounds. Breaking it down using the4-3-15 marked on the cannon: 4 x 112 lbs. = 448 lbs, 3 x 28 lbs. = 84 lbs, + 15lbs = 547 lbs., which is the weight of the gun barrel.

LordLigonier became the Commander in Chief of the British Army in 1757. He steppeddown from that position in 1759 to become the Master General of Ordnance. Thisnew position placed him in charge of all artillery, engineers, fortifications,transports, and hospitals in the British Army. Surrounding the stamp in Latin isthe motto for The Most Honorable Order of the Bath – Tria juncta in uno(“three joined in one”) – of which Lord Ligonier was a member. The three in onemay reference the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland or the HolyTrinity.

BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder SBML gun, reproduction, weight 39-0-16 (4,384 lbs) underthe cascabel, (1807) on left trunnion, (18P) on right trunnion, King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark, unmounted on  the ground in the centre field ofthe fort.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 34-1-2 (3,838 lbs)under the cascabel, (1804) on the left trunnion, (12P) on the right trunnion,King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood Naval gun carriagein the centre field of the fort.

Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight corroded/not observed, (Serial No. 70967, CARRON, 1807) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the lefttrunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, unmounted, on wood blocks on the ground in the centre field of the fort.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 50-1-14 (5,642 lbs)under the cascabel, (1807), on the left trunnion, (24P) on the right trunnion,King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, unmounted, on the ground in thecentre field of the fort.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-1-0 (5,740 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), onthe left trunnion, (Serial No. 341) on right trunnion, King George III cypher,broad arrow mark, unmounted, on the ground in the centre field of the fort.

Blomefield Cast Iron 18-pounder SBML,reproduction, weight38-1-17 (4,302 lbs) under the cascabel, (1804) on the left trunnion, (18P) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, unmounted, on woodblocks resting in the Brock's Bastion on the Northeast side of the fort.

Cast Iron8-inch 9-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 7-3-0 (868 lbs), (Serial No. 87)on the trunnions, S. Bowling, broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron carriage,weight 22-0-0, (2,464 lbs), No. 2, to the North of the Flag Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 9-pounder 28-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 28-3-2 (3,222 lbs)under the cascabel, (1807) on left trunnion, (9PR) on the right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a naval gun carriage, guardingthe Centre Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 33-3-22 (3,780 lbs)under the cascabel, (1808) on the left trunnion, (12P) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage,guarding the Centre Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 34-1-1 (3,837 lbs)under the cascabel, (1806) on the left trunnion, (12P) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage,guarding the Centre Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 33-3-24 (3,804 lbs)under the cascabel, (1807) on the left trunnion, (12P) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage,guarding the Centre Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 9-pounder 28-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 28-2-8 (3,200 lbs)under the cascabel, (1804) on left trunnion, (9PR) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage,guarding the Centre Bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, no weight stamp, (1806) onleft trunnion, (12P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, Centre Bastion.

Cast Iron8-inch 9-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 7-3-0 (868 lbs), (Serial No. 87)on trunnions, S. Bowling, broad arrow mark, iron carriage weight 22-0-0, (2,464lbs), No. 1, South of the Flag Bastion.

Bronze6-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 5-0-18 (578 lbs) above thecascabel button, (Serial No. 11), 1755, King George II cypher, King George IIcypher, broad arrow mark, TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO (three joined in one), L (FieldMarshal John (Jean Louis) Ligonier, 1st Earl Ligonier, Master General of theOrdnance 1759-1763), cypher, W. BOWEN, FECIT 1755 (castinto the base ring of the cannon, Fecit is Latin for “made by” and W.Bowen stands for William Bowen, an owner of a furnace in Cowden, County Kent,England).  This gun is mounted on a wheeled wood gun carriage, Gun Shed.

Bronze6-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 5-0-26 (586 lbs) above thecascabel button, 1755, King George II cypher, King George II cypher, broadarrow mark, TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO (three joined in one), L (Field Marshal John(Jean Louis) Ligonier, 1st Earl Ligonier, Master General of the Ordnance 1759-1763), cypher, W. BOWEN, FECIT 1755 (castinto the base ring of the cannon, Fecit is Latin for “made by” and W.Bowen stands for William Bowen, an owner of a furnace in Cowden, County Kent,England).  This gun is also mounted on a wheeled wood carriage, Gun Shed.

Wheeledwood gun carriage.

Armstrong6-pounder 3-cwt Rifled Breech-loading Gun, weight 3-0-17 (353 lbs) above theQueen Victoria cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wheeled wood guncarriage.

Bronze6-pounder 6-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight unknown, (Serial No. unknown),bronze, with a band around the breech marked “I. & P. VERBRUGGEN FECERUNTAo J776” around the top. It has a lead protective cap, mounted on a wheeledwood gun carriage, Artificer’s Shop.

Bronze1-pounder 2-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 1-3-12 (208 lbs) above thecascabel, (Serial No. 14), bronze, with a band around the breech marked “I.& P. VERBRUGGEN FECERUNT Ao J776” around the top.  The gun is mountedon a wheeled wood gun carriage, Artificer’s Shop.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, reproduction, weight 28-3-0 (3,220 lbs)under the cascabel, (1801) on left trunnion, (12P) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow, unmounted, resting on wood blocks, Block HouseNo. 2.

Cast Iron1-pounder SBML Swivel Gun, no markings, No. 1 of 2, Artificer’s Shop.

Cast Iron1-pounder SBML Swivel Gun, no markings, No. 2 of 2, Artificer’s Shop.

Cast Iron1-pounder SBML Swivel Gun, weight 1-0-9 (121 lbs) below the vent, mounted on aboat, Blockhouse No. 2.

Bronze Coehorn5.5-inch SBML Mortar, reproduction, King George II cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on a wood box with carrying handles, Artificer’s Shop.

BronzeCoehorn 5.5-inch SBML Mortar, reproduction, King George II cypher, broad arrow,mounted on a wood box with carrying handles, Blockhouse No. 2.

BronzeCoehorn 12-pounder SBML Mortar, 4.65-inch bore, reproduction, King George IIcypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wheeled wood carriage, Blockhouse No. 2.

Bronze9-inch SBML howitzer, reproduction, weight unknown, (Serial No. 3), 1750, R.Gilpin, Fecit,  King George II cypher, broad arrow mark, TRIA JUNCTA INUNO (three joined in one), L (Field Marshal John (Jean Louis) Ligonier, 1stEarl Ligonier, Master General of the Ordnance 1759-1763), cypher, W. BOWEN, FECIT 1755 (castinto the base ring of the cannon, Fecit is Latin for “made by” and W.Bowen stands for William Bowen, an owner of a furnace in Cowden, County Kent,England).   This howitzer is mounted on a wheeled wood gun carriage,Blockhouse No. 2. Field Marshal John (Jean Louis) Ligonier was the 1st EarlLigonier, Master General of the Ordnance 1759-1763.

Bronze9-inch smoothbore howitzer, reproduction, weight unknown, Gilpin 1760, KingGeorge II cypher, mounted on a wood gun carriage. Block House No. 2.

‍Bronze 3-pounderSBML, reproduction, no cypher, no weight stamp, mounted on a wheeled wood guncarriage. Block House No. 2.

Cast Iron3-pounder SBML, 6-feet long, ca. 1710.

Cast Iron6-pounder SBML, 5-feet, 6-inches long, ca. 1710.

Cast Iron9-pounder SBML with stainless steel sleeve, King George III cypher. Inside Fort.

Cast Iron9-pounder SBML, reproduction stamped 1807, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, barrel plugged with iron ball.

Cast Iron12-pounder SBML, weight 28-3-7 (3,227 lbs), 1802, King George III cypher, broadarrow mark, Naval pattern.

Cast Iron18-pounder 10-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 7-3-18 (886 lbs), no cypher. Block House.

Cast Iron18-pounder 10-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 8-1--, (>924 lbs), no cypher. Block House.


GermanFirst World War 10-cm Kanone 14 (10-cm K 14), (Serial Nr. 201), 1050 kg, 1916. ThisK 14 was captured by the 7th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), atVimy on 13 April 1917.  It was initially allocated to Queenston, Ontario. Locatedin the vicinity of Butler's Barracks, this gun has been removed forrestoration.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, King George III cypher,broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. Butler’s Barracks.

Niagara-on-the-lake, Lincoln and Welland RegimentMuseum

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34449. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA,1957, REG. NO. CDN 156, INSP (symbol).

NiagaraFalls, Queenston Heights Monument

BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML gun, weight 39-0-9 (4,377 lbs), reproduction,(1806) on left trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted onan iron garrison carriage, weight 21-3-14 (2,450 lbs), with a ball welded inthe gun’s muzzle. This gun is located on the site of the original RedanBattery.

NiagaraFalls, Lundy's Lane Battlefield Memorial

Blomefield Cast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, weight 34-1-3 (3,839 lbs),(WCo), (Walker & Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the lefttrunnion, (Serial No. 54) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broadarrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 1, East of monument atDrummond Hill Church and Cemetery.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML gun, weight 34-1-3 (3,839 lbs), (WCo), (Walker& Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (SerialNo. 52) on the right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on an iron garrison carriage. No. 2, West of monument at Drummond HillChurch and Cemetery.

NiagaraFalls, Victoria Street Armoury and Museum

GermanFirst World War 10.5-cm Kanone 17 (10.5-cm K 17), (Serial Nr. 39), 1918. It wascaptured by the 3rd Battalion on 27 Sep 1918, near the Arras-Cambrai Roadbetween Marquion and Raillencourt, France.   Niagara Military Museum previouslylocated with D Company, Lincoln & Welland Regiment (Victoria Street)Armoury, 5049 Victoria Ave.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 17-1-11 (1,943 lbs) above the vent, mounted on a wood naval guncarriage, located in the front window of the Niagara Falls History Museum, 5810Ferry St.


GermanFirst World War 25-cm schwere Minenwerfer alt Art (25-cm sMW), (Serial Nr. unknown).

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, in front of the Royal CanadianLegion.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 4285), DWM, Berlin, 1917, mountedon a Schlitten stand. This MG 08 was captured by the 10th Battalion on 9 Aug1918, at Billet No. 10 Warvillers, France. It stands beside the Royal CanadianLegion, Branch No. 462, 76 King Street.


9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-8 (932 lbs). The trunnions are stampedRGF No. 639, 1871. The gun is mounted on a W.G. Armstrong & Co., Newcastleon Tyne carriage (Serial No. 1178). The gun’s carriage and axle are in placebut there are no wheels. Queen Victoria cypher. The gun is located beside theWar Memorial.

GermanFirst World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), Trench Mortar on round standwith spoked wheels, (Serial Nr. 15867), stamped 6517, C177. Captured by the 7thBattalion, West of Villers-les-Cagnicourt, 2 September 1918.


25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, No. 1 beside the cenotaph.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, No. 2 beside the cenotaph.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, No. 3 in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No.233, 7 John Street.


BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, (Serial No. 76705, CARRON,1810) on left trunnion, (18P) on right trunnion, CV, King George III cypher,broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand, Couchiching Park.

BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML, weight TBC, (WCo) (Walker & Company) onleft trunnion, (Serial No. 549) on right trunnion, (18P) on right trunnion, CV,King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand,Couchiching Park.

Cast Iron24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, mounted on a concrete stand, no cypher, markingshidden by cement.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34413. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA,1955, REG. NO. CDN 20, INSP (symbol). Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 43, 471Simcoe Street.

Oshawa, The Ontario Regiment Museum, 1000 Stevenson Rd N.

British FV433 Abbot 105-mm SP Gun.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 40123. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA(year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 23, INSP (Symbol).

German Second World War Panzerwerfer 42.

German Second World War MarderIII.

German Second World War 88-mmFlak Gun.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, (Serial No. 3348), 1917. This machine gun was captured by the 21stBattalion on 9 Octo 1917 at Vimy. It was originally allocated to RMC, Kingston,Ontario.

German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun, (Serial No.4218), 1917. Captured by the 31st Battalion. This machine gun wasoriginally allocated to Dawson City, Yukon.

M4A2E8 Sherman Medium Tank, 76-mm Gun, (Serial No. 65240), built by Fisher, Reg. No.30123219.


M4A2E8 Sherman Medium Tank, 76-mm Gun, (SerialNo. 64993), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30122972, “Bart”, DND 78-904.


Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk 5, 20-pounderGun/


M24 Chaffee Light Tank.


American M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tank.


American M551 Sheridan Light Tank (two).


Universal Carrier Mk. II, No. 1 of 2.


Universal Carrier, No. 2 of 2.


M8 Greyhound Armouored Car.


Ferret Scout Car Mk. 2, UN colours.


M113A2 TUA, M113A2 EVSEV (with dozer blade), M113A2 APCs (two).


M548 Cargo, M577 CP, M113 C & RLynx, UN colours.


AVGP Cougar, AVGP Grizzly, AVGP Husky.


M35 Trucks (three), 2-½ ton Truck, Iltis.


BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, mounted on a concrete stand in the Oshweken Six Nations Veterans Memorial Park.


Bronze casting of an Ordnance QF 18-pounder Field Gun immortalized in the National War Memorial.

Blomefield pattern SBML 9-pounder Gun,weight 28-2-7 (3,119 lbs), mounted on an iron carriage. King George III cypher.Left trunnion - W Co, (possibly Walker Company).  This gun was on display at Major’s Hill Parklooking towards Parliament Hill. It is now in storage at the CWM.

Ottawa, National Military Cemetery, BeechwoodCemetery, 280 Beechwood Ave.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 40144. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD.CANADA1956, REG. NO. CDN 161, INSP (Symbol). This Gun is located on theSoutheast side of the Highway entering the village. SE corner of the NMC. No. 1of 2 in the cemetery.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 40153. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA1956, REG. NO. CDN 165, INSP (Symbol). This Gun is located on the Southeastside of the Highway entering the village. NW corner of the NMC. No. 2 of 2.

105-mm L5 Pack Howitzer, SW corner of the NMC, No. 1 of2.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, SE corner of the NMC, No. 2 of2.


Cast Iron18-pounder 10-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 9-3-0 (1,092 lbs), broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrisoncarriage. This Carronade stands in a private yard facing the Governor General'sresidence between house 197 and 209 on MacKay Street.

Verylarge cannonball found beside the carronade.

Ottawa,RCMP Museum, ManorPark East.

7-pounder Bronze Mk. II 200 lbRifled Muzzleloader Gun, weight 1-3-5 (201 lbs), RGF No. 1808, W.G. on righttrunnion, 358 on the gun site, F 15 CCCLVIII (358) on left trunnion, mounted ona wheeled wooden carriage with iron reinforcement.

Ottawa, National Artillery Memorial

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, (Serial No. CA10595),Green Island Park, Ottawa, Ontario. This Memorial was first erected inSeptember 1959 by the Governor General of Canada, His Excellency Major-GeneralGeorges Vanier. It was moved to the present site in May of 1998 andrededicated.

Universal CarrierMk I, Cartier Square Drill Hall, 2 Queen Elizabeth Dr. Home to the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa and the Governor General`sFoot Guards.

Ottawa,HMCS Carleton, Prince of Wales Drive.

12-pounder8-cwt QF Naval Landing Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), Serial No. 52 crossed out,1903, new Serial No. 1752. Breech Block Serial No. 742 stamped out, 1898, newNo. 1752. Queen Victoria cypher. Carriage weight 6-cwt TBC, Admiralty No. TBC. WithLimber. This gun was on loan to the 30th Field Regiment at Uplands, from HMCSCarleton. It is now back with  the Naval Reserves at HMCS Carleton.

BlomefieldCast Iron 9-pounder SBML, replica, weight 28-2-11 (3,203 lbs), King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriages, No. 1 of 2.

Blomefield Cast Iron 9-pounder SBML,replica, weight 28-2-18 (3,210 lbs), King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,mounted on a wood naval gun carriages, No. 2 of 2.


Ottawa, Capital Memorial Gardens

Russian76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3). This gun stands by the Veterans MemorialWall in the Capital Memorial Gardens cemetery.

Ottawa, 30thField Artillery Regiment, RCA[5]

Blomefieldpattern 9-pounder 28-cwt SBML gun, weight 28-2-7 (3,119 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. TBC) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an irongarrison carriage.  It is currently onloan to the 30th Field Regiment.

BlomefieldCast Iron 9-pounder SBML Gun 28-cwt, weight 28-2-7 (3,119 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. TBC) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on an irongarrison carriage. This gun was on display at Major’s Hill Park looking towardsParliament Hill. It is currently in storage at the Canadian War Museum.

30th Field, Bytown Gunner’s Firepower Museum

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle Mk. II, weight 8-1-10 (934 lbs), RGF No. 596, I,1873, mounted on a black replica carriage. Also known as “The Turner gun,” this9-pounder was presented to BGen W.W. Turner when he was the Colonel Commandantof the RCA.  It is in the Guns of Kingston list and was on his lawn atKingston for a while. Before presentation to him, it was at Valcartier, or atleast refurbished for presentation there.  The gun has an extra ventidentical to the Ottawa Time Gun and it is possible that it was a time gun ator near Québec after it retired from the CF. It is mounted on a replica seaservice carriage that has no relation to the gun.

Bronze9-pounder 13 ½ cwt SBML with carrying handles, weight 13-2-27 (1,519 lbs),1822, King George IV cypher and a second cypher W with crown & belt, HoniSoit Qui Mal Y Pense (cypher for Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington), and theRoman numerals DCCXLIV (744), mounted on a wooden carriage marked 1858. Thisgun was previously on display in the Hastings and Prince Edward RegimentArmoury.  30th Field, Bytown Gunner’sFirepower Museum, Uplands.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-6 (930 lbs), RGF No. 233, I, 1872 on theleft trunnion, Firth Steel 2549 on muzzle, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a wood wheeled iron gun carriage.  

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-6 (930 lbs), RGF No. 2 on the lefttrunnion, Firth Steel No. TBC on muzzle, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a German Boer War Gun carriage on loan from the Canadian WarMuseum

OrdnanceQF 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun. This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum, CFB Shilo,Manitoba.

OrdnanceQF 6-pounder Anti-tank Gun, on loan from the Swords and Ploughshares Museum,Kars.

OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun. The RCA held 138 of these guns.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform.

Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, transferred from the 42nd FieldRegiment, Pembroke.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, (Serial No. 057650), on loanfrom 2 RCHA, Petawawa.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34426. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA(1957 TBC), REG. NO. CDN 177, INSP (Symbol). This gun was transferred to Ottawafrom the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps Museum, Montreal, Quebec.

M125 2-1/2 ton cargo truck, CFR No. TBC.

81-mm C3Mortar, (Serial No. 8392) in service. The 81-mm mortar is an indirect firesupport weapon. It has the tactical advantage of a high trajectory, whichallows it to be sighted and engage targets from behind cover and provideoverhead support to friendly troops. The mortar consists of a monobloc steelbarrel with a smooth bore. The supported barrel in the bipod mount allows it toelevate, depress and cross the mortar within specified limits.

Steel 7-pounder Mk. IVmuzzleloading rifle (MLR) replica, like guns used as pack howitzer in India inthe late 1800s.  The type entered service in 1873 and apparently most ofthem were sent to India. There were six in Canada, with two in service with theNWMP.

This gunis a replica/reproduction. The front sight is a solid plug, there is no vent(touch hole), and since it is about 75 pounds overweight, it is possible thatthe barrel is only bored out for the first three inches and then has an insertto give the impression of a plug.  Externally, it is a reasonabledimensional copy of the Steel Mk. IV MLR, although it may have been cast usingwrought iron and not steel. There are no markings, except for the cypher andcrescent moon.

Thecypher is engraved (not etched), probably freehand. The centre of the garter isthe Kabul Arsenal logo, which appears on the Afghan Martini rifles. This[links] it to Abdur Rahman, who had the arsenal built about 1887. His bio onwiki does not indicate a member of the Order of the Garter, so the cypher isprobably fanciful. Difficult to positively link the arsenal with artilleryproduction. The lettering is “a mixture of Dari and Kufic script,” which [asis] makes no sense, but experts are still working on it.  (Doug Knight)


Ottawa, Canadian WarMuseum, 1 Vimy Place.[6]


British Artillery

WroughtIron smoothbore breechloading Gun, ca. 1492-1599, 165-cm long. Found during theexcavation for the enlargement of St Peter's Canal in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia,near the site of Nicholas Deny's Trading Post, built in 1650. CWM (Artifact No.19610051-023).

Cast Iron2-inch SBML Swivel or Boat Gun on stand, ca. 1750-1825, 2-inch bore, instorage. CWM (Artifact No. 19660058-001).

Bronze5¾-inch 1-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 1-1-13 (153 lbs),  J &H (John & Henry) King, 1807, LXX, crown, King George III cypher.

Cast Iron4.2-inch SBML Mortar, No. 1 of 2.

Cast Iron4.2-inch SBML Mortar, No. 2 of 2.

Bronze 3-pounder 3-cwt SBML gun,weight 2-3-23 (331 lbs), stamped J & H (John & Henry) King, 1807,CCLXIII (263), King George III cypher and General John Pitt, Master General ofOrdnance cypher, mounted on a replica garrison carriage. CWM (Artifact No.19610055-002).


Cast Iron 4-pounder 8-1/2-cwtSBML gun, weight 8-2-0 (952 lbs), crown over the letter P on the firstreinforce, W on the right trunnion. Possibly a 17th Century Gun, presented tothe museum by G.T. Bruce who had received it from the Chief of the CeyloneseNavy in 1962.  Bruce was told that it had been recovered in Trincomalee,Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), in 1962.  It ismarked with a crown over the letter P on the barrel. The Crown over a “P”engraved on top of the guns is a mark used to show that this gun was proofed atWoolwich in the UK. This mark is usually preserved for the guns for foreigngovernments, or for certain institutions such as The East India Company, or thePost Office. This gun was cast some time in the second quarter of the 19thcentury.  By this period there are few British companies capable ofcasting these guns, they are usually either Walker and Company, Bailey Pegg andCo, or Low Moor. (Ruth Rhynas Brown)

Cast Iron4-pounder 8-1/2-cwt SBML gun, 54-inches long, measured from the muzzle to thebase ring. The cascabel is missing. There are no visible markings. This gun isassociated with the Montmagny House in Joliette, Québec, since about 1900. Priorto that time, oral history places it in the area to defend against the Americaninvasion.

Cast Iron18-pounder SBML/culverin, weight 32-2-23 (3,663 lbs), (Serial No. 4632), QueenAnne cypher, XII (12), broad arrow mark, 19, ca. 1668.

Blomefield64-pounder 71-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, Palliser conversion from a Blomefield32-pounder 58-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-7 (6,279 lbs). The trunnion is stamped6 Gilbert, 1887, King George III cypher, (Serial No. 1850).

Homemade wooden cannon, 1838.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, John Armstrong pattern sea service Gun, W, commercial 1750 (from tag).

The Wmark on the right trunnion of this gun was in use Britain for a long time andmay refer to more than one furnace in turn. There are two foundries that couldhave cast this gun.  

1. Waldron Furnace. A gun marked W was proved for Harrison and Company inOctober 1757 (Hodgkinson, 1993, 58).

Waldronfurnace was run at the beginning of the eighteenth century by the Pelham familyand later was owned by the Fullers although they did not use it themselves. Instead, it was leased to the Harrison partnership. John Legas wrote tohis partner Samuel Remnant about the shot-casting programme taking place atWaldron in 1745-46. However, in the 1747-48 campaign Waldron was used forcasting 6 and 9 pounder guns. The change may have been caused by the buildingof a new air furnace at Hamsell and the two furnaces’ uses were exchanged.

In the1750s, the furnace at Waldron was operated by Richard Tapsell in conjunctionwith the furnace at Gloucester. In January 1753 John Fuller subcontractedTapsell to cast guns for him at Waldron for the King of Sardinia which Fullerspecified had to be marked IF (Crossley and Saville). Later in 1757 Harrisonhad guns marked W proofed at Woolwich. The furnace at Waldron was rented outfor only a pound in 1785 and was closed by 1787. The W is found on smaller gunsup to 12-pounders.

2. WillyFurnace. Isaac Wilkinson and his son John both were involved in gun-castingusing several furnaces.  The earliest mention of Isaac Wilkinson ofBersham in the Board's records is his request to export small calibre guns fromWrexham for the London merchant service in June 1756. John Wilkinson leftBersham and moved to Willey in Shropshire. His agent John Fawcett offered tocast guns for the Board of Ordnance in 1759. Thus, John Wilkinson's first gunsfor the Board were cast at Willey.

