Military History Books
by Harold A. Skaarup
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Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)
Newfoundland: Warship HMS Calypso
German Warships
Japan: Warships
French Cruiser Submarine Surcouf
UK: RN Warships
Canadian Coast Guard
France: Warships
Italy: Warships
Passenger Ships that took Canadian families to and from Canadian Forces Europe
UK: Warships
Tall Ships
Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-1945
Sea Battles
Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS)
Korean War
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Royal Canadian Navy Destroyers (Iroquois Class), HMCS Iroquois (DDG 280), HMCS Huron (DDG 281), HMCS Athabaskan (DDG 282), and HMCS Algonquin (DDG 283), 1972-2017
Royal Canadian Navy Hydrofoil HMCS Bras d'Or (FHE 400)
Royal Canadian Navy Replenishment Oiler (AOR), HMCS Provider 508, and Auxiliary Vessels: HMCS Protecteur AOR 509, and Preserver AOR 510
Royal Canadian Navy Submarines, HMCS Grilse (SS 71), Rainbow (SS 75), Ojibwa (S72), Onondaga (S73), Okanagan (S74), HMS Olympus, and HMS Osiris
Royal Canadian Navy Patrol Vessels (Bird Class), Gate Vessels (Porte Class), Training Vessels (YAG 300 Series) and (Orca Class)
Royal Canadian Navy Minesweepers (Bay Class), (YMS-1 Class), YBZ-61, and Minesweeping Auxiliary Ships
Royal Canadian Navy Escort Maintenance Ships (Cape Class), Icebreaker (Wind Class), Surveyor, Diving Support Ship and Yard Diving Tenders, 1950–1989
Royal Canadian Navy Destroyers (St. Laurent, Restigouche, Mackenzie, and Annapolis Class), 1950–1989
Royal Canadian Navy Aircraft Carriers, HMCS Warrior (R31), HMCS Magnificent (CVL 21) and HMCS Bonaventure (CVL 22), 1946-1970
Warships of the Royal Navy, Aircraft Carriers HMS Nabob and HMS Puncher, manned by RCN crews, 1944–1945
Royal Canadian Navy Cruisers HMCS Uganda - renamed HMCS Québec (C66) and HMCS Ontario (C53), 1944-1958
Royal Canadian Navy Frigates (Prestonian Class), 1942–1968
Royal Canadian Navy Fairmile Support Ships, HMCS Preserver (F94), and HMCS Provider (F100), 1942–1964
Royal Canadian Navy Frigates (River and Loch Class), 1942–1945
Royal Canadian Navy Beach Commando W, 1942-1945
Royal Canadian Navy Motor Torpedo Boats (MTB), Motor Gun Boats (MGB), and Fairmile Motor Launches (ML), 1939–1945
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Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)
Newfoundland: Warship HMS Calypso
German Warships
Japan: Warships
French Cruiser Submarine Surcouf
UK: RN Warships
Canadian Coast Guard
France: Warships
Italy: Warships
Passenger Ships that took Canadian families to and from Canadian Forces Europe
UK: Warships
Tall Ships
Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-1945
Sea Battles
Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS)
Korean War
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