The formof the W on the gun in the CWM collection favours the later date, ca 1755-ca1770.  It is most likely to have beencast by either Waldron, a gun furnace in the Weald run by the Harrison partnership,or Willey, an iron furnace in Shropshire owned by John Wilkinson who wouldbecome one of the most famous of gunfounders. (Data courtesy of Ruth RhynasBrown)

Cast Iron18-pounder 10-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight 10-0-7 (1,127 lbs), broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrisoncarriage. Presentation plaque to J.H. Macqueen.

Cast Iron6-pounder 14-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 14-1-19 (1,615 lbs), crown cypher, probable commercial manufacture, instorage, unmounted.

Cast Iron12-pounder 6-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, dated1808 (unmounted), weight 6-0-18 (690 lbs), broad arrow mark.

Cast Iron18-pounder 10-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring,weight 10-0-7 (1,127 lbs), broad arrow mark, mounted on an iron garrisoncarriage. Presentation plaque to J.H. Macqueen.

Armstrong6-pounder 3-cwt Breechloading Rifle, RGF No. 73, 1862, weight 3-0-9 (345 lbs),W, broad arrow, D, Queen Victoria cypher.

Armstrong40-pounder 35-cwt Breechloading Rifle, weight 35-1-0, (3,948 lbs), (Serial No.419-G), 1871.

7-pounder2-cwt Mk. IV Steel Rifled Muzzleloading Gun (Serial No. RGF No. 440), 1880,weight 1-3-7 (203 lbs), Queen Victoria cypher. This gun is mounted on an ironboat carriage for ship's landing parties.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle Mk. II, weight 8-1-13 (937 lbs), RGF No. 2850, 1873,unmounted, stamped Sir W.G. Armstrong and Co., Newcastle on the Tyne. This gunwas a bollard that stood in front of the Ottawa Armouries. It is corrodedforward of the trunnions and does not have a carriage.

3-inchMortar (in Gallery 3).

3-inchMortar (on Mortar Carrier).

13-pounder6-cwt QF Land Mk. II Field Gun, VSM, broad arrow, 1911, (Serial No. 279), KingGeorge V cypher.

13-pounder9-cwt QF Anti-aircraft Gun Mk. I, EOC, broad arrow, P, 1917 (Serial No. 1372),on Mounting Motor Lorry RCD IV 1916, (Serial No. A3414).

18-pounderQF Mk. II Field Gun, weight 9-0-0 (1,008 lbs), (Serial No. 3820), 1915, mountedon carriage OCM C136.

1936model Ford-Marmon-Harrington half-track used for towing field guns.

8-inchBreechloading Howitzer Mk. VIII, (Serial No. 1111), carriage (Serial No.C16548), Elswick Ordnance Company, 1918. After the war, four Mk. VIII howitzersand their firing platforms were brought to Canada with two sent to the 9thHeavy Battery at Halifax (Serial Nos. 952 and 1111), and two sent to the 12thHeavy Battery in Victoria, British Columbia (Serial Nos. 974 and 975). This gunis from the 9th Heavy Battery in Halifax (Serial No. 1111).

UniversalCarrier with 2-pounder QF Anti-tank gun, Camp Borden,c1941.

2-pounderQF Anti-tank Gun mounted on a Universal Carrier.

6-pounder7-cwt QF Anti-tank Gun Mk. V (Serial No. 3282), L/114714 on the barrel

OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun Mk. I, (Serial No. L23987). The RCA held 138of these guns.

25-pounderQF Field Gun Mk. I, (Serial No. CA10282).

Limberfor 25-pounder QF Field Gun.

25-pounderQF Field Gun Mk. II, (Serial No. L11041).

British105-mm FV433 Abbot Self-Propelled Gun.


Oerlikon 20-mm/70 Mk. 4 Light Anti-aircraftGun  on an RCN Mk. V Mounting.

Spanish Civil War

Heavy machine gun being crewed by members of the Mackenzie-PapineauBattalion at theBattle of Belchite in Spain 1937. ”Mac-Paps” were a battalion of Canadians whofought as part of the XV International Brigade on the Republican side in theSpanish Civil War. More than 1,500 Canadians volunteered to serve, and exceptfor France, no other country gave a greater proportion of its population asvolunteers in Spain than Canada. The first Canadians in the conflict weredispatched with the U.S. Abraham Lincoln Battalion and later the North AmericanGeorge Washington Battalion, with about forty Canadians serving in each group. The Lincoln Brigade was involved in the Battle of Jarama in which nineCanadians are known to have been killed. Between 400and 700+ of the 1,546 Canadians known to have fought in Spain lost their lives.

Canadian troops, Company “C” in the South AfricanConstabulary. The “MessengerBoy,” No. 8 Armoured train, named by Devons, showing Maxim Gun, search-lightand gun crew.

Vickers, Sons & Maxim Ltd 1-pounder AutomaticGun Mk. I, (SerialNo. 2496), 1905, weight (410 lbs), Reg. No. 113, aka “pom-pom”, on a Naval deckgun mount.

Vickers, Sons & Maxim Ltd 1¼-pounder37/Automatic Gun Mk. III, (Serial No. 6819), London, 1905, aka “pom-pom”, from CGS Canada.

40-mm/392-pounder Mk. I single, V.S.M. (Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL) Automatic Gun,weight (410 lbs), VSM 1905, aka “pom-pom”, manned on an RCN destroyer, 1940.

40-mm/39 2-pounder Mk. VIII single, V.S.M.(Vickers, Sons & Maxim LL) Automatic Gun, (Serial No. S9463/14786), onSingle Mounting, aka “pom-pom”, from HMCS Kamloops.

Bofors 40-mmAutomatic Gun L/60,on a Mk. VC Boffin Mounting.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60,Mk. XI, in a Twin Gun RP50 Mk. IV Mount.

4-inch/40 QF Mk. XXI Gun on the High Angle SingleMk. XXIV Mounting, CAN 42.

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns  (Serial No.S/15025), L, left, and (Serial No. S/14512), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Anglemounting (Serial No. unknown), from HMCS Victoriaville.

Knebworth Corvus eight-barreledchaff launcher. The eight barrels are mounted in two rows of three crossed atright angles with an additional two above and angled between the lower ones. Thebarrels are 102-mm in diameter and 1.6 mm long, fixed at 30 degrees. The Corvuswas primarily used on ships of the Royal Navy. (It is unknown as to whetherships of the RCN ever carried them). The RCN was equipped with the Mk. 36 SRBOCand then the Plessey Shield and now utilizes a MASS (Multi-ammunition softkill) system after the FELEX (Frigate life extension) programme on the Halifaxclass frigates. (Data courtesy of LCdr Neil S. Bell)

FMC 3-inch/50 Twin Gun Mk. 33,HMCS QuAppelle McKenzie class destroyer.


Polsten20-mm Quadruple Anti-aircraft Gun Mk. I on a wheeled Mounting C Mk. I, (SerialNo. 15939).

Sexton25-pounder C Mk. 2 Self-propelled Gun (Serial No. 613).

Projector,Rocket, 3-inch, No. 8, Mk. 1 - The Land Mattress,Multiple Rocket Launcher (MRL), being loaded by Gunners of the 1st RocketBattery, RCA, Helchteren, Belgium, 29 Oct 1944.

Land Mattress 3-inch Multiple Rocket Launcher(MRL), No. 8,Mk. 1, AC Cars 1945, (Serial No. 108).

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 0034400. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (1956),REG. NO. CDN 166, INSP (Symbol). Breech block SIL 179. This gun was in servicewith “Z” Battery, RCHA.


.45-calibreModel 1883 Gatling Gun.  There are threein the CWM collection.

75-mm M20 Recoilless Rifles. The CWM has three, like thisone on display outside the PPCLI HQ, CFB Edmonton, Alberta.

75-mm M4series cutaway gun, (Serial No. 1885), mounted on an iron dolly for training.

90-mmM1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial No. 29012). This gun asbeen transferred on long term loan to the Lincoln and Welland Regiment museum.

106-mmM40A2 Recoilless Anti-tank Gun, (Serial No. 9611), mounted on an M38A1 CDN3Jeep.

762-mmM31/M50 Honest John Rocket (replica), hanging from the ceiling.

C2 105-mm M2A5 Howitzer, CDN 80, 1942.

M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. 77249), 1985, AC: TX, ECC: 119205HUI C: 2184, SAUI C: 2184, VMO No. DLE26843, VMO Date: 13 May 2002.

20-mm M61A1Vulcan Cannon, 1959.


4.2-inchChemical Mortar No. 1.

4.2-inchChemical Mortar No. 2.


French Cast Iron 13-inch Mortar, C, 4338, on the barrel, (SerialNo. 22) on the right trunnion, 1, 30-48-cm bore, ca. 1758, from the Fortress ofLouisbourg, Nova Scotia.

French Bronze SBML gun with a 42-mm bore, (Serial No. 738 on trunnions),unmounted, marked “Des Indes Compagne de France”, “Fait par GOR a Paris 1732”. Anold CWM Ledger from 1910 noted that this gun was used in the war between theEnglish and French East India Companies 1746-1766. Unfortunately, there is norecord of how it came to the Archives before it came to the CWM. (Doug Knight)

French75-mm M1897 Field Gun (Canon de 75-mm modèle 1897), (Serial No.

French80-mm M1878 Mountain Gun, Puteau AC 1879.

BritishHotchkiss 1.65-inch (42-mm) Light Mountain Gun mounted on a German Boer War Guncarriage.


German Boer War 75-mm Krupp QF FieldGun, Boer War Trophy, (Serial Nr. 1888), stamped 1892. British forces capturedthis gun at the November 1900 Battle of Bothaville. It was one of six gunsimported for the Orange Free State Artillery Corps in 1892. It was given toCanada as a war trophy and was displayed on Parliament Hill in 1906.

A Boer37-mm Krupp/Gruson QF (Schnellfeuerkanone L/30) gun (Serial No. 41001),captured near Pretoria, was shipped to Canada in 1904. This trophy gun,possibly one identified as the Transvaal Gruson, is in Brimfield, Massachusettsin the USA.  The present owner bought the gun from an iron monger, but itwas imported to South Africa in 1891 and after its capture, was issued toCanada in 1904.  The breech carries thenumber 41001, while the trunnions are marked 49 kg and 1889. It is currentlymounted on a 60-mm Krupp BL mountain gun’s carriage. Source: Oranje VrijstaatArtillerie Corps historical study and re-enactment group.

Not foundin the CWM, but of significance in relation to the guns captured during the BoerWar and sent to Canada, is a Broadwell 65-mm Rifled Breech Loading MountainGun, Model 1873, mounted on an 1890 Nordenfelt 3-pounder Carriage on display atFort Frontenac, Kingston, Ontario.

One of twoBoer guns captured at Johannesburg guns was allotted to the “Minister ofMilitia and Defence” in Ottawa. Source: Oranje Vrijstaat Artillerie Corpshistorical study and re-enactment group.

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun being assembled by German Prisoners,Camblain-l'Abbé, France, May 1917.

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 4943), 1917, mounted on aSchlitten stand.

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 2685), unmounted, part of abattlefield diorama.

GermanFirst World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 18328), AEG M1916,mounted on an iron carriage. 12 Can MG Coy on the box trail.

The7.58-cm leMW held by the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa is painted a dark olive green. Other 7.58-cm leMWs across Canada, like theone with the RCA Museum at CFB Shilo, Manitoba, are painted in a field graycolour. One in the Charlottetown Armoury is painted in a combination of greyand black.

(NB –German practice was to use cm instead of mm to identify the calibre of guns).

Theofficial paint schemes for German First World War artillery can be complicated:  In 1914, the standard scheme used on all German Guns was FeldgrauOverall. The exact shade of this Feldgrau - literally: “Field Grey” - wasinvestigated in the 1990-ies when a replica A7V was built in Germany: a largenumber of surviving First World War equipment was examined for traces ofcolours, and it was found out that what is called “Feldgrau” was in reality apretty wide spectrum of colours, ranging from Green to Grey.  This means thatit is hard to go wrong on “Feldgrau”.  If one is to recommend one colour,however, to use for Feldgrau it is the Humbrol #31 Slate Grey.  Guns painted in Feldgrau could be seen allthrough the war.

In1915-16 the first real camouflage schemes started to appear. The plain Feldgraucolour was supplemented by other colours – the Feldgrau was not over-paintedper se. What colours to use and in what patterns, was left to the unitsthemselves. This in turn often depended on what front the equipment wasemployed. A gun used in Champagne, where the earth was very bright, almostwhite, was camouflaged with a much lighter colour, than a gun used, say, at theSomme, where the ground was more yellow in hue. Anyway: the Feldgrau base weregiven blotches or bands, or patches AND bands, of Green, Brown, Yellow, evenBlue and/or White. There were wide variations.

In 1917the Army started to regulate the camouflage schemes used on the Guns. Aftertests (using observers in planes) some colours used earlier were ruled out asineffective: namely White, Bright Yellow (“hellgelbe”) and Bright Blue (“hellblau”).The colours that were to be used henceforth, in this so called BuntenfarbenAnstrich was Sand, Green and Brown (two hues have been observed: Mid-Brown andBrick-Red), painted in irregular blotches and separated by thin Black lines. Thiswas the standard scheme up until the end of the war.

GermanFirst World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 5160), AEG M1916,rifled, stamped 2108625, jk, 2660, 5169, mounted on wooden carriage wheels. Capturedby the 20th Battalion at the Cité St. Emile, North of Lens, France, on 15August 1917. This leMW n.A. is marked “captured and claimed by the 3rd Can TM”on the rotator/base plate (the 3rd Canadian Trench Mortar Battery).

GermanFirst World War 5-cm leichtes Granatwerfer 36 (5-cm lGrW 36) (Serial Nr.unknown).

GermanFirst World War 5-cm leichtes Granatwerfer 36 (5-cm lGrW 36) (Serial Nr.unknown).

GermanFirst World War 9.15-cm leichtes Minenwerfer System Lanz, (Serial Nr. 4785JP). Capturedby the 18th Battalion at Vimy on 9 April 1917.

GermanFirst World War 24-cm Flügelminenwerfer ‘Iko’, Albrecht, (Serial Nr. unknown), nomarkings.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 204). Captured by the 72ndBattalion on 9 Oct 1917 near Vimy on the Sunken Road 250 yards SW of Givenchy,France. This gun has a blown barrel.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 13224), 1918, KruppEhrhardt, converted to QF 77-mm. Captured by the 3rd Battalion near theArras-Cambrai Road, North of Bourlon Wood, France, on 27 September 1918. Thisgun is mounted on a British Naval/Coast Defence Mounting.

GermanFirst World War Beobachtungwagen für feldartillerie, Artillery ObservationWagen.

GermanFirst World War 8.8-cm L/30C U-boat Deck Gun from U-91, (Serial Nr. 1972), Fried. Krupp AG1916, 488KG stamped on the breech, 1972L on the trunnion, 510 F.N. 532, 1972.0on the barrel. SM U-91 was a German First World War Type Mittel U submarinelaunched in 1917. SM U-91 was one of the 329 submarines serving in the ImperialGerman Navy (Kaiserliche Marine) during the First World War. U-91 served withIII Flotilla from 13 December 1917 to 11 November 1918. During its service,this submarine conducted eight patrols and sank 37 ships and damaged two. U-91 took part in the First Battle of the Atlantic and remained inservice until it was surrendered to France on 26 November 1918. U-91’s deck gunlikely came to Canada before the submarine was broken up at Brest, France inJuly 1921.

GermanFirst World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02), (Serial Nr. 877), no data,Fried Krupp AG, 1916. 1182 on the carriage. This gun was originally allocatedto Hamilton, Ontario.

GermanFirst World War 21-cm Mörser 1910 neuer Art Heavy Mortar, (Serial Nr. 679),Krupp AG, Essen, 1916. Captured by the 18th Battalion. Originally allocated toHamilton, Ontario.

GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 (7.5-cm leIG 18),short-barrelled Field Gun stamped with German emblem, 2682, (Serial Nr. R1285),1927.

GermanSecond World War 8.1-cm Schwerer Granatwerfer 34 (s.Gr.W.34) (Serial Nr.unknown).

GermanSecond World War 7.92-mm MG 42 Machine Gun.

GermanSecond World War 2-cm FlaK 30 Anti-aircraft Gun, 1936, (Serial Nr. 466).

GermanSecond World War 2-cm Flakvierling 38, FlaK 38 Anti-aircraft Gun, Rheinmetall(Serial Nr. 10660), W646, W648, mounted on a wheeled trailer.

GermanSecond World War 8.8-cm FlaK 37 Anti-aircraft Gun, (Serial Nr. R534), Gallery3.

GermanSecond World War Anti-Aircraft Searchlight.

GermanSecond World War Rheintochter Anti-Aircraft Missile.

GermanSecond World War 2.8-cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 Anti-tank  Gun (sPzB 41),(Serial Nr. BpK 1333), stamped 9/277, MEL 600. This Gun was collected inNorthwest Europe before 12 Oct 1944 and shipped to Canada from CMHQ in the UKafter 7 Nov 1944.

German/AustrianSecond World War 4.7-cm Böhler Da 44/32 M35 Anti-tank Gun, (Serial Nr. 35447).

GermanSecond World War 3.7-cm PaK 36 Anti-tank Gun , Rheinmetall, (Serial Nr. 1937),RMB 14182.

GermanSecond World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) Anti-tank Gun, Rheinmetall Borsig, (SerialNr. R8453), 1942, stamped BS FL549csh, Mr Fl 860csh.

GermanSecond World War 5-cm Nebelwerfer 41, six-barrelled Multiple Rocket Launcher(Serial Nr. unknown).

GermanSecond World War 21-cm Nebelwerfer 42 five-barrelled Multiple Rocket Launcher,1944, BEQ 43, (Serial Nr. 988), FeH 43.

GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm Leichtgeschütz 40, (LG 40) Recoilless Rifle, AirborneForces, stamped FL 390, BWO, Eagle and swastika, (Serial Nr. R287JT0), stamped 4116/R287JT/F1390.

GermanSecond World War 8.8-cm Raketenwerfer 43 “Puppchen” (hollow charge rocketlauncher), 1943, (Serial Nr. RW 3935).

GermanSecond World War Sturmgeschütz StuG III Ausf G SdKfz 142/2 Assault Gun, Barrel(Serial Nr. R5453).

GermanSecond World War Jagdpanzer IV/70 (V) 7.5-cm Tank Destroyer. Early 1945production vehicle, captured by the 4th Canadian (Armoured) Division nearWilhelmshaven, Germany in May 1945.

ItalianSecond World War 45-mm 45/5 Modello 35 Brixia Light Trench Mortar.

ItalianSecond World War 81-mm Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35  Mortar.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, (Serial No. 057734).

Japanese20-mm Type 98 Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun/Cannon, (Serial No. 177/836) (1).

Japanese75-mm Type 41 Mountain Gun, 1908, (Serial No. 10441), 799.

Russian14.5-mm Vladimirov ZPU-4 Quadruple Anti-aircraft Gun wheeled mounting, (missingthe guns).

Russian76.2-mm ZIS-3 M1942 Divisional Field Gun, (Serial No. 766104).

Russian82-mm M1937 Mortar (three).

Russian82-mm B-10 Recoilless Anti-tank Gun.

Russian120-mm M1943 smoothbore Heavy Mortar, also known as the SAMOVAR.

Russian122-mm M1938 M30 Howitzer (Serial Nr. 2669), designated 12.2-cm FH 396(r) inGerman service. This gun came to the CWM from the Canadian School of MilitaryIntelligence (CSMI) in 1966.

Russian122-mm M1931/37 (A19) Field Gun, (Serial No. N463).


Oerlikon35-mm twin cannon towed Anti-aircraft Gun system.

Ottawa, HMCS Carleton

Blomefield 9-pounder SBML replica guns (two), mountedon wood naval carriages. 79 Prince of Wales Drive.

Owen Sound

M4A2E8 Sherman Medium Tank, 76-mm Gun, (SerialNo. 69393), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129872, Owen Sound Armoury.

Bronze6-pounder SBML, weight --5-21, Kinman, 1796, King George III cypher, broadarrow mark, Serial No. 164, CCIXXIX (228) on reinforcement ring. Owen SoundArmoury, 10th St E & 8th Ave E.

Bronze6-pounder SBML, weight --6-3, J & H (John & Henry) King, 1798, KingGeorge III, broad arrow mark, Serial No. 739, DC on re-enforcement ring. OwenSound Armoury.

Pembroke, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (Lanark and RenfrewScottish), RCA[7]


SBMLprobable Borgard 6-pounder Gun of 1716, weight 18-2-23 (2,095 lbs), Queen Annecypher (1702 – 1714), resting on the remains of a 6-pounder iron garrisoncarriage, weight 14-3-25 (1,677 lbs) K, (Serial No. 23). Discovery Harbour.

SBML Guns (three). One stands outside the gate to thesite at Discovery Harbour.


GermanFirst World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 7862), captured bythe 31st Battalion during a raid on Vitasse, France, 24 June 1918.


There aretwo bronze 3-pounder field guns mounted on wheeled carriages, on display infront of the Lanark Count Court House at Perth, known as the “Verbruggen Guns”.The inscription on the breech of each of the guns reads: “J. & R. VERBRUGGEN,FECERUNT, 1775” on one, and “1776”, on the other. This is an indication thatthe guns were made in Flanders (the Netherlands) or Belgium. The gun cast in1775 is a ‘Pattison’ model ‘Grasshopper’, the only known surviving gun of itskind. The other, cast in 1776, is a ‘Congreve’ model ‘Butterfly’.

The3-Pounder “fired either round shot or a case round of 36 shot, with a charge ofsix or eight ounces of powder and had a recoil of five feet at three degrees ofelevation”. The 3-Pounder classification relates to the weight of round-shotthey were designed to fire.  Grasshoppers& Butterflies: The Light 3-Pounders of Pattison & Townshend, byAdrian B. Caruana (1980).

Thesebronze guns accompanied General John Burgoyne and the British Army in 1777 onhis raid from Canada, along the Hudson River-Lake Champlain axis during theAmerican Revolution.  These two3-pounders arrived in Perth from Kingston in 1822 and were assigned to theArtillery Company of the 1st Regiment Lanark Militia as it was being formed.

Bronze3-pounder SBML, weight 1-2-20 (188 lbs), J. & R. Verbruggen, fecerunt 1775inscribed on the breech, mounted on a wooden wheeled carriage, standing on thegreen sward in front of the town Court House, No. 1 of 2.  (This gun isreported to be “the only remaining Pattison” Gun, according to Stephen G.Strach, History of Three Pound Verbruggen Gun and Its Use in North America1775-1783, Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1986,unpublished, p. 1).

Bronze 3-pounder SBML, weight 1-3-17 (213 lbs), J. &R. Verbruggen, fecerunt 1776 inscribed on the breech, mounted on a woodenwheeled carriage, standing on the green sward in front of the town Court House,No. 2 of 2.


OrdnanceQF 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 517.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34421. The carriageplate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA 1955, REG.NO. CDN 28, INSP (Symbol). This Gun is located on the Southeast side of theHighway entering the village.

4Canadian Division Support Base (4 CDSB) Petawawa

4 CDSB Petawawa was founded in 1905 as Camp Petawawa. Thebase provides support services to meet or exceed the requirements of the Unitsthat exist on Garrison Petawawa. The Garrison is home to 2 Canadian MechanizedBrigade Group (2 CMBG), the Canadian SpecialOperations Regiment, 1st Canadian Field Hospital, 450 Tactical HelicopterSquadron , 427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron and a multitude of otherUnits.


9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-0 (924 pounds), RGFNo. 22, I, 1870, mounted on a wheeled carriage, Foyer of RHQ, 2 RCHA.


British 4.2-inch smoothbore Mortar Mk. II with wheeled baseplate, locatedin the lobby of the main transient quarter on Base.

CFBPetawawa, RCD Lines, Bldg C40

Four ofthese guns were recorded in Petawawa in 1933: Reg. No. 214, carriage Reg. No.65231, RCD 00; Reg. No. 276, RCD 02; Reg. No. 287, carriage No. 67820, RCD 01;and Reg. No. 288, RCD 01.

CFBPetawawa Military Museum

25-pounder C Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, No. 1 of 2 at the front gate.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, No. 2 of 2 at the front gate.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, Artillery Park, No. 3of 5 on base.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, 2 CMBG HQ. No. 4 of 5 on base.

25-pounder C Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firingplatform, with Limber at Regimental HQ, 2 RCHA. No. 5 of 5 on base.

75-mm Pack Howitzer, rigged for aparadrop, inside the HQ 2 CMBG main entrance, 4 CDSB Petawawa.

The 75-mm Pack Howitzer M1 (alsoknown by its post-war designation M116)was designed in the United States in 1920s to meet a need for an artillerypiece that could be moved across difficult terrain.  The gun and carriage were designed so that itcould be broken down into several pieces to be carried by pack animals.  The gun saw combat in the Second World Warwith the US Army (primarily used by airborne units), with the US Marine Corps,and was also supplied to Canada and foreign forces.  In addition to the pack/air portableconfiguration, the gun was mounted on a non-dismantling carriage to serve as afield artillery piece.  (Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School).

5.5-inch BL Mk. III Gun on a Mk. I Carriage, Artillery Park. Canada madecarriages for these guns during the Second World War, and after the waracquired 85 of them for the RCA.  The gun fired a 45.5-kg (100-pound)shell to a range of 14,800 metres (16,200 yards).

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, rigged for a parachute drop,inside the Base Museum.

C1A1 105-mmM2A2 Howitzer, CDN 52, 1955, Menin Road near HQ 2nd Regiment,RCHA.

M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. 77233), 1985, AC: CX, ECC: 119205HUI C: 1764, SAUI C: 1764, VMO No. DLE21804, VMO Date: 24 Jul 2005. DisplayMonument. ”26A”, the 1st Gun, 2nd troop, 2nd Battery, Menin Road.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, Menin Road.

M31/M50762-mm Honest John Rocket mounted on a transport trailer, Museum Park.

12-pounder6-cwt Breechloading Mk. IV Gun, weight 8-1-9 (933 lbs), Serial No. 269, IV,inside the Base Museum, RCD Carriage No. 07816.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 24717), no data. MeninRoad.  This gun is not listed in the official records.

GermanSecond World War 2.8-cm schwere Panzerbüchse 41 Anti-tank Gun (2.8-cm sPzB 41) Anti-tankGun (Serial No. 2556). The barrel has a separate number, (Serial Nr. 52536) This gun is on loan from the RCA Museum CFB Shilo, Manitoba.

GermanSecond World War 5-cm PaK 38 (L/60) AT Gun (Serial Nr. TBC),

GermanSecond World War 7.5-cm PaK 40 AT Gun, (Serial Nr. R2595), 1942 beg, stampedBS:Fl1736fqv, Vr:FL200bej, Menin Road.

GermanSecond World War 8.8-cm FlaK 37 AA Gun, (Serial Nr. R3864), stamped BS:Sg563492 RL1084bxe F1318beb, M:F1317beb, S:F1317beb on the breeching ring,North of the Main Gate.

GermanSecond World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 Heavy Field Howitzer (15-cm sFH18), (Serial Nr. R3079), shell strike on the remaining numbers on the breechingring, Menin Road.

Russian57-mm ASU-57 SP Gun SP Gun, Museum Park.

107-mmBM-12 16-tube Multiple Rocket Launcher (MRL).

Peterborough, 50th Field Artillery Regiment (The Prince of Wales Rangers), Royal CanadianArtillery

The 50th Field Artillery Regiment (The Prince ofWales Rangers), Royal Canadian Artillery was a Primary Reserve Royal CanadianArtillery (RCA) regiment based in Peterborough, Ontario. The regiment currentlyexists on the Supplementary Order of Battle.

9-pounder8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight 8-1-6 (930 lbs), RGF No. 226, I, 1872, QueenVictoria cypher, Firth’s Steel 2754 on the muzzle, mounted on a wheeledcarriage. The wheels on this gun belong to the SBML noted above.  Hastingsand Prince Edward Regiment Armoury.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm FK16 (Nr. 11761), 1917, capturedin France in 1918.


BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (Serial No. 79138,CARRON, 1812) on left trunnion, (18P) on right trunnion, mounted on a concretestand, in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 78.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder SBML, weight TBC, (Serial No. 70899, CARRON, 1807) on lefttrunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand, in front of the Royal Canadian Legion BranchNo. 78.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, OTO Melara 1969, (Serial No.05773), in front of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 78.


Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight >10,500lbs), (1844) on the left trunnion, (+) on the right trunnion, Queen Victoriacypher, mounted on a concrete stand, No. 1 of 2.

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight >10,500lbs), (1844) on the left trunnion, (+) on the right trunnion, Queen Victoriacypher, mounted on a concrete stand, No. 2 of 2.

105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, OTO Melara 1969, (Serial No.057672),  King George Memorial Park, opposite Royal Canadian Legion,Branch No. 56.

Port Dover

SBML18-pounder 10-cwt Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weightTBC, mounted on a wood Naval Gun carriage, Powell Park (corner of Main Streetand Park Street), behind the cenotaph.

Port Hope

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-1-14 (6,314 lbs) underthe cascabel, (Serial No. 68697, CARRON, 1805) on the left trunnion, (32P) onthe right trunnion, mounted on a concrete stand. Central Park.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 291), capturedby the 116th Battalion near Cambrai, France, 29 September 1918.

Prescott, Fort Wellington

BlomefieldSBML 12-pounder replica Gun, weight 31-3-21 (3,577 lbs), 1808, King George III cypher,broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage. This gun is located onthe ramparts of the North-East bastion.

BlomefieldSBML 12-pounder replica Gun, weight 31-3-24 (3,580 lbs), 1808, King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  This gun has a wooden tampion plug in themuzzle.  It is located on the ramparts ofthe North-West bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-7 (5,579 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 129) on right trunnion, 1807, CVOK, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a long wood traversingcarriage. This gun is located on the ramparts of the South-East bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 51-2-14 (5,782 lbs), (Serial No.70807, CARRON, 1807), on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King GeorgeIII cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a long wood traversing carriage. Thisgun is located on the ramparts of the South-West bastion.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, reproduction, Gunboatdisplay.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-0-9 (1,913 lbs), (Serial No. 9, CARRON) beside the BO mark. CV, NC, Qstamped on the cascabel. This Carronade is in front of the Visitor Centre.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-3-0 (1,988 lbs), (Serial No. TBC, CARRON). Location TBC.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-3-7 (1,995 lbs).  This Carronade is mounted over the North gate of thefort.

Cast Iron12-pounder 6-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight6-3-7 (763 lbs). North Bastion.

SBML6-pounder Gun, weight TBC, reproduction. This gun is used for re-enactmentdemonstrations. It may have a wood tampion plug in the muzzle.

SBML½-pounder Gun, 1-foot, 10-inches long, ca. 1760-1780. No. 1, in storage.

SBML½-pounder Gun, 1-foot, 10-inches long, ca. 1760-1780. No. 2, in storage.

CoehornSBML 5.5-inch bronze Mortar, weight 1-1-5 (145 lbs), King George III cypher,stamped F. Kinman, 1800. Inside the Blockhouse.

SBML10-inch Land Service Mortar, weight 16-2-6 (1,854 lbs), BO, broad arrow mark,two dolphin handles. No. 1, southeast of the Blockhouse.

SBML10-inch Land Service Mortar, weight 16-1-23 (1,843 lbs), BO, broad arrow mark,two dolphin handles. No. 2, southeast of the Blockhouse.


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun, possibly (Serial Nr. 1524), or(Serial No. 21524), TBC, captured in August 1918 near the Sensee Canal inFrance by the 5th Infantry Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, WesternCanadian Cavalry.


Reproduction Blomefield SBML 18-pounder Gun, stamped 1806,broad arrow, King George III cypher, iron carriage, ball welded in the gun’smuzzle. Brock’s Monument, Redan battery,


C1A1 105-mmM2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. unknown, cenotaph square.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34914 (TBC).The carriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD.CANADA (year TBC), REG. NO. CDN 5 (TBC), INSP (symbol). This gun is on loanfrom the Canadian War Museum and stands in front of the Royal Canadian Legion,Branch No. 548 on Rte 548, St. Joseph's Island, outside of Sault Ste Marie.


BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (WCo), (Walker &Company of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England), on the left trunnion, (Serial No.375) on the right trunnion, mounted on a concrete carriage with iron wheels, “BigTom”. This gun may have come from the British gunboat “Prince Alfred,”which went aground in Lake Huron somewhere near Point Edward in 1874.  Itis preserved in Veterans Park, where it had been on display for almost 90 yearsbefore being removed in the 1960s due to construction in the park.

SaultSte. Marie,  49th Field ArtilleryRegiment, RCA

The 49th(Sault Ste. Marie) Field Artillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery is aPrimary Reserve unit of 4th Canadian Division's 33 Canadian Brigade Grouplocated in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Allocated batteries include 30th FieldBattery, RCA and 148th Field Battery, RCA. LCol Robert J. Lambert, CD, is theRegiment's current Commanding Officer.

C1A1105-mm M2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. 34037, Serial No. 16127, 1943, weight1,060 lbs, on display in front of the Armoury at 1 Garrison Way. This howitzerwas previously on display at the Woolastook Museum in Fredericton, NewBrunswick.

90-mmM1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, No. 1 of 2 on display in frontof the Armoury at 1 Garrison Way.

90-mmM1A1 Anti-aircraft Gun, No. 2 of 2on display in frontof the Armoury at 1 Garrison Way.

SBMLpounder Gun mounted on a concrete stand in front of the Armoury at 1 GarrisonWay.

SaultSte. Marie

GermanFirst World War 10.5-cm Feldhaubitze 98/09 (10.5-cm FH 98/09), (Serial Nr. 46),captured by the 3rd Battalion (Toronto Regiment), 1st Canadian InfantryBrigade, 1st Canadian Division, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), nearCambrai, France, 27 September 1918. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 25.

12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch-40) Breechloading NavalGun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), No. C/S 292, CPR 1942, from HMCS Sault SteMarie, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 25. HMCS Sault Ste Marie wasan Algerine Escort Mine Sweeper.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), (Serial Nr. 435), no record. This gunwas originally allocated to Dufferin County, Ontario. It stands beside the warmemorial on Victoria Street, in front of the Police Station and Town Hall.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, in front of the town administrative offices and policestation, on Victoria Street, just south of Highway 89.

Shirley’s Bay, ConnaughtRanges and Primary Training Centre

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher, CDN No. 26,1955.

M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, standing at the front entrance to the ranges.

12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch/40) Breechloading NavalGun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), HMCS Carleton Gun, No. 1 of 2.

12-pounder 12-cwt QF Mk. V (3-inch/40) Breechloading NavalGun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), HMCS Carleton Gun, No. 2 of 2.

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60 in a Boffin mounting.

RUR-5 ASROC (Anti-Submarine ROCket)all-weather, all sea-conditions anti-submarine missile system.


105-mm L5Pack Howitzer, Royal Canadian Legion BranchNo. 79.

Smith Falls

GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun in the Royal Canadian Legion(Serial Nr. TBC), corroded. This MG was found inside a wall in the basement ofthe Legion.


SBML 3-foot-longGun, discovered in a sunken wreck on Southampton beach in April 2002.  MuseumRestorations in Ottawa are restoring the gun.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-2-0 (6,328 lbs), (Serial No.TBC, CARRON, 1800) on left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark. Pioneer Park at the Mouth of the Saugeen River. Mountedon a wooden stand, No. 1 of 2.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-3-3 (6,247 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 128) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark. Pioneer Park at the Mouth of the SaugeenRiver. Mounted on a wooden stand, No. 2 of 2.

St. Catherines

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-0 (6,272 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 170) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a red andblue concrete stand. North entrance, Lake Street Armoury.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-10 (5,582 lbs) under thecascabel, (WCo) (Walker & Company), on left trunnion, (Serial No. 103) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a red

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-3-0 (1,988 lbs) above the vent, NCO, mounted on a red and blue concretecarriage. Main entrance, Lake Street Armoury.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-3-14 (2,002 lbs) above the vent, CV NCO, mounted on a red and blue concretestand. Main entrance, Lake Street Armoury.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, CMK. 1 1/1 CDN,S.I.C.-9.-42. CANADA, with limber, inside the Lake Street Armoury.

St.Catherines, Welland Canal Museum

SBML 8foot, 8-inch long, 3.5-inch gun, severely corroded.

GermanFirst World War 7.58-cm leichtes Minenwerfer neuer Art, (7.58-cm leMW), (Serial Nr. 1916), captured bythe 5th Battalion at Vimy Ridge on 9 April 1917. This trench mortar wasoriginally allocated to Penetanguishene, Ontario. Dennis Walker collection.

St.Catherines, Ridley College

German FirstWorld War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 7981), no data. Receivedby Ridley College on 7 Feb 1923.


OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun, (privately owned). The RCA held138 of these guns.

C1A1 105-mmM2A2 Howitzer, Rock Island Arsenal, (Serial No. 166926), 1944.Royal Canadian Legion, Polish Branch No. 418, 294 Vine Street.

OrdnanceQF 18-pounder Field Gun Mk II (Serial No. TBC), mounted on a wheeledcarriage. Originally allocated to the Aurora Legion, then to Belfountain, Ontario. Restored, Dennis Walker collection.


BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-1-21 (6,321 lbs), (Serial No.63849, CARRON, 1803) on left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, King George III(1760-1820) cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand, dated 1902. No.1 of 2 standing in front of the Elgin County Courthouse.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown (greater than 6,000 lbs),(Serial No. unknown) on left trunnion, (32P) on right trunnion, King George III(1760-1820) cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand. No. 2 of 2standing in front of the Elgin County Courthouse.

½ scalereplica Blomefield Cast Iron SBML, Elgin Military Museum, 30 Talbot Street.

Bronze6-pounder SBML gun from HMS Erebus. Cast in 1812 by John and Henry Kingat the Royal Brass Foundry at Woolwich, England. King George 3 cypher on thebarrel, and the coat of arms of the Earl of Musgrave, Master General of theOrdnance. Weight and serial number to beconfirmed. In 2014, a Canadian search team led by Parks Canada located thewreck of the HMS Erebus in the eastern portion of Queen Maud Gulf. Twoyears later, the Arctic Research Foundation found the wreck of HMS Terrorsouth of King William Island, in the coincidentally named Terror Bay. ElginCounty Heritage Centre.


Russian Millar pattern SBML 24-pounder Gun (Serial No.29565), made by Armstrong at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, CrimeanWar trophy, stamped 1845, MA on breech, tv, ck. Located near the city cenotaph.The swell on the muzzle is broken.

Blomefield SBML 32-pounder Gun, weight 56-2-10 (6,338lbs), Carron, 1807, (Serial No. 71661), King George III cypher. Located nearthe city cenotaph.


German First World War 10.5-cm leichtesFeldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial No. 3264). This gun was captured by the 102ndBattalion and 10th Battalion West of Bourlon Wood, France, on 27September 1918. Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 225. Preservedby the personnel of the Electrical Mechanical Engineers Workshop, 22 Wing, CFBNorth Bay. Arte et Marte.

Stoney Creek, Battlefield Park

TheBattle of Stoney Creek was fought on 6 June 1813, during the War of 1812 nearpresent day Stoney Creek, Ontario. British units made a night attack on anAmerican encampment. Due in large part to the capture of both Americanbrigadier generals, and an overestimation of British strength by the Americans,the battle was a victory for the British, and a turning point in the defence ofUpper Canada.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-0-7 (6,279 lbs), (WCo)(Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 171) on right trunnion,King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand facingEast. Stoney Creek Battlefield Park.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 55-2-14 (6,230 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 175) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concrete stand facing East inBattlefield Park.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-1-19 (1,951 lbs), no cypher. Forward right-hand corner of the Smith’s KnollMonument.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, (Serial No. 37) on lefttrunnion, (L) on right trunnion, Lowmoor, no cypher, broad arrow mark. BattlefieldHouse near Historical Plaque.

Smith'sKnoll Monument. During the Battle of Stoney Creek, the American artillery was positionedon a rise of land located north-east of the Gage homestead. Historical recordsindicate that, following the battle some of the soldiers were buried here in amass grave. In 1899, Allan Smith, while ploughing on this rise of land,uncovered human remains and bits of cloth with the insignia of both British andAmerican regiments. The area became known in the community as Smith’s Knoll. On3 May 1908, an area known as the Soldier’s Plot at Smith’s Knoll wasconsecrated and by 1910, a stone cairn and statue of a lion were installed. On 1 August 1910, a ceremony was held to mark the unveiling of the Lion’sMonument (as it came to be called) at Smith’s Knoll as a memorial to thesoldiers who fought in the Battle of Stoney Creek. Located across from 69 KingStreet West.

Bronze SBML18-pounder Gun, weight TBC, Serial No. 41 on the right trunnion, no cypher, (L)for Low Moor on the left trunnion, Naval carriage elevating screw, mounted on awood naval gun carriage. No. 1 of 2 in front of the Smith’s Knoll Monument.

Bronze SBML18-pounder Gun, weight TBC, no cypher, Naval carriage elevating screw, mountedon a wood naval gun carriage. No. 2 of 2 in front of the Smith’s KnollMonument.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 49-3-21 (5,593 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 145) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage.  No. 1 of 2 beside the Smith’s Knoll Monument.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, weight 48-0-22 (5,510 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 163) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage. No.2 of 2 beside the Smith’s Knoll Monument.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weightTBC, broad arrow mark, mounted on a wood naval gun carriage, to the left ofSmith's Knoll.

Bronze SBML24-pounder Gun, weight TBC, Serial No. 37 on the right trunnion, no cypher, (L)for Low Moor on the left trunnion, CV, N, C above the button. This piece wascast by the Low Moor Iron Company of Bradford, England between 1790 and 1812. Itis typical of the type used during the Battle of Stoney Creek.


RussianMillar pattern Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, (Serial No. 29565), forgedby Armstrong at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy,stamped 1845, MA on breech, tv, ck. Located near the city cenotaph. The swellon the muzzle is broken.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 56-2-10 (6,338 lbs) above thevent, (Serial No. 71661, CARRON, 1807) on left trunnion, (32P) on righttrunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark. Located near the city cenotaph.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt Smoothbore Muzzleloading Gun, weight TBC, (WCo) (Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 109) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, TV C K.  Queen’s Park.


German First World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08/15 Machinegun (Serial Nr. 3768).


GermanFirst World War 7.92-mm Maxim Spandau MG 08 Machinegun mounted on a Schlitten stand beside the towncenotaph.


GermanFirst World War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. 3264). This gunwas captured by the 102nd Battalion and 10th Battalion West of Bourlon Wood,France, on 27 September 1918. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 225. Preservedby the personnel of the Electrical Mechanical Engineers Workshop, 22 Wing, CFBNorth Bay. Arte et Marte.


M4A2E8 Sherman Medium Tank, 76-mm Gun, (Serial No, 65076), built by Fisher, Reg. No.30123055, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 76, 1553 Weller Street.


GermanFirst World War 25-cm schwerer Minenwerfer alt Art (25-cm sMW), (Serial Nr. 1846) above thetrunnions left and right TBC. This heavy trench mortar was captured by the102nd Battalion on 9 Oct 1917 at Vimy Ridge. Mounted in front of the RoyalCanadian Legion Branch No. 518, 223 Hope Street.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-0-14 (1,918 lbs), broad arrow mark with 14, mounted on a wood stand,Position 1 at the Mariners Memorial.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-2-7 (1,967 lbs), with 15 (no broad arrow mark), mounted on a wood stand,Position 2 at the Mariners Memorial

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-0-16 (1,920 lbs), broad arrow mark with 4, mounted on a wood stand, Position3 at the Mariners Memorial.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-1-7 (1,939 lbs), broad arrow mark with 3, mounted on a wood stand, Position4 at Mariners Memorial.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-0-11 (1,915 lbs), broad arrow mark with 16, mounted on a wood stand,Position 5 at Mariners Memorial.  All guns were cast at the CarronFoundries, Falkirk, Scotland between 1801 and 1803. They were originallybrought to Thunder Bay from storage in Montréal and now are all on display atthe Mariner’s Monument, Marina Park.

Cast Iron32-pounder 17-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight17-3-14 (1,483 lbs), set in a concrete position overlooking Lake Superior, No.1 on the lookout at Hillcrest Park.

Cast Iron6-pounder 13-cwt SBML Carronade with Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight13-1-11 (2,012 lbs), broad arrow mark, 73, set in a concrete positionoverlooking Lake Superior, No. 2 on the lookout at Hillcrest Park.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, weight 3-0-12 (348 lbs), No 1 at City Hall May St S and DonaldSt E mounted on a concrete replica naval carriage.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, weight 3-0-4 (340 lbs), No 2 at City Hall May St S and DonaldSt E mounted on a concrete replica naval carriage.

GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), possibly (Serial Nr. 69), Mountain ViewCemetery.

Thunder Bay, HMCSGriffon

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns  (Serial No.S/13898), L, left, and (Serial No. S/13833), R, right, on a Mk. XIX High Anglemounting (Serial No. unknown), 125 North Algoma Street.

QF 12-pounder 12-cwt Mk. V(3-inch-40) Breechloading Naval Gun (Ogden 3-inch Naval gun), N. 1, C.N. 1942,(Serial No. S/8349), on a fixed mounting near the flagpole at HMCS Griffon,125 North Algoma Street.

ThunderBay, Fort William

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, No. 1 of 4, mounted on iron sleeved Naval carriages on thewharf.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, No. 2 of 4, mounted on iron sleeved Naval carriages on thewharf.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, No. 3 of 4, mounted on iron sleeved Naval carriages on thewharf.

Cast Iron4-pounder SBML, No. 4 of 4, mounted on iron sleeved Naval carriages on thewharf.

Bronze 3-pounderSBML Gun, No 5, I & P Verbruggen above the cascabel. Mounted on a fieldcarriage in the square.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 1 of 6, mounted on a Naval gun carriage, stored in thePowder magazine, Fort William.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 2 of 6, unmounted stored in the Powder magazine, FortWilliam.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 3 of 6, unmounted stored in the Powder magazine, FortWilliam.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 4 of 6, unmounted stored in the Powder magazine, FortWilliam.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 5 of 6, unmounted stored in the Powder magazine, FortWilliam.

Cast IronSBML, reproduction, No. 6 of 6, unmounted stored in the Powder magazine, FortWilliam.


Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Coronation Park.

Cast IronSBML mounted on iron wheels. In front of the Tillsonburg Legion, 16 Durham St.


25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, located at theintersection of City Road 1 and City Road 8.

Trenton, Mount Pelion

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland(Serial No. 70452, CARRON, 1806) on the left trunnion, (32P) on the righttrunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concretestand.


GermanFirst World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 12490), 1918,downtown square near the bridge.


GermanFirst World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 1902 (15-cm sFH 02), (Serial Nr. 911), Fried Krupp.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. War MemorialPark.


Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, TGS Mk II, OFE/C 1946, Reg No.P-10515. This gun is displayed in a Memorial Park, with a plaque honouring theWar dead from the First World War.

Toronto, Canadian Forces Command and Staff College

3-inch/50calibre guns in a Naval twin gun mounting.

Toronto,HMCS York, 659 Lakeshore Blvd West.

4-inch/45 QF Mk. XVI* Twin Guns (Serial No. S/8293), L, left, and (Serial No. S/8236), R, right, on a Mk.XIX High Angle mounting, Vickers Armstrong Pattern, Trenton Industries, Trenton,Nova Scotia, Admiralty No. CAN 48.

12-pounder 8-cwt QF Royal NavyLanding Gun, weight 8-0-0 (896 lbs), SerialNo. 1750, 1903. Breech block, Serial No. 4111 (stamped out), 1917. King EdwardVII cypher. Carriage plate: Q.F. 12 Pr. Naval Trg, Made at Elswick Works, 1898.Exd (Examined) at Portsmouth, 1898. Wt Carriage Complete 6 1/4 Cwt. AdmiraltyNo. 56, 1898, Kings Arrow. With Limber, Serial No. 9049.

Thebreech for this gun is for a 12-pounder and a 14-pounder, which was a MaximNordenfelt competitor to the 12-pounder. It would therefore appear the breechblocks were interchangeable. The British gunners used the same ammunition forthe two guns.  Canada may not have used the Maxim, although that needs tobe confirmed.

Limberfor the 12-pounder 8-cwt QF Royal Navy Landing Gun at HMCS York.

Toronto, 7th Toronto Field Artillery Regiment

The 7thToronto Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery is a Primary Reserve RoyalCanadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 CanadianBrigade Group. The regiment was formed in 1965 when all the gunner units withinthe Toronto garrison (29th Field Regiment, 42nd Medium Regiment and 1stLocating Regiment) were merged. There are three batteries within the regiment,9 Bty – the howitzer or gun battery, 15 Bty – the mortar battery, and 130 Bty –the headquarters battery as well as training and recruiting. Currently allthree batteries parade at Moss Park Armoury, 130 Queen Street East.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, missing its shield,standing in front of the Moss Park Armoury.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, standing in front ofMoss Park Armoury.

155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR TBC. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA(1955), REG. NO. CDN 11, INSP (symbol), standing in front of the Moss ParkArmoury.

C3 105-mmM2A2 Howitzer, CDN No. 65, CFR 34140.

Toronto, Casa Loma

Bronze SBML Lyle Gun, used for firing arescue cable ship to ship. Sir Henry Pellatt's Bedroom at Casa Loma.

Toronto, High Park

Bronze 24-pounder 12-cwt SBML gun, weight 12-3-6(1,434 lbs), W. North, 1843, Queen Victoria cypher, GM monogram in a gartersuspending a Maltese cross, the garter is engraved TRIA JUNCTA IN UNO on thechase, button broken off, mounted on wood rails in front of Colborne Lodge,High Park.

Toronto, Island Park

Bronze 24-pounder 13-cwt SBML howitzer,mounted on a wood carriage with iron wheels at the ferry landing site on IslandPark. Queen Victoria cypher and the cypher of Baron Richard Hussey VivianMaster General of the Ordnance from 1835-1841) on the barrel.According to the report to parliament in 1878, there were eleven 24-pounderhowitzers in Canada, including three in the Toronto area.

Toronto, Limber Gunners

25-pounder C Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9circular firing platform, Limber and Canadian Military Pattern Field ArtilleryTractor (CMP FAT), (Serial No. CH1384404), 3, 9, AA.

Toronto, Marie Curtis Park

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBMLgun, weight 56-0-27 (6,299 lbs) under the cascabel, (Serial No. 03660, CARRON,1803) Carron of Falkirk, Scotland, on the left trunnion, (32P) on the righttrunnion, No. 43 on the astragal ahead of the trunnions, King George IIIcypher, broad arrow mark, located on the waterfront of Marie Curtis Park.

Toronto, Old Mill

Cast Iron 6-pounder SBML,weight 23-1-8 (2,612 lbs), crown over P, carriage disintegrating. Ruth RhynasBrown published references to these guns in an article on the guns of the EastIndia Company: 1990 “Guns carried on East Indiamen, 1600-1800”. IJNA. vol 19,17-22. 1995 “Arming the East Indiamen” in The Archaeology of Ships of War, ed.Mensun Bound. Oswestry. 114-119. It was introduced by the Board of Ordnance.

Gunsmarked with the Crowned P:  After Wheatley and Company were givenpermission to proof guns for the East India ships, the Board of Ordnancedecided on 3 November 1749, that all guns “which pass the King's proof for thefuture, and for the Merchants' Service, be marked with a Crown and the letter P”(WO 47/34, 422v). In the next few years increasing numbers of East IndiaCompany guns were proofed and in 1755 the Company insisted that all guns forits use had to be proofed at Woolwich. Robert Davidson at Woolwich was paid forcutting crowned Ps for India ships on guns. This mark was also used for guns ofa semi-official nature, such as those cast by John Fuller for the Sardiniangovernment. It was used for the civilian branch of the government, such as fortroop ships, armed transports and post office packets. The form of crowned P onguns like this one suggests an 18th century date, something for a transport inthe Seven Years War or American Wars.  This type of gun vanishes with theintroduction of the carronade.

Toronto, Riverdale Park

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBMLgun, weight 56-0-0 (6,272 lbs) under the cascabel, The Carron Company ofFalkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 70450, CARRON, 1806) on left trunnion, (32P) onright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, mounted on a concretestand. Riverdale Park East.

Toronto, BeechwoodCemetery

Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, (Serial No. 8238), 1942.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun.

Toronto,Pine Hills Cemetery, Scarborough

OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun, 625 Birchmount Road. The RCAheld 138 of these guns.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun with No. 9 circular firing platform, S.I.L. 1942, Reg. No.CA10612. 625 Birchmount Road.

Toronto,Prospect Cemetery

OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun, FL 6161C. 1450 St Clair AveWest.

Toronto,York Cemetery

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder SBML, weight unknown, The Carron Company of Falkirk,Scotland (Serial No. 71618, CARRON 1807) on the left trunnion, (32P) on theright trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark, unmounted, on theground at York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road.

OrdnanceQF 17-pounder Anti-tank Gun, BR No. L22508, York Cemetery,160 Beecroft Road. The RCA held 138 of these guns.

25-pounderC Mk. 2 QF Field Gun, II/I, SIL-6-42, York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road.

Bofors40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, Breech Casing No. L69984, OFE/C1944, York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road.

Toronto,Fort Rouillé

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight65-0-16 (7,296 lbs), Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England, (WCo)on left trunnion, (Serial No. 407) on right trunnion, mounted on wood Naval Guncarriage, 1843, broad arrow mark. West side of Fort Rouillé Monument.

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight65-1-0 (7,308 lbs) 1843, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England(WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 404) on right trunnion, broad arrow mark. Eastside of Fort Rouillé Monument.

Cast Iron 10-inch 18-cwt SBML Land Service Mortar, weight 18-0-26 (2,042 lbs)1856, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 53) on right trunnion, iron bed, weight 16-3-14 (1,890 lbs). Infront of the Fort Rouillé Monument.

Toronto, Fort York

BlomefieldCast Iron 18-pounder 42-cwt SBML cannon, weight 41-1-7 (4,627 lbs), stampedabove the cascabel (unusual placement),  Samuel Walker & Company ofRotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 54) on right trunnion,King George III cipher, broad arrow mark (below the Serial No., also an unusualplacement), mounted on a long traversing wood carriage, first cannon on theright South side of the West Gate.

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight64-3-11 (7,263 lbs), 1843 above the vent, no cipher, broad arrow mark, SamuelWalker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion, (Serial No.406) on right trunnion, unmounted, on the ground, second cannon on the southside to the right of  the West Gate.

Cast Iron 8-inch 65-cwt SBMLShell Gun with Millar pattern breeching ring, weight64-3-7 (7,259 lbs), 1843 above the vent, no cipher, broad arrow mark, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on left trunnion,(Serial No. 403) on right trunnion, CV C T, unmounted, on the ground, thirdcannon on the south side to the right of the West Gate.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML cannon, weight 47-2-0 (5,320 lbs), under thecascabel, Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 56737, CARRON, 1797)on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. West side of Circular Battery,South Wall.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-0-1 (6,273 lbs) under thecascabel,  Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on lefttrunnion, (Serial No. 357) on right trunnion, King George III cipher, broadarrow mark, mounted on a 24-pounder iron garrison carriage. East side ofCircular battery. This Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SSBML cannon hasa length of 9 feet 6 inches.  It is the most common 32-pounder in Canadaand can be recognized by a reinforcing ring that is slightly raised followed bya definite “step-down” in the barrel just forward of the trunnions heading tothe muzzle.

BlomefieldCast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML cannon, weight 56-0-0 (6,272 lbs), below thecascabel, Samuel Walker & Company of Rotherham, England (WCo) on lefttrunnion, (Serial No. 169) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broadarrow mark, mounted on an iron garrison carriage. North Wall.

BlomefieldCast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML cannon, weight 48-0-0 (5,376 lbs) under thecascabel, The Carron Company of Falkirk, Scotland (Serial No. 63011, CARRON,1802) on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, King George III cipher, broadarrow mark, mounted on a wood traversing gun carriage. North side of West Gate.

Bronze9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML cannon, weight 12-2-22 (1,422 lbs), F.M.EARDLEY-WILMOT (Frederick Marow Eardley-Wilmot)(Superintendent of the Royal GunFactory at Woolwich, England, 1859, B of O, Queen Victoria cypher, broad arrowmark, mounted on a wheeled wood field carriage.

Cast Iron18-pounder 48-cwt SBML Culverin Drake cannon, weight 48-3-0 (4,460 lbs), 1650,no trunnions, no button. Blockhouse No. 2. This cannon dates from theCommonwealth era. The commonwealth arms have been removed from the barrel betweenthe trunnions. Possibly used at the time of Oliver Cromwell, although most ofthe cast-iron commonwealth cannons were intended for the Navy rather than Army.It is missing its trunnions, so it may have been sent as ballast rather than acannon. (Ruth Rhynas-Brown)

Cast Iron12-pounder 6-cwt SBML Carronade with a Blomefield pattern breeching ring, weight 6-3-6 (762 lbs), reproduction, mounted on a wood stand, BlockhouseNo. 2.

BlomefieldCast Iron 12-pounder 34-cwt SBML cannon, weight 34-0-10 (3,818 lbs), 4.5-inch,King George III cypher, broad arrow mark. Blockhouse No. 2.

BronzeCoehorn 4.65-inch SBML Mortar, (Serial No. 118), reproduction, King George IIcypher. Blockhouse No. 2.

Cast Iron9-pounder 24-cwt SBML cannon, weight 23-2-10 (2,642 lbs), King George IIcypher, ca. 1737-1756, Armstrong pattern, no trunnions, no button. BlockhouseNo. 2.

BorgardCast Iron 6-pounder 12-cwt SBML cannon, weight 12-0-14 (1,358 lbs), 1720, madefor Hudson’s Bay Company. Blockhouse No. 2.

Bronze6-pounder 6-cwt SBML cannon, weight 6-?-8 (>680 lbs), 1798, King George IIIcypher, lost from William Perry’s HMS Fury, found in 1930s by LordCornwallis. Blockhouse No. 2.

Cast Iron3-pounder SBML cannon, reproduction, sleeved, mounted on a field carriage withlimber, used for demonstrations. Blockhouse No. 2.

Cast Iron3-pounder SBML cannon, reproduction, sleeved, mounted on a field carriage withlimber, outside Blockhouse No. 2.

Cast Iron½ -pounder SBML cannon, weight 1-0-26 (138 lbs). Blockhouse No. 2.

Cast Iron1-pounder SBML cannon with trunnions and button, 18th century. Blockhouse No.2.

Fort YorkArmoury

Fort YorkArmoury is a Canadian Forces facility located near the grounds of the CanadianNational Exhibition at the intersection of Fleet Street and Fort YorkBoulevard, close to historic Old Fort York.

LAV IIIreplica memorial.

RoyalCanadian Yacht Club (RCYC), 141 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2L8. The RCYC has twoClubhouses, one in the heart of the city and the other on Toronto Island.

Armstrong 20-pounder 16-cwtRifled Breech-loading Gun, weight (in the vicinity of 16-2-0 (1,848 lbs)) onthe barrel below the cypher, made by Armstrong, (Serial No. to be confirmed, c1860)on the left trunnion, (+) on the right trunnion, Queen Victoria cypher, mountedon a wood naval stand, facing the water.  The land service model of thisgun was introduced in 1860. It is identified by its two long chase hoops, nomuzzle swell and its distinctive breech mechanism.

This RBLis one of two that came to the RCA in 1870 and is one of our “original” guns -as opposed to the rest that we picked up from the British when we took overHalifax in 1905. Doug Knight.

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with a Millar pattern breeching ring, weight64-3-24 (7,164 lbs), 1843 above the vent, no cipher, broad arrow mark, (BFCo)on left trunnion, (Serial No. 402) on right trunnion, mounted on a wood stand,right of the flagpole in the Royal Canadian Yacht Club facing the water. No. 1of 2.

Cast Iron8-inch 65-cwt SBML Shell Gun with a Millar pattern breeching ring, weight65-3-23 (7,387 lbs), 1844 above the vent, no cipher, broad arrow mark, (BFCo)on left trunnion, (Serial No. 148) on right trunnion, mounted on a wood stand,left  of the flagpole in the Royal Canadian Yacht Club facing the water. No.2 of 2.

Smallbronze saluting gun - no data.

Toronto, Queen’s ParkLegislature

Russian SBML, 68-pounder, 8-inch Gun, stamped 1840,(Serial No. 27054), Crimean War trophy gun captured at Sebastopol, given toToronto in 1859, southwest of building entrance. Queen’sPark Legislature.

Russian SBML 68-pounder, 8-inch Gun, stamped 1840,(Serial No. 29769), Crimean War trophy gun captured at Sebastopol, given toToronto in 1859, southeast of building entrance. Queen’sPark Legislature.

French SBML 12-pounder guns (two), broken parts,trunnions missing. Two guns flank the West Entrance tothe Whitney Block on Queen’s Park Circle in Toronto. The cannons were on the French naval ship Prudent,captured and burned by the British in June 1758 during the siege of Louisbourg.Twenty cannons, from Prudent and other French ships sunk during thesiege, were raised in 1899, two of which were acquired by the Government ofOntario.

Toronto,Royal Canadian Military Institute (RCMI), 426 University Ave.

Bronze9-pounder 13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-3-18 (1,558 lbs) under the cascabel,C.H. King, 1813-1815, King George III cypher, mounted on an iron wheeled woodgun carriage. Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave.

Bronze 9-pounder13-1/2-cwt SBML gun, weight 13-3-6 (1,546 lbs) under the cascabel, C.H. King,1813-1815, King George III cypher, mounted on an iron wheeled wood guncarriage. Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave.

Toronto,University of Toronto

Cast Iron32-pounder SBML gun, mounted on a wood gun carriage. This cannon was recoveredfrom Louisbourg Harbour, Nova Scotia. It is No. 1 of 2 on the grounds of theUniversity of Toronto, King’s College Circle.

Cast Iron32-pounder SBML gun, mounted on a wood gun carriage. This cannon was recoveredfrom Louisbourg Harbour, Nova Scotia. It is No. 2 of 2 on the grounds of theUniversity of Toronto, King’s College Circle, Toronto, Ontario.


Blomefield SBML 32-pounder Gun, Carron, weight 56-0-14(6,286 lbs), 1806, King George III cypher, mounted on a concrete carriage. MountPelion.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16  (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial No. 12490), no data.


Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, TGS Mk II, OFE/C 1946, Reg No. P-10515.  This gun is displayed in a Memorial Park, with a plaque honouring theWar dead from the First World War.


M109155-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer, (Serial No. 34808), 1968, AC: MD, ECC: 119204,HUI C: 1941, SAUI C: 1941, VMO No. DLE21343, VMO Date: 10 Jun 2005. DisplayMonument.


6-pounderSBML Carronade, weight (500 lbs), signal gun, No. 1 of 2, made for CPR’ssteamships on the Great Lakes. Nancy Island.

6-pounderSBML Carronade, weight (500 lbs), signal gun, No. 2 of 2, made for CPR’ssteamships on the Great Lakes. Nancy Island.


German First World War 10.5-cm leichtes Feldhaubitze 16 (10.5-cm leFH 16), (Serial Nr. 13733).

Bofors 40-mm Automatic Gun L/60, G Mk 3/7, OFE/C 1945, Reg No. L/23520. Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 551.


German First World War 25-cm schwerer Minenwerfer alt Art 25-cm sMW), (Serial Nr. 1930), TBC, captured by 9th Field Company, Canadian Engineers at Vimy Ridge, 9 April 1917. Thismortar stands beside a monument in front of High School.


Cast Iron 3-pounder SBML Gun, mounted on a concrete stand,near the Gazebo in Waterloo Park. The cannon was cast in Waterloo at theBricker and Booth Foundry. For years it was fired for events such as Victoria Day. However, several accidents including a death led to the end of these celebrations.The cannon was eventually moved to Waterloo Park around 1903.

Reproduction SBML 6-pounder Gun, weight 20-0-20 (2,260 lbs), 1846, King George III cypher,mounted on a concrete carriage. Overlooking the cricket pitch, Waterloo Park.

5.5-inch BL Mk. III Gun on a Mk. I Carriage, Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 530.

Watson's Corners

RML 9-pounder 6-cwt Gun, replica mounted on wood and iron wheels. This gun is a firing reproduction made by Tony Walsh for Parks Canada for display in the Halifax Citadel.

Replica SBML Parrot Rifled Gun, also made by Tony Walsh


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight unknown, (WCo) (Walker &Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 110) on right trunnion, King George III cypher, broad arrow mark,  mounted on an unusual solid-sided iron carriage. On display at the Welland City Hall and Courthouse near the centre of the city.


Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-0-0 (5,600 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 321) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark,  mounted on a concrete base, No. 1 of2, Trafalgar Castle school.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight 50-1-23 (5,651 lbs), (WCo) (Walker& Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 112) on right trunnion, KingGeorge III cypher, broad arrow mark,  mounted on a concrete base, No. 2 of2, Trafalgar Castle school.


155-mm C1(M1A2) Medium Howitzer on an M1A2 Carriage, aka M114, manufactured atSorel Industries Limited in Quebec, Queen Elizabeth II cypher. CFR 34444. Thecarriage plate reads: CARR. HOW. 155MM M1A2 CDN. SOREL INDUSTRIES LTD. CANADA (1955), REG. NO. CDN 29, INSP (symbol).   Highway 60 before Algonquin Park.


Dual .50-calibre Anti-Aircraft machine guns. Cradle& Shield Mark 14, Serial 27472. Royal Canadian Legion.


9-pounder 8-cwt Muzzleloading Rifle, weight >900 lbs, Reg. No. unknown, this type ofgun was used in the NW Rebellion, 1885.  Sir John Johnson House.


Blomefield Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, (Serial No. 27071, CARRON 1840), on left trunnion, (24P) on right trunnion, ring dent on barrel, mounted on a concrete stand in Assumption Park, on the riverfront.

Russian Cast Iron 24-pounder 50-cwt SBML gun, forged by Armstrong at Alexandrovski, with double-headed Eagle, Crimean War trophy with trunnions intact, mounted on aconcrete stand in Assumption Park, on the riverfront.

German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 96 neuer Art (7.7-cm FK 96 n.A.), possibly (Serial Nr. 4451), captured by the 1st Battalion on 27 September 1918, East of Sainz-lez-Marquion. Currently being restored at St Clair College.

German First World War 15-cm schwere Feldhaubitze 13 (15-cm sFH 13), (Serial Nr. 125), TBC, salvaged by the 2nd Division Southeast of Bois de Bouche, near Cagnicourt by No. 2 Section, 1 CDAC. It is now on display with the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment at Sandwich Street.


Battle ofWindsor 4 Dec 1838 plaque.

Windsor, HMCS Hunter

HMCS Hunter is located at 960 Ouellette Ave.

Vickers .303-inch Machine Gun, mounted inside the entrance to HMCS Hunter.


German First World War 7.7-cmFeldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 12602), 1917, infront of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 180, at 183 Victoria Street W. This gun was captured  by the 10th Canadian Infantry Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, during  the Battle of Drocourt-Queant on 2 August 1918. It was given to the town of  Wingham as part of the post-First World War trophy redistribution  program.

12602 wasrefurbished in Oct 2020 by the Matross crew, spearheaded by WO (Retired) JackMoloughney, with the assistance of Mr Tony Walsh, and personnel from 2 Svc Bnand 2 RCHA. The gun was returned to Wingham on Wed 14 Oct 2020 by JackMoloughney, Paul Deryaw and Terry Honour.

Blomefield Cast Iron 32-pounder 56-cwt SBML gun, weight TBC, maker and Serial No. TBC, mounted on a concrete stand in front of the Wingham District Museum (former Post Office) at 273 Josephine Street.


German First World War 7.7-cm Feldkanone 16 (7.7-cm FK 16), (Serial Nr. 5803), captured by the 10th Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Division at CagnicourtWood, France, 2 September 1918. Woodbridge Tower Memorial, Canadian MilitaryHeritage Museum.

German First World War 15-cm Feldkanone L/40 in Räderlafette Naval Gun on Fieldcarriage, (Serial Nr. 4826), no data. Originally allocated to Vaughn Township,Vellore. Woodbridge Tower Memorial, Canadian Military Heritage Museum.

German First World War 15-cm Feldkanone L/45 in Räderlafette Naval Gun on Fieldcarriage, (Serial Nr. 4693), Woodbridge Tower Memorial, Canadian MilitaryHeritage Museum.

Probable Millar SBML 8-inch 65-cwt Shell-Gun, weight 65-2-13 (7,349 lbs), 1843, (WCo)(Walker & Company) on left trunnion, (Serial No. 405) on right trunnion, nocypher, mounted on a carriage in front of the Oxford County Courthouse at 415Hunter Street. No. 1 of 2.
Probable Millar SBML 8-inch 65-cwt Shell-Gun, weight 66-0-14 (7,340 lbs), 1844, (BFCo)on left trunnion, (Serial No. 147) on right trunnion, no cypher, mounted on awood carriage in front of the Oxford County Courthouse at 415 Hunter Street. No.2 of 2.
Probable Millar SBML 8-inch 65-cwt Shell-Gun, (TBC). Victoria Park, “10 feet 2-incheslong tip to tip”.
Probable Millar SBML 8-inch 65-cwt Shell-Gun, (TBC). Victoria Park, “10 feet 2-incheslong tip to tip”.

[1]The 2-pounder Mark 4 and 4A carriages weresplit-trail 6-pounder anti-tank gun carriages, with the cradle, slipper,and recoil system adapted to mount the 2-pounder Mark 10 gun.  This allowed the6-pounder carriage to get into production, while still using the 2-poundergun. Both Canadian General Electric and Regina Industries, Ltd, manufactured these carriages in Canada, and they were issued to trainingcentres in Canada starting in December 1941.  The 5th Anti-tank Regiment, RCA, received 2-pounders on Mark 4 carriages in April 1942. British production of the 6-pounder was delayed after Dunkirk because they had to keep the 2-pounder in production, so Canada got ours up and running first (by a month or so).  We went straight to the 6-pounder carriage and adapted the 2-pounder to it as a temporary fix.  Doug Knight.

[2] The 116th Independent Field Battery,Royal Canadian is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) independent artillery battery based in Kenora, Ontario, which forms part of theLand Force Western Area's 38 Canadian Brigade Group.  The Battery parades at the Kenora Armoury,800-11th Avenue North, Kenora, Ontario.

[3] The British seized some 1,500 cast iron guns and hundreds of Brass cannon at the end of the Crimean War (1853-1856).  Shortly afterwards, guns captured at the great Russian Naval base of Sevastopol in the Crimea were offered for display in towns and cities throughout the UK and the British Empire.  The City of Kingston received two of these guns.  In 1856 Queen Victoria instituted the Victoria Cross, a new medal for gallantry at this time.  The simple crosses were originally made of Brass from the buttons on the cascabels of guns captured at Sevastopol.  Ron Ridley, Curator, Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada, St. Lawrence Parks Commission, Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Major Colin Robins, OBE, FRHistS.

[4] One of the decisive battles of the War of 1812 was fought on the farm of John Crysler.  On 11 November 1813, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Morrison, with 800 British and Canadian regulars, militia and Indians, engaged an American force of 4,000 under Brigadier-General John Boyd.  The open terrain was suited to the training of the well-drilled British regulars who, after two hours of heavy fighting, routed the enemy.  This victory ended a major American thrust at Montréal.

[5] 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 Canadian Brigade Grouplocated in Ottawa, Ontario, along the shores of Dow's Lake on the RideauCanal.  Currently, the regiment consistsof 1st Field Battery, RCA, and 2nd Field Battery, RCA,and is co-housed with HMCS Carleton, a Canadian Naval Reserve unit.  The unit fulfils the requirements of paradeduty whenever needed at Parliament Hill in Ottawa and is an operational field unit that regularly participates in Canadian military manoeuvres. The regiment was established in 1855.

[6] The data for the collection listed here has been compiled by Doug Knight, October 2011.

[7] The 42nd Field Artillery Regiment is a Primary Reserve Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) regiment of Land Force Central Area's 32 Canadian Brigade Group located in Pembroke, Ontario.  42nd Field Regiment sub-units include the 89thField Battery and 109th Field Battery.

